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The Love Of Money - S01 E40

Story 4 days ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E40

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 40

A new opportunity presents itself.

Tuesday 2:25 pm

Something yanked me out of one of the best sleeps I'd experienced in a long time. Disoriented, I looked around the room and started taking stock of my situation-four walls, a desk, two chairs pushed into the corner... I was in an office, and I was alone.

A sound went off and I immediately identified it as what woke me up.

Trying to remember what had happened to me and what had Interrupted such a good sleep was next to impossible; I sat up, hoping that would clear my head. Whatever I was sleeping on clung to my skin and resisted being peeled away as I rose off my back. I finally registered the fact that I was naked on a leather couch. I spotted my clothes carelessly thrown about on the carpeted floor.

The sound erupted again. What the hell was that noise? Buzzing?

And where was Helen? Why was I alone?

There it was again - my phone.

My phone vibrated against my desktop once more, and I climbed to a standing position to get it, feeling weird about being completely naked in my office. Grabbing my phone, I blinked sleepily at the number on the screen. I didn't recognize it.

Against my better judgment, I answered, "Hello?"

As I answered, I reached around to scratch my lower back. The leather from the couch had practically smothered my skin, making It itch as it was exposed to the cool air. I glanced over my shoulder and out the window behind the couch, squinting at the light of what appeared to be afternoon. I wasn't concerned that my bare ass was on display to the world. Only someone from one of the far buildings who had a pair of binoculars and knew where to point them could see it, and as far as I was concerned, if anyone went "Is this Marcus Upton?" a feminine voice I vaguely recognized asked on the other side of the line.

"Yeah. Who's this?" probably sounded more gruff than intended, but it usually took me a little more time to wake up before becoming fully human,

"This is Ashlee VanCamp. I work for Yunger, Price, and VanCamp. We met yesterday?"

"Oh right. The bathroom." Had that only been a day ago?

There was a nervous titter from the other end. "Yes sir."

Wait a second... did she say VanCamp? As in the same last name as one of the partners? The same last name as Helen's? That Jump-started my brain more than any coffee could have, and I suddenly found myself wide awake.

When I didn't immediately respond, she continued, "So, I hear we're going to be working for you."

I gathered my clothes and started to put them on. "Yep. That's right. Helen's been great at walking me through all my different assets. She convinced me that since you guys are so familiar with my estate, it only made sense to keep you. It was a pretty convincing argument."

"I'm sure she did," Ashlee said. Did I detect a hint of something in her tone? My head was still a little too fuzzy to make out what it was.

"Well, since you're going to continue to hire our services," she continued. "I need to collect your signature and initials on some paperwork. Would you be able to meet today?"

I shook my head as if she could see my non-verbal reaction - I'd spied a note on the edge of the desk that had distracted me.

Marcus, thank you for a wonderful afternoon. I would have roused you before I left, but you were sleeping so peacefully, I've left to prepare Erin for her job and to finalize your relationship with our firm. We'll talk soon.

-Yours, Helen

There are some mints in the top left drawer.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E39

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The Love Of Money - S01 E41

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