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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E17

Story 1 day ago

Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E17

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17

"Not all," mom laughed as she patted the front of her bikini bottoms. "Not yet at least. We told you kids that your father and I would probably be taking part in the freedoms this resort allows. And you both are free to as well."

Lily and I both looked over to dad, expecting him to be stressed, but he was calm and smiling. Lily asked, "This really OK with you, dad?"

"Yes, sweetie. I think this could be good for us as a family. Being brave and trying something new. How about you kids?"

I was still staring at mom, but managed to get out, "Yea sure. If it's OK with you guys."

"I think it's great," sald Lily, giving a smile to both mom and dad. Under the table I felt her hand give my dick a quick grab. I couldn't tell if it was because she was homy for me, or excited for these changes in our family.

The rest of breakfast passed by uneventfully. It was actually nice how relaxed everyone seemed. Despite that, I made sure to take in the view of mom's body as much as possible. Mom and I decided to hit the beach (I was hoping I'd find the girl I'd been oggling yesterday again). Lily and dad were going to try out the resort spa. They were always the one's in the family to jump at the chance to be pampered. With breakfast done, we split up.

Lily and Dad

Dad and I made our way to the resort spa, which was set at the far end of the resort. Through the large glass double doors was the typical calm space you would expect. A water feature ran down one wall into a small pool, making gentle trickling sounds, while soothing music played in the background. We gave our room numbers to the male attendant behind the counter to charge and I gave a little peak to confirm that he was fully nude. He caught my eye and smiled.

"The lounge where you can disrobe is to the right. Through there are the doors to the spa where you are free to enjoy whatever ammenities you wish," he informed us.

We made our way into the lounge. In the corner, two older women were sitting nude enjoying refreshing cucumber water and chatting. Their skin a bright pink, either from the beach or the sauna.

"Dry or wet?" My dad asked with a smirk.

I laughed, thinking how odd that sounded. We always started off in the saunas. "Let's get a good sweat going in the dry." We entered our changing rooms, and I stripped off my tiny bathing suit. I wondered what dad had thought of it, hoping he had been enjoying the views. I donned the light, cotton robe, and enjoyed the smooth feeling as it rubbed against my bare skin. I wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the stall to find dad already waiting with his towel. From its tightness, I tried to discern whether a bulge could be seen, but the thick towel fabric made it difficult.

We opened the door to the dry sauna and I was hit with the amazing sensation of intense dry heat and the smell of wood you always get in these rooms. As dad entered, I took a deep breath and stripped my robe off, placing it on a hook at the door. Dad had found a seat at an elevated comer bench, and looked up as he sat down. His eyes grew big and I watched him look from my face to my tits, then look away again. His legs shifted uncomfortably, and I wondered if he was trying to hide a growing erection.

"Is this OK, daddy?" I asked, realizing as I said it how Intentionally I used the word 'daddy.

"Yes, of course, honey. As long as you are comfortable. And with that he leaned back, resting on his elbows and tried his best to stare at the ceiling

I sat close, but catty-corner to him on a lower bench. Again, summoning my bravery, I leaned back in the same way my father had, leaving my breasts fully on display. I closed my eyes and imagined my dad stealing glancing and maybe even touching himself.

The feeling of the sweat pouring down my body was relaxing, yet also arousing. I especially enjoyed feeling of a cold bead of sweat trickling down the space between my breasts. I reached up involuntarily to wipe the sweat and caused my breasts to jiggle. Looking down, I had to appreciate what a body I had been blessed with. My stomach was flat but didn't make me look skinny, and you could just make out my hips flaring out to meet my healthy ass at the top of my towel. I loved my pale skin, and the way it made my red hair stand out even more.

I looked over to dad, who had remained with his eyes closed.

I gave an internal gasp as I realized he must have relaxed enough to not realize that from my vantage point I could see right up his towel. Hanging between his legs, was a soft but incredibly thick penis. I could barely contain myself, thinking of wrapping my lips around it. I wondered if his cum tasted like Jason's. Suddenly, I saw it twitch, and I looked up at dad who was looking right me. Не closed his legs and shifted, blocking my view.

"Everything OK, Lily?" I could tell he didn't really know what to say.

"Yea, dad. Just taking in the view," I joked.

This actually made him laugh. I looked over across the room and saw a man and a woman, without even a towel, sitting accros the large sauna. They both glistened with sweat. The man was gently rubbing her clit while the woman stroked him slowly, almost lazily. Dad followed my gaze, and we both sat for a while watching the couple enjoy each other. The woman eventually looked up to meet our stares and smiled.

Looking over to my dad, I saw his towel tenting. I decided to give him a break for once. "I think I've had my fill though. Should we move on?

"Umm, sure sweetie. How about a cold shower?"

I laughed, thinking about how both of us could use some cold water to calm down the sexual tension. I led the way, and as we exited the sauna we were met by the front desk clerk.

"I hope you enjoyed the sauna. You certainly worked up a sweat," he said looking over our glistening bodies. "A spot for a massage just opened up and I was wondering if you two would be interested. It would be with our compliments of course."

How perfect. I loved massages and I know my dad did as well. Back home we would try to go at least once a month. "That sounds lovely. Thank you."

"That's wonderful. I am sure you would like to shower off. The showers are right over there, and when you and your husband are ready, you can enter the parlor through that door for your couples massage.

"She's not my..." My dad began to interject.

"We aren't married...yet," I said quickly. "But through those doors? Thank you." I took my father's hand and began to walk to the showers.

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E16

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E18

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