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How I came to own her - S01 E13

Story 1 day ago

How I came to own her - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

Just as Mel finished saying that started cumming into Julle's mouth like a firehose. Watching little Beth sucking on her sister's tits was so hot. Julie then turned to Mel and they started snowballing my cum as usual. Beth stopped sucking Mel's tits to watch the girls share my cum back and forth. When they were done, Beth grabbed Mel and stuck her tongue right into her mouth to taste my cum. I guess we have another cum slut on our hands. I can't believe that a couple of hours ago the virginal Beth walked Into our house and now she's stark naked, sucking her sister's tits, and licking my cum out of her sister's mouth. Unbelievable. I think watching two sisters together is for Julie and me what it's like for Mel to watch Julie and me together. There's just something so hot about incest. I wish it wasn't such a big deal in society. It doesn't hurt anyone as long as it's consensual. I've got a feeling it won't be

too long before Beth ends up either in the girls' bed or mine. She's so young though, I actually kind of hope she waits for a while. Ah, who am I kidding. I'd fuck her right now. I think she's a true virgin. Julie was a virgin but had busted her hymen long before we made love with a vibrator and Mel wasn't a virgin our first time. Every guy loves to be the first one in. I'm no different. I never claimed to be less of a pig than other men. I just try to be nice and smooth about it.

We made and ate dinner later with all of us staying naked. Beth hugged me a couple of times and feeling her slight, naked body against me gave me a thrill. It's different with Julie or Mel. know I truly love them. I don't know Beth that well so it's purely lasciviousness with her. I told you was a pig. If you saw her naked in front of you, you'd feel the same way, believe me.

After dinner, we sat on the couch for a while and watched some TV. Beth sat next to me. Close to me. Julle and Mel cuddled next to each other and started making out. Beth turned to me and whispered, "Jim can touch your cock. I've never felt one before. 1 want to stroke it and feel it get hard. Please?" "Sure Beth, "I replied. "I think we've established that you can feel free to touch any of us whenever you want. You don't have to ask. Just go ahead and do it. We just won't touch you unless you ask us to or tell us you're comfortable with it. And don't ever feel pressure to let us reciprocate and touch you. It has to be something you really want to do. So, if you want to stroke my cock go right ahead. I'm sure I'll enjoy your touch. With that Beth reached out and tentatively touched my cock. When she did, my cock reacted and twitched and she pulled her hand back like she was shocked. I assured her it was okay, that my cock was just excited to be touched by her. She then grabbed my cock and squeezed it and pulled and stroked it and in no time, I was hard in her hand. "Wow, that is so cool. I can't believe I'm touching a real cock and I made it hard. I guess I better stop before we make a mess that the girls will have to clean up. As if they wouldn't be delighted to lick up your cum. I can't say as blame them. The bit I got to taste in Mel's mouth tasted really good. You might have to teach me how to give a good blow job someday. I'd love to swallow your whole load and learn to be a cum slut like my sisters. It sounds like great fun. I'm afraid it's too late tonight as I need to get home, but sitting here naked stroking your cock is really exciting. I want to do it again sometime real soon."

When Beth was about ready to get dressed and go home, I took her aside to talk to her. "Beth, thank you for coming over today and for losing some of your inhibitions. I want you to understand that one of the things I've always insisted on here is that we can talk to each other about absolutely anything. There's no reason for embarrassment or judgements. And that extends to you. I want you to know you can always come and talk to me about anything. no matter how personal it may seem. I know there are things you can't really talk to your parents about without being embarrassed or without fearing their reaction. That's why the girls had me talk to your parents about their wanting to get married and live together here rather than Mel talking to your parents first. I am a good listener and I'll always just give you my best advice without any judgements. The other thing we insist on is being completely open and honest with each other. You've certainly seen today how open we are, but being honest with each other is just as important. in fact, I bet the two of them wouldn't be engaged right now if it hadn't been for your sister being open and honest with us. One day, she just opened up and told us how much she loved both of us and was scared of losing one of us in the future. That admission helped Julie realize just how much she loved Mel. She didn't just love her, she's in love with her. But it was Mel's opening up that gave Julie the confidence to express her love to Mel. My hope is that you will also feel the ability to be open and honest with all three of us here. I don't really know you well enough to tell you I love you. I absolutely care about you and I can certainly see you are every bit as loveable as your sister. The girls do love you and obviously care about you as well. So, I just want you to understand that we are all here for you in any way. And even though you got naked with us today, if you end up regretting it later then don't do it again. Be honest and tell us how you feel. Whether you want to stop what we've done or go further in the future. Don't be afraid to tell us how you feel. The lifestyle we're living is far from what people consider normal. We aren't trying to push you into participating in our lifestyle. Be true to yourself. Just because your sisters are wild childs, doesn't mean you have to be too. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say."

"I do, Jim. Thank you for your concern. I can sure see why Mel adores you so much. I would love to come over more often and spend time with all of you. And believe me, today was really fun. I sure would not have thought this moming I would have spent the day naked with my sisters and an adult sexy man, but it was really cool. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable wanting to see you naked. The possibility was just so exciting I couldn't stop myself. I loved everything that happened today. Not only seeing you naked, but sucking on my sister's tits is not anything I had ever thought of doing before but once started, I couldn't stop. I sure know now why boys love tits so much. I just might try Julie's tits next time and maybe even try licking a pussy. Mel might be right. Girls may all be bi and just not know it. I can see how being with a girl is fun and at the same time seeing and touching your cock, especially when it got hard, was very exciting and made me really wet. So, know I'm not a lesbian. And I sure know for sure now that Julie and Mel aren't either. You've given them the best of both worlds. I'm definitely jealous. Today's experience makes me feel older as I leave here. And now I know why Mel never wanted to leave here. I'm already starting to feel the same way. There is just so much love in this house it's contagious. I wish I didn't have to leave, but I should get home before my parents think they've lost another daughter to you. Can I ask one last favor before I go?"

"Of course, Beth, what is it?" "Can kiss you? I mean a real kiss not a father/daughter type of kiss." With that, I pulled her into my arms and gave her my best non-fatherly kiss including putting my tongue in her mouth. We played tongue tag for a bit and then I ended the kiss. "Wow, I just knew you'd be a great kisser. I've never been kissed like that before. Thank you. I'll remember my first real kiss forever. Goodnight, Jim. Thanks again." With that she was out the door. Quite a remarkable young lady. Bill and Emily must have done something right to raise two such loving and lovely daughters. Beth is going to break a lot of hearts before she's done.

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How I Came To Own Her - S01 E12

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