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The Love Of Money - S01 E44

Story 1 day ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E44

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44

"Ashlee, I'm flattered," I said, covering her hand with my other one so hers was sandwiched between mine. "I just don't think that would be a good idea"

She looked down at our hands and tucked a few strands of brown hair behind her ear. "Why not?"

"Because you work for me, and that would probably be improper," I said.

"Like that fucking matters!"

She shot me a look that mirrored my own thoughts.

"And... there might be someone else. It could be something serious. I don't know yet."

"Erin?" She asked. "Helen?"

"Helen? God no! She's married to... hey, who is she to you?"

By the look on her face, the sudden change in topic had confused her, and it took her a moment to recover. "Oh. She's married to my father. She's my stepmother."

This was VanCamp's little girl? I was horrified at the idea that I'd been fucking his wife, and now his daughter was trying to seduce me. What must he be thinking? Is this why I'd only met him once? How pissed at me was this guy? Why didn't Helen tell me about the relationship between her and Ashlee in the bathroom after she'd chased her daughter off? When would there have been a better time to disclose that important information?

"Why does it matter that she's married anyway? It's not like that's stopped you from fucking her already."

Ashlee was trouble. She knew about my relationship with Helen and was still trying to sleep with me anyway. Were she and Helen having conversations about me behind my back? Did Helen have an actual interest in me fucking her daughter? The thought immediately made my cock grow to full hardness.

Jesus. My mind....

"Because I'm not going to get into a serious relationship with a married woman," said. Then I shook my head. "Wait, I'm not talking to you about whatever is going on with Helen! And I literally Just met Erin today. I'm obviously not jumping into an exclusive just met Erin today. I'm obviously not jumping into an exclusive relationship with someone I just met."

I could go into detail with her about how I was sleeping with two women and that I had a third on lockdown while I was trying to pursue something meaningful with Natalie, but there were two reasons I didn't. The first was because spelling it out like that made me feel like a total sleaze. Sure, I wasn't in a relationship with Natalie, but I imagined most women wouldn't enjoy hearing that their suitor was sleeping around while pursuing them. The second reason I wasn't about to spell it out for Ashlee is because It sounded like ammunition a manipulative little princess like her could probably use. Also, it was none of her goddamn business.

"I'm interested in someone else, and while we haven't had an official talk, I don't think I should be making more notches in my bedpost.

Which is why I probably shouldn't have hired Erin and gone with Vikram instead.

It grew quiet between us; she stared at my hands holding hers as she idly stroked one of mine with her thumb. I started to think the conversation was over.

"So nothing is set in stone?" she asked. "With this mystery girl? Does she know what you're doing with my mom?"

That question nearly knocked me out of my seat, and I yanked my hands free of hers. "Jesus! Don't call her that!"

"Well, it's true." She smirked at me.

"Yeah but..." I couldn't think of a good retort.

"So she doesn't know." Ashlee chewed on that thought for a moment. "Are you still going to keep fucking mom? Helen, I mean?"

She was asking the same question I'd been asking myself since I'd left Natalie's office. There was no sense in lying to her about Helen, so I simply shrugged and said, "I don't know yet."

"Well, can you at least let me know whether you're interested or not?"

"How could I not be, Ashlee? I mean, look at you. I'd have to be dead three days to not find you attractive."

A mischievous grin spread across her lips, and I felt her foot caress my calf underneath the table.

"Marcus, I'm really good, and I would treat you so well." I could feel her foot slowly slip further up my leg. "If you just gave me a try.. maybe a kiss?"

I swallowed hard and grabbed her foot in my hand; she had removed her high heel, so it felt soft and dainty in my hand. I gave it a light squeeze and Ashlee immediately reacted. Her head lolled back and she closed her eyes. She bit her lip as she let out a low, long groan of satisfaction. I very much wanted to kiss her.

"I can't, Ashlee."

Again a switch flipped, and she sat up straight in her seat, her expression becoming a thunderhead. "Fuck Marcus! It's not fair! Why won't you just give me a chance?"

"Because I've been waiting months for this opportunity, and I need to see where it goes. I don't want to screw it up."

She glared back at me; it was uncanny how she could make anger look adorable. "Can you at least not say no? What about 'not now?"

I thought about it for a moment, and Helen's words came back to me once more. What harm could there be in conceding to that? Ashlee didn't seern like the type I'd want a relationship with. She seened entitled and mercurial, but if Natalie and I didn't work out for whatever reason, she could be a lot of fun.

"Okay not now," I agreed.

She broke out in a grin and relaxed her posture, taking another sip of her coffee as if she'd just won some great personal victory. Somewhere deep down, I wondered if I should have quashed her interest. I hoped I'd done the smart thing because the last thing I needed was another complication in my love life.

To Be Continued...

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The Love Of Money - S01 E43

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