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How I came to own her - S01 E11

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How I came to own her - S01 E11

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 11

I am not living with my daughter and her girlfriend/fiancee as a thruple. And then we end up involving her sister into our sex games.

A couple of weeks later, Mel moved into our house. Having her there wasn't a huge change since she spent so much time at our house anyway. But now the girls almost always slept in my bed with me. Only I truly can attest that these girls are not lesbians despite what others may think. The girls now freely hold hands out in public and we went to a jewelry store and bought matching engagement rings. They weren't expensive rings with big diamonds. The giris wanted to be a little more discreet than that. They just wanted simple bands to show their commitment to each other. They did get a few nasty comments from kids at school when they found out about the engagement. Of course, this was mostly from boys who had been trying to get into their pants for ages and were always shot down. Now they knew it was because the girls were lesbians. The girls didn't bother to acknowledge their stupid comments and decided to just mind their own business and ignore the jerks. These two will truly never let anyone else ruin their happiness

One day, the girls informed me that Beth was going to be coming by for a visit. What worried me is that they told her to be prepared that when she got there, she'd see them both naked. They told her they enjoy being naked at home but it didn't mean she had to join them, unless she wanted to. I didn't think that was smart. I had told the girls not to be naked if we had any guests. What will happen if Beth tells her parents? They'll flip out. Mel assured me Beth wouldn't be any problem. They didn't know if she'd get naked with them, especially with me home, but they don't think she'll actually mind.

An hour or so later Beth came over. She said, "Geez, thought you two were kidding. You're actually naked. And you do that with Julie's dad at home?" "Beth", Mel said, "we've actually been doing it for a long time now. We really like the freedom of it. It's gotten such that we really hate to have to get dressed to leave the house. We wish we could just go out in public naked. We don't care if people see us naked. What's the big deal? It's just the human body and everyone has one. Why don't you get naked with us? It's a lot more fun in the spa or the pool when you're naked." "I can't do that, Mel. At least not with Julie's dad here. No guy has seen me naked before." Beth replied, "Don't worry about Jim, or as I call him Daddy Jim, he won't touch you unless you beg him too and even then, he might not. If you get naked, we can get him naked and you can see your first real cock. Wouldn't you like that?" "I'd be too scared, Mel. I can't do that." "It's okay, Beth you don't have to. No one here will ever make you do something you don't want to do, but we are very open here. You're free to do whatever you want. Our motto is that this house is like Vegas. What happens here stays here. So, you can't ever tell anyone, especially mom or dad, what you do here or see here. Do you promise?" "Sure, Mel, I'd never say anything. I'm actually kind of in awe that you guys are so open especially around Julie's dad. Maybe I'll eventually relax and just try taking off my top. After all, my tits aren't very big so it's not like I'd show a lot. I hope mine get as nice as yours someday, Mel. I'm not into girls but if I was, I'd want to suck on your tits all night long. I can see how guys would want to enjoy tits like yours. Mine aren't even as big as Julie's yet."

"First of all, "Mel said, "I never thought I was into girls either until

Julie. And I'm not really into girls although I certainly enjoy being with Julle so I have to admit I'm bl. I'm starting to think that the only girls that aren't bi are lesbians or girls who have never been sexual with another girl or didn't really allow themselves to enjoy being with a girl because they've been taught that it's somehow wrong. So, don't dismiss it until you've tried it. And, secondly, your tits are just fine for the size of your body and any time you want to kiss or suck my tits, you're welcome to them. I love having them sucked and I don't care if it's my sister doing it. I don't think Julie would mind your touch either, so if you're ever interested, you don't even need to ask just do what you want. That's kind of our other motto around here. We love to touch and be touched. You wouldn't believe what we've done with pizza delivery dudes. Do what you want when you're here or don't do what you actually want. It's all your choice and no one will ever force you to do something you don't want to do and no one will ever know what you actually do here. Just be free and enjoy yourself. But if we get too touchy-feely in your presence that you feel uncomfortable, just say something. We're used to being able to touch each other whenever we want, but we don't want to gross you out or make you uncomfortable. We want you to come over and see us whenever you want so tell us if we're a bit too much for you and we'll try to tame it down."

"I had no idea you were living your lives like this. It's actually pretty cool. I promise to never tell anyone and I want you to be free to do whatever you want around me without worrying about me. I'll probably find it pretty hot to watch you two together so I'm sure it won't gross me out or make me uncomfortable. If anything, it will probably make me jealous that I don't have someone that loves me as much you two love each other. You two have always been so good to each other all these years. You're obviously soul mates and you should be free to display your affection for each other without being concerned about what others think. Maybe just watching you will make me realize I'm actually bi, too. Although, since I haven't even had a boyfriend, I can't even really claim to be straight, let alone bi." The three girls started cracking up just as I walked into the room.

"Hi, Beth. How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time. I can't believe how much you've grown up." "Hi, Mr. C. It's good to see you too. I was just getting a very interesting lesson here on how my two sisters are living their lives. I can't believe they walk around naked all day. You must be loving that! And don't worry, I've gotten the lecture from the girls. I promise to never say anything to anyone about what anyone does in this house. It's no one else's business and I'd never do anything to hurt any of you, so don't worry about me."

"That's good to hear, Beth. I admit I was worried about you coming over and had asked the girls to get dressed, but they assured me you'd be fine with it. Obviously, we're very open here so if you find you ever want to join them in being naked, rest assured it's not only okay with me, but I'll never touch you or try to touch you. No one will ever force you to do anything here you don't want to do and at the same time you can do what you want. I just hope you don't become uncomfortable about the situation and stop coming over to see your sisters. Know that we're all pretty much family now and you are welcome to come over whenever you want to visit. And, you might as well call me Jim instead of Mr. C, but don't be surprised if you hear Mel call me daddy. She likes to tease me that way like I'm her sugar daddy. The point is call me whatever you want except 'late to dinner", "Geez, Dad," said Julie, "that's pretty lame even for you. Maybe we should start calling you grandpa with old jokes like that."

"Are you going to want to stay for dinner, Beth?" I asked. "Yeah," said Mel, "we can order pizza." I jumped on that one. "Oh, no you don't. I don't think Beth is quite ready for that much of an education." "But maybe my baby sister likes the taste of cum as much as we do. She won't know until she tries it." I said, "Come on Mel give her a chance to get used to your lifestyle a bit first. She just got here. Give her a break." "Okay, you're right. Sorry about that Beth. I told you we get a little carried away some times. I guess we can just make some dinner. Will you stay, Beth, we haven't spent much time with you in so long I don't want you to rush home." "Sure, Mel, I'd love to stay, but I've got to hear about what happens when you get pizza. That's the second time today you guys have mentioned it, so it must be something outrageous." "Beth," I said, "I'm not sure you're quite ready to hear about some of the things these two get up to. I think we'll need to ease you into so you're not shocked too much at once. I can't even believe some of the things they do or want to do."

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How I Came To Own Her - S01 E12

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