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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E20

Story 1 day ago

Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E20

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 20

Out of the comer of my eye, I could see Brianna leaning against the massage table, apparently herself unable to resist. She was spread, the pinkness of her pussy a stark contrast to her dark black skin. She fingered herself vigorously, while clutching her breast. While dad fucked me, I could not resist and reached my hand out to her. She had been so a part of this and had commanded me so much, I needed to taste her. Knowing what I wanted, doubtlessly having been in this situation many times before, she took my hand and stood over me, offering me her pussy to eat. She was tall enough that I barely had to extend myself to lap at her.

I felt my father's hand grope by breasts and pinch my nipples as he grunted. I released myself from Brianna's wetness and screamed "harder!" to my father. Wanting him to pound himself into me. I retuned to Brianna and sucked her clit and rammed my tongue into her. My father listened well, and pounded my tiny vagina as hard as he could.

My father was the first to go. I felt him push deep into me and explode with what felt like gallons of cum. This was the prize of all the teasing and waiting. He continued to fuck me while filling me, pushing me over the edge as well. My pussy gripped his dick and 1 was enveloped with a full body sensation. I moaned deeply as I felt myself melting away. Like dominos falling one after another, Brianna was next. With a yell, she came hard and I could feel her wetness surge down my chin and I weakly lapped at her.

Brianna moved to lean on the table again, as if to give my father and I some space. I collapsed on top of him while he was still in me. There was no way I was going to move, I wanted to feel him inside me forever.

"Oh baby," my father uttered and put his arms over my back.

I could feel his softening dick twitching inside me, as his cum flowed out of me.

I pushed my body and breasts into his chest, still slippery from the nuru gel.

"Mmmm. Thank you daddy," was all i could reply As mom and I walked over to the pool, I thought over how much life had changed. This resort had brought out sides of my parents and sister I never knew existed. Lily was actually attentive and cared about how I felt. Dad was actually relaxing and trusting us. And mom had gone from mom jeans and PTA, to bikinis and T&A. I glanced over and watched her breasts soak up the sun as she walked. They were so perfect in shape and size. Walking next to her I felt proud, rather than annoyed, at the stares she was getting. This was part of my change too. I was getting more used to accepting my desire and enjoying putting myself out there on display.

As we passed the pool I made eye contact with the same guy who was a fan of my work when I modeled in the art class. He was like my one man fan club and I guess he couldn't help himself from calling out to me.

"Hey stud! Another girl!? No surprise with what you're packing down below!" He laughed to himself and rejoined his confused friends.

I waved back then caught mom's baffled look.

"What was that about?"

"Oh, he was just in the class that Lily and I went to. I guess he really liked what he saw," I answered, trying to sound casual so as not to invite too many questions.

"I guess he did. He certainly was enthusiastic. I guess I'm proud my son is becoming what it takes to turn on the guys and the girls," she said with a laugh. "Well they'll have to compete with me today while we spend some quality time together." As she said this she put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a side hug as we walked. Her naked breast pushed into my bare torso and a jolt of excitement went straight to my dick." My mom held on as we walked down to the beach.

On the way, my mom flagged down a beach boy and ordered a few drinks and chairs to be delivered to us on the beach. We found a spot and sat in the sand while we waited for our lounge chairs and drinks. I scanned the sand for the beautiful girl I had seen the day before, or for Jane in case she wanted to go for round two.

Soon our drinks and lounge chairs arrived and we relaxed. My mom sat up quickly when she realized she had forgot her sunscreen. She asked a beach boy to get some. When he returned I braced myself for her to request me to put it on again. Maybe I

wasn't ready to accept that want what I want yet after all. To my surprise, she instead turned back to the young beach boy.

"Could you lather me up, please? Im really worried I'll get a burn."

"The boy looked overjoyed. "Yes, of course ma'am," he responded enthusiastically.

Relieved I wouldn't have to risk having to deal with a hard on turned to jealousy. There was a part of me that wished she would have asked me.

My mom laid on her stomach on the lounge chair as the boy went to work. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he started at her back and made his way down. He massaged the lotion into her well-defined back, making her pale skin glisten. He moved slowly down to her mostly visible ass with the disappearing string. The boy must have been an expert at his because he took no hesitation to really massage her ass and spread the lotion between each cheek. His dark hands were in strong contrast to her pale skin. My mother, as she had done with me, spread for the boy, and he dove up her thighs with no guilt or shame. As the beach boys and other food service staff were some of the few partially clothed hotel staff, I could see a tent forming in his shorts. I watched on as he smiled but kept an air of professionalism.

This has to be the luckiest kid in the world, I thought to myself. I thought back to that age and fantasied about what it would have been like to lotion up MILFs at the local pool as a summer job.

You may flip, ma'am," he said. My mom flipped to her back and I could see the redness in her fair cheeks, no doubt a little turned on from the rub down so far. I turned my body so it wasn't obvious I had been watching everything with interest so far.

As he lotioned up her legs, he again made no effort to avoid her bikini line. His fingers traced her bikini line, at times it seemed like he dipped a little below. He moved to her tight stomach then up to her breasts when my mom called to me so that i was forced to look directly at her rather than side eye.

"Jason, honey. Make sure you put some lotion on too. How's your drink... she asked several mundane questions that could have waited. All the while, the boy moved the lotions in circles, lovingly ensuring my mother's breasts received ample coverage. Her nipples were rock hard as they met his hand and her tits moved slightly from the pressure. My mom thanked him when he was done, and he left to attend to other guests, making no effort to hide his erection. Lucky bastard.

To Be Continued....

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E19

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