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The Love Of Money - S01 E42

Story 1 day ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E42

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 42

I didn't see Natalie at first, which threw me off considering I'd just heard her command to enter, but then I noticed shadows under her desk. I shut the door behind me and moved around the desk to see her on her knees plugging some hanging cables into the computer tower sitting on the floor. The three monitors on her desk flickered to indicate they'd been connected successfully.

She was wearing a black skirt that did wonders for her ass as she was bent over on all fours. The hem reached about two-thirds of the way up her thighs, teasing me with thoughts of what lay just a few inches outside of view. I imagined pressing my palm to the bare skin of her inner thigh and slowly working my way between her legs. In my imagined scenario, I saw her legs part a fraction of an inch, inviting me to explore deeper. I fantasized about the heat radiating from her groin and wondered how moist her panties would be as they covered her pussy.

I was pulled out of my momentary reverie whern Natalie looked over her shoulder, saw me standing there, and broke out in a large smile. Extracting herself from under her desk, she stood up. smoothing out her skirt, it now fell to a much more reasonable length, coming to a halt just above her knees. It was complemented by a sleeveless knit top that left her shoulders and arms bare. I wanted to slip behind her, wrap my arms around her slender walst, and place soft kisses on those naked shoulders.

"Hey there," she said.

"Hey yourself," I shot back. I could feel my grin getting bigger. I was smitten with this woman.

"Welcome to my office," she said. I noticed that she kept fidgeting with her fingers, folding them in front of her in a way that made her look a little on the defensive. The tension from her tempered the joy, and I felt my stomach twist in knots. Had I already ruined my chances with her somehow?

To reduce the tension, I looked around the room. "I like what you've done with the place. The last person in here had horrible taste." In reality, aside from the desk, everything looked the same. She generously chuckled at my lame joke, and I felt some of the tension drain out of the room.

"How are you feeling about it all?"

Natalie didn't answer immediately. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes, searching for something... maybe more meaning behind my question. Finally, she said, "I'm a bit nervous. I mean, yesterday, I was just an analyst. Today I'm a boss. I've never had a position like this."

Without thinking, I reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was a familiar thing I'd done plenty of times when offering her comfort. This time, however, as my hand touched her bare skin, it was like touching an emotional live wire. My heart was doing flips in my stomach, and it was all I could do to keep my hand in place and not run it over her bare skin. I gave it a light squeeze.

"You're going to be amazing. You know the business, the company, and ninety percent of the clients. You really are the best person for this job."

"This all just happened so fast," she said.

I wasn't sure what to say. It was hard to think... she was too distracting. Natalie had always been good with her makeup, using just enough to accentuate her large brown eyes, plush lips, and the high cheekbones she'd inherited from the Native American on her father's side. She'd done an impeccable job today, and I was having a hard time concentrating on anything else aside from how freaking gorgeous she was.

I lost track of how many seconds passed as we stared at each other, but in my distraction, I absentmindedly started running my thumb across the bare skin of her shoulder.

"We kissed," she finally said.

I nodded as I replayed that moment our lips touched after I gave her the job. It had been a sweet, mutual moment that had given me hope for the future. "We did."

She glanced down at the floor, obviously contemplating her next words. Then she looked back up at me with those big doe-eyes and bit her bottom lip. When I didn't volunteer anything else, she placed a hand on my chest.

"Are we going to do it again?"

That was enough of an invitation for me. I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to hers as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into me. Her full lips felt like soft pillows that threatened to smother mine, and once again I was too distracted by her to think about the next step in this little dance. Natalie took the initiative, and I felt her soft tongue lap at my lips, begging me to grant her access to my mouth. What started as a sweet, kiss full of warmth and promise turned into a passionate, open-mouthed game of tag as our tongues chased each other. I pulled her tightly into me and reveled at the feeling of her large, sweater-encased breasts pressed into my chest. The hand I'd had on her shoulder slid to her upper back where I tried to crush her even harder against me. Then slipped it even higher to the back of her neck, massaging it gently as we continued to make out.

I wanted her. I wanted her more than I'd wanted anything in my goddamned life.

Minutes ticked by as we continued to make out. I felt her tongue pin mine down and slide across it, exploring the roof of my mouth as if she were trying to taste the entire thing. Then she captured my lips between her fuller ones and sucked on them. Natalie was an aggressive kisser, constantly on the offensive, but her lips and tongue were soft and pliable. Her fingers grazed the side of my face most gently, but I could feel the insistent need through therm. Kissing her was an incredible sensation of opposites - a blazing inferno and a gentle breeze.

Still holding her tightly against me, we finally broke our kiss and stared at each other for several minutes as we both drank oxygen. She looked as shocked as I felt.

"Oh my god," she whispered.

"Jesus Christ," I whispered back.

And then someone chose that moment to knock on the door.

Tuesday, 3:20 pm

I stepped inside the coffee shop with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. To say I was in a good mood would be like calling water wet. I made out with Natalie. I held her body against me and felt her tongue on mine. I was still having a hard time believing it happened and kept having to mentally pinch myself every few minutes.

We'd done a little song and dance around each other for nearly two months since she'd broken up with her boyfriend. There had been Interest there... tension, and knew wasn't the only one who felt it. I was sure wasn't insane when I thought I'd caught her watching me or wondered if that thing she said was her attempt at flirting with me. It was so nice to know for sure.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E41

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The Love Of Money - S01 E43

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