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The Love Of Money - S01 E43

Story 1 day ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E43

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 43

She felt nice. Her waist fit so easily in my arms, and I never could have guessed in a million years she would feel that soft. I wanted nothing more than to get back to that beautiful woman waiting for me back in her office.

The Blue Beans was my second-most frequented coffee shop in New York due to its proximity to where I worked. As usual, this time of day saw it packed with men and women in power outfits and carrying leather-clad notebooks. They ordered low-fat soy lattes with extra shots, took notes, and discussed their next acquisition or financial conquest.

I glanced at my phone, noting that was about ten minutes late, then scanned the room for Ashlee. She sounded so eager over the phone that I suspected she beat me here. I only hoped that she wasn't here for anything more than signing some papers. If she was planning on picking up where she left off in the bathroom yesterday, I wasn't sure how I was going to turn her down. Ashlee was a delight to all five senses, though taste and touch hadn't been verified, a blind man could have told me she was a thirteen out of ten.

Still... I just started something with Natalie, and I wasn't about to kiss her then head to the coffee shop down the street to start making plans on burying my dick in someone new. I was already having enough trouble trying to figure out how to deal with Helen and Bobbi in light of recent events. I was already involved with them and felt a little bad about continuing if I was going to begin a relationship with Natalie. Was I being premature?

I caught sight of Ashlee, who waved me over. There were two coffees on the table, which answered the question of whether or not I needed to order anything. As I approached, she got up from the table and invited me in for a hug.

"Hi, Marcus!" She was all smiles, dimples in her cute, cherubic face. The part of me that liked trouble prodded me with the idea that maybe I was being too hasty in my enthusiasm to pursue Natalie. Helen's words about not tying myself down came to mind. I accepted the hug and she wrapped both arms around me, pressing her chest against my torso. Already in heels, she had no trouble brushing her lips against my cheek in a quick kiss. It landed half an inch from the corner of my mouth. She pulled away a moment later but kept her face close to mine for a moment

longer than was necessary, her green eyes peering through thick lashes in what was unmistakably a look of pure carnality. A heartbeat later, it melted into the shy smile of a young worman on a first date.

"So," Ashlee began as we sat down. "Your order just as you asked, and of course, a little business to get out of the way. This is all really just formalities. Nothing major. I just need you to sign and initial where I've marked. These are standard documents that will permit us to manage your international assets. Client/attorney acknowledgments and agreements... you get the idea."

She set a small stack of documents in front of me while took a sip of my coffee.

"I gotcha. Do you have a pen?" I was trying to remain all business so she didn't have much encouragement to flirt. Despite how conflicted I was, I decided I at least needed time to get my head back on my shoulders. I didn't want to screw up something I wanted, and if things didn't turn out the way I expected... I suspected Ashlee wouldn't be going anywhere.

There was also the matter of checking in with Helen to find out exactly what the relationship was between the two of them. I couldn't forget that.

"Right here," she said, handing me a pen that probably cost hundreds of dollars. As I signed the first field I came to, however, I couldn't help but notice that it was the best pen I'd ever written with. I fell silent as I started going through the documents, skimming each one to get the gist of what it was about before giving up and signing it.

"So," Ashlee said from over her coffee cup as I worked. "I hear you hired a new assistant today?"

I looked up at her. She was peering at me through her long lashes as she took a sip of her coffee. My heart sped up a beat or two, and I felt something stirring below the waist... she knew what she was doing.

I looked back down at my paperwork and continued to sign my name where she left her mark. "Yep. Her name is Erin."

She put her coffee cup down and made a cute little sound that tore my attention from my work again. She crinkled her nose and twisted her mouth in a way that made her look like she was solving a difficult problem or disgusted by an odd smell. I had to admit it was adorable. The woman could make cute and sexy synonymous.

"That's too bad," she said. "If I'd known you were looking for someone to fill that role, I would have applied."

The image of Ashlee replacing Bella entered my mind. I saw her face hovering in front of my cock. Her plump, pouty lips lightly kissed the head as her manicured nails grazed my bare thighs. I swallowed hard at the thought, again having to fight to regain control of my primal urges. Something told me that this girl was trouble, but another part of me was screaming at me..

"Honestly! Fuck the girl! She wants it! They all do! What the hell are you even waiting for?"

"Sorry," I said, genuinely apologetic that she hadn't been given the opportunity. "I would have definitely interviewed you, Ashlee, but Helen was in charge of putting together the candidate list. It was pretty small. I only interviewed three people."

Ashlee narrowed her eyes in playful suspicion. "What did Erin have to do to secure the job?" Her words were laced with implication.

Unable to help myself, I played along. My eyes widened in disbelief as I placed a hand on my chest in faux shock and said, "Why, Miss VanCamp! Whatever are you insinuating!?"

"I think you know," she giggled.

"I'll have you know, I'm a gentleman who would never take advantage of a lady like that. Nor would I kiss in tell if I displayed a moment of weakness."

Her smile faded and she placed a soft hand on top of mine. Her fingers traced patterns on the back of my hand as she looked up at me, her gaze switching from playful to bedroom in a matter of moments. "You could take advantage of me."

Holy shit.

I scanned her face, admiring her smokey, green eyes... her perfect button nose... smooth, cream complexion... fuck. I could really take advantage of this woman. How old was she anyway?

Natalie. Remember Natalie and Helen.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E42

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The Love Of Money - S01 E44

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