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How I came to own her - S01 E12

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How I came to own her - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12

"So, Beth, it's really nice out. Do you want to lay out in the sun or go for a swim?" "I didn't bring a suit so I guess not." "You know you don't need a suit here," said Mel. "But if you really want one you could wear one of mine or maybe one of Julie's would fit you better. We don't ever use our suits any more so you're welcome to one of ours." "Okay, I can do that. Sounds like fun." "Let's go find you a suit, Beth," said Julie.

The girls found one of Julie's little bikinis for Beth and they went out to the pool. After a while looked outside to see how the girls were doing and was shocked to see Beth was topless. She barely has any tits. They're lucky to be A-cups but she's real slim and she looks really cute anyway. Personally, I prefer small tits to big ones. Mel's C-cups are about as big as I like them. I figured I'd better stay in the house so as not to embarrass her. She's probably only comfortable because she's with the girls.

So, imagine my surprise when the girls came back into the house and into the living room where I was watching TV and Beth was still topless, "Wow, Beth, I didn't expect you to get into their lifestyle so quickly. I thought you would be nervous being topless in front of me but you don't seem to be. Just so you know, I think you're beautiful. I'll try not to perv on you too much and make you uncomfortable. I've finally gotten over doing that for the most part with Julie and Mel, but it may take me a while stop staring at you. You look lovely." "Gee, thanks, uh Jim. I did have to work up some courage to walk in here like this so thank you for your kind words. It'll help me relax. The girls said you'd be cool about it but I've never let a guy see me naked or partly naked before so this is a new thing for me." Her tits were small but her nipples looked to be rock hard and very suckable.

"Remember Beth, do what you want not what others want you to do. Just because Mel and Julie like being naked, doesn't mean you have to as well if you're not comfortable with it. Take your time and just do what you want. I obviously enjoy seeing such beautiful girls naked in my home but it doesn't mean they all need to be and they aren't doing it for me. They're doing it because they enjoy the freedom of being naked. Personally, I feel weird being naked outside my bedroom, but that's probably more because girls tend to feel more uncomfortable around a naked guy than a naked girl. Girls are always afraid a naked guy will force himself on her so guys have to be extra careful about stuff like that. Even though the giris know I'd never force myself on them it still makes me uncomfortable to be naked in front of them."

"Does that mean you have been naked in front of them?" Beth asked. Damn, now how do I answer that? This could lead to telling Beth more about our relationship than I want her to know. "Actually, yes I have, but you definitely can't ever tell anyone that." "I understand, Jim. I've never seen a naked man before. If you get naked, I will too. I'd love to just be able to see a naked man. especially one as handsome and sexy as you."

What have I gotten myself into here? "I really don't think that's a good idea, Beth. It would be pretty inappropriate and you are still pretty young." Mel chimed in, "It's okay Daddy. Go ahead and get naked with us. Let Beth see what a total stud you are. And we'll all get to see her little young pussy to boot. It's a win-win. Do it Daddy"

"Please Jim," Beth begged. I would really like to see you naked. If

I'm willing to do it when no one has ever seen me naked, then you should too. I'll tell you what. If you do it, I'll not only get naked but I'll suck on Mel's tits for you to see." That really perked Mel up. "Damn, Sis, I guess you weren't kidding when you said you liked my tits. You don't need to wait to see Jim naked to suck my tits.

They're yours to suck whenever you like. That would be sooo hot." "Don't say that Mel, I'm trying to give Jim a reason to get naked for me. If he thinks I'll suck your tits whether he gets naked or not he won't do it."

Julie finally chimed in. "Go ahead Daddy, get naked. Beth would really like to see you naked and I would like to see her suck on Mel's perfect tits. You gotta love this family of ours. We may be a bunch of perverts, but we sure know how to have fun."

"Are you sure about this, Beth," I asked? "Oh yes, please will your dick get hard for me, too? I really want to see that." "Don't worry Beth, "said Julie, "Mel and I never have a problem getting Daddy hard. He'll probably get hard just from seeing your virgin pussy anyway. If you want to guarantee he gets hard, let me or Mel lick that virgin pussy of yours and Daddy will get hard as a rock. He always does when he watches Mel and together." "Oh, wow. I finally get it," said Beth. "You all have sex together don't you? That Is so hot. You guys are so lucky to be together like that. I can't believe how wet I am right now hearing this."

"Beth, Julle said, "we don't just have sex. We make love. Sometimes it's just sex for fun but mostly we are truly making love with each other. Mel and I love my dad so much. We can't get enough of him." "That's right Sis," Mel stated. "As I told Jim when we announced that Julie and I were going to get married, I love them both so much if Jim had asked me to marry him first, I would have said yes. I don't care which of them I marry, as long as I have both of them in my life forever. The three of us make love all the time and we have for a while now. You can't ever tell anyone because Jim would get in trouble. We love each other and intend to live as a thruple. Beth and I getting married is really just so people don't ask us questions about our relationship. As far as we're concerned, we are each committed to each other."

"That's hot and beautiful. You have my word I'll never tell anyone. I'm so happy and jealous of all of you for enjoying such love. Come on, Jim. Let's get naked." With that Beth pulled down her bikini bottoms and stood in front of us total naked. She has the cutest little pussy with a light down of hair. It took me a minute to stop staring long enough to start taking off my clothes. In no time, I was standing naked in front of a 15-year-old girl. It was her first time being naked in front of a guy. Julie immediately came over to me and started stroking my cock to get it hard. Beth, true to her word turned to Mel and starting kissing and sucking her perfect tits. Right on cue my cock got hard as a rock watching these sisters being intimate for the first time.

"Yes Beth, kiss and suck on my tits. You said you'd do it all night and I'd love for you to. It feels so good, don't stop. But look over to Jim. Just as Julie said, he's hard as a rock for you. When you're ready, and I'm talking sometime in the future, believe me, Jim is the guy you want to take your virginity and teach you what it's like to make love as opposed to just fucking. You might have to beg him some, but I have a feeling it won't take too much begging. It'll be the best thing you've ever done. Remember, you can still keep your virginity intact and have oral sex. When you're ready, take your pick here. I think all three of us would love to bury our tongue in your cute pussy. Obviously, incest is not a problem in this house. I'll be glad to pleasure you whenever you want and I'm sure Julie and Jim would too. But remember, there's no pressure. I'm just telling your future self what you can do if you want in the future. You can also learn how to give good blow jobs by practicing on Jim. That's how Julie and I learned. He's a great teacher and we love the taste of his cum. We're his cum sluts. He can cum in us or on us whenever he wants. We want every drop of his cum we can get, but we'll be happy to share with you, if you want. Look at Julie now, she's sucking her dad's cock. Isn't that the hottest thing you've ever seen. I love to watch them together. And watch after Julie gets a mouthful of cum. Julie and I will snowball his cum back and forth between our mouths and share his baby batter. If you want to taste his cum, just kiss one of us after we're done sharing it and you'll still be able to taste it on our tongue. Again, that's only if you want to. It doesn't matter if you're not ready for something like that yet. I was older than you the first time I tasted cum, so there's no pressure. You really like my tits don't you, Beth. I can't believe you're still working on them. It feels so good. I love you baby sister."

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How I Came To Own Her - S01 E11

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How I Came To Own Her - S01 E13

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