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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E18

Story 1 day ago

Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

"Lily, what the hell?"

"It's a free massage dad. I mean come one. Why give that up just because he made a mistake and thought we were together?" I knew we had the money to pay for whatever massage we wanted, so I added, "besides, things are always more fun when they are free."

Dad could tell I was insistent so he just shrugged. We made our way to the showers, which was just an open, tiled room, with shower heads lining three walls. Dad looked around for a stall or another room, but it was obvious that this was it.

"Umm, well guess I'll take this wall and you take that one,' he said, gesturing to the opposite wall. "I promise won't look, sweetle."

"Right back at ya," I said awkwardly. Right back at ya? What the hell was that? The tension between our normal sense of privacy and my growing desire to see my dad naked was making me lose my cool.

We walked to opposite ends, and I placed my towel on a hook. I could hear my dad start his shower, and I started mine. As the cool water hit my skin and washed my sweat away, I realized how sexy it was to think that we were both completely nude in the same shower. I imagining him running his hands over his body and over his thick penis. I hoped he would be stealing glances back at me. With that in mind I ran my hands seductively over my own body. I enjoyed running my hands over my ass to wipe the sweat away and groping my thickness. I bent down and stuck my ass out asl ran my hands down my legs. I wanted so badly to touch my pulsing pussy thinking about my dad watching this from the other side.

Soon, I heard his shower turn off and he said "OK honey. Let me know when you have your towel on again, so we can head to the massage

I grabbed my towel and gave myself a quick pat down before wrapping it around my waist, "Ok, ready." I turned to see my dad with his towel on. From the front of the towel I could clearly see a straining dick trying to break free. My dad held the towel in the front, attempting to hide it. I felt my cheeks blush a bit knowing he must have been watching me.

We made our way through another set of doors to a dimly lit hallway. There at one door stood a tall, nude Jamaican woman with dark skin, curly long hair, a slim but solidly fit body, and large beautiful breasts. As she ushered us into the room she turned and I could see she was blessed with an ass similar to my mother's in its firmness, but a bit bigger. Maybe just an assumption because she's a masseuse, but I she must keep fit and slender through yoga.

I was so busy soaking up the beautiful woman that I almost missed my dad's reaction. He too was admiring her and a pit of Jealousy sat in my stomach. It was a similar jealousy I had felt when I watched Jane take in Jason's cum last night. Apparently i was a very possessive young woman. Seeing my dad lust for another made me want to push her aside and grab his cock for myself. But I pushed that thought aside and entered the room.

The room was as dimly lit as the hallway and accented with soft, ambient red lighting. In the center of the room was a massage bed.

"My name is Brianna and I'll be your masseuse today. Before we get started, you can both place your towels on the bench over there." She gestured to the corner of the room.

I guess I knew this moment was coming. I didn't want to show any hesitation fearing it would scare dad off from the whole experience. I confidently walked to the bench and dropped my towel. I turned to my father, completely nude. The room was dark enough that he was more in shadow than in light, and I assumed he saw the same with me as well. I could tell that seeing me nude in this light was still a lot for him, but to my surprise, Dad walked up and placed his towel on the bench next to mine. We stood facing each other, looking over one another's body silently. I could see his strong arms, and further down his thick cock was growing ever so slightly. I could see him drink in the sight of my breast, hard nipples, and red trimned hair above my young pussy. The shadows gave everything such an erotic tension, I was thankful when Brianna spoke up.

"So who would like to give the massage?"

We both looked at her dumbfounded. "Give the massage? Ummm. I assume that would be you, right Brianna?" I said.

"Well, in a manner of speaking yes, my dear. Maybe it was unclear. This is a sensual massage class for couples. I will guide you both in the art of using touch to excite your partner while prolonging

pleasure without orgasm. I'll be here only to give hands on help

and stop things from going too, far too fast. Brianna spoke in

such a professional and convincing manner, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

I knew that my dad and I were past the point of no return from the moment we looked each other over in the nude. We would go with whatever the resort could bring us.

T'll give the massage," I offered. I wanted the control in the situation. I wanted to guarantee, that if I desired, I could grab my father's cock and do with it whatever I chose. And with that, Brianna guided my father, who gave me a small, tender smile, to the table and had him lay face down. I chuckled when it became obvious he would have to physically adjust his periis before he could lay flat.

Brianna then guided me to my father's side. Looking down I could see his strong back, and nice, firm ass. "First, we will rub your partner with olls. He'll feel a warm sensation that will radiate as if just below the skin. She poured a thick oil into her long, slender hands, then clasped mine to to spread the oil into mine. Indeed it felt pleasantly warm. Brianna then guided my hands onto my fathers back, and had me massage him starting from the shoulders. As she guided me, I could feel her large breasts push against my bare back, and one of her legs moved to the outside of mine. She was so tall she hovered over me, and her breasts threatened to pop over my shoulder. I enjoyed the contrast between the softness of her breasts with the hard muscle of my father.

I brought my attention to my father's back and felt the tense muscles underneath. Brianna guided the pressure, pushing down periodically as we moved lower. She moved me to the brink of his ass, and I watched my father tense slightly in anticipation. But Briana moved me back up his back to his neck.

"The goal of a sensual massage is to connect with your partner and bring them pleasure, without pushing then over the edge. Don't be afraid to gently tease your partner's expectation." We massaged my fathers neck, and I felt him relax a great deal. It was so arousing to know that I was giving him this pleasure.

"Press your body into your partner's. Let them feel your curves as you move across the body. And with that, Brianna gently guided me to lower my body so that as we moved down my father's back, my nipple grazed his skin. My father and I both let out a gasp of excitement. For him, I imagined the press of my tits excited him as he has been lusting over them for years. For me, that same excitement was double because of the sensation of the warm oil on my sensitive nipple.

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E17

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E19

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