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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E19

Story 1 day ago

Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E19

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 19

Finally, we massaged my father's ass and Brianna guided me to not only massage him deeply, but to tease my father by moving my hands into his upper thigh and up, almost touching his balls. My father spread his legs a bit, hoping-begging to be fondled, Brianna moved my hands so that we both made contact and gentle brushed against my father's testicles. I watched him pushed himself into the table and he let out of a moan of pleasure.

Our hands then moved away, and massaged down to his feet. Brianna then tapped my dad's leg and asked him to flip over. I was so turned on and couldn't wait to see the effect I had on my father. He hesitated, then shifted himself to flip over. His cock sprung up and stood straight up in attention. It was similar to Jason's, but much thicker. My dad looked me in the eyes, willing me to be OK. I looked back and smiled to assure him. Such intense desire welled up in me. I wanted to bad to feel his cock. To stroke it. To suck it. I wanted to look up and see my dad's eyes watching me approvingly as I took him all in.

"Your partner is showing you how aroused you have made him, and it is OK to show him the same." Brianna reached from behind me, down across my front with her long arm, brushing my breast, and slid her slender fingers across my soaking slit. A wave of pleasure shot through me, and I let out a moan while grasping her arm. Brianna reached with her now soaking finger, and circled the tip of my father's dick with my juices. My dad arched his head back and bucked his hips up. It was as if his penis was aching to be firmly stroked or fucked. "Now you try," Brianna urged me.

Almost in a trance, I looked my father in the eyes as I reached down to my mound. He followed my hand with his eyes, and watched as I, unable to resist, inserted my finger into my waiting hole. Brianna's hand was quick to envelope mine and pull me out.

"Now, now, the goal is to excite, not to cum. I flashed with frustration that turned to something else. There was a part in me that wanted to throw Brianna down and ravage her body. I wanted to fight and fuck her. Her control and guidance were so smooth it aroused me to no end. She guided my hand, wet with my own cum, to my father's waiting cock. She held my finger out and slowly traced his tip, careful not to apply too much pressure in any one spot.

My god, I thought. I'm touching my father's penis. It's so big and smooth. I wanted nothing more than to take it in me. I thought I heard my father give a whimper as he edged with a desire for release. Brianna intruded on my thoughts, "I can see both our lovers are growing impatient and can't take anymore. The sexual tension between you is intense. With practice, you will be able to stay in this tension for longer periods of time. Let's move on to something new.

Brianna helped my father up and guided both of us to sit on what looked like a large yoga mat on the floor. My father and I were completely in her hands. I realized that letting her take over almost completely relleved me of needing to feel guilty about my desire for my father. She sat us down across from and facing each other, legs extended so that his were over mine, and my feet rested just around his ass. His rock hard dick sat directly in front of my soaking wet pussy. They were so close I imagined I could feel its warmth.

Brianna placed our arms on each other's shoulders. "Under no circumstances are you to touch each others genitals. This exercise will allow you to maintain your arousal while also letting things cool enough to avoid climax. Look deeply into your partner's eyes. You will now say their name, and what you want them to do to you. Sir, you will begin."

"Lily, I want so badly for you to reach down and grab my cock. I want to feel your hand grip it and put it wherever you want." Hearing him speak so clearly of his desire sent a ripple of pleasure through me that settled into my stomach. I yearned to reach out, but knew I could not.

"Now you, Lily," Brianna encouraged.

"Da-John," oops. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Brianna's head turn slightly with interest. I pressed on. "I want you to bend me over and push yourself deep into me. I want to feel your thickness filling me up." Dad's prick twitched as if to try to grant my request.

"Good. Now hold that pose while I ready the Nuru gel."

I was so curious as to what was next, but at the same time could not stop looking into my father's eyes. I could feel his desire. I knew instantly that he had wanted this for a long time. I hoped he knew that this was my secret desire as well.

Brianna returned with a large basin of clear gel. "This is a special massage gel from Japan. will spread this over your bodies, and guide you in its use. Lily you will slide over John, using your body to massage and stimulate him. There is to be no penetration at this stage. She then dipped her hand in the gel, and began to

spread it over my shoulders, over my back, across my legs, and finally over my breasts. Her expert hands massaged my breasts and gently teased my nipples. Her body pressed against mine as she spread the gel, making her black skin glisten and catch the little light in the room. The gel felt cool and soothing. It dripped down to my pussy and she spread it across the lips, then moved back to spread it over my ass.

With a sloppy, gel soaked hand, she laid my father back so he was lying flat. She spread the gel over his chest and legs, leaving his penis dry. "Lily will get that," she said with a wink

She directed me to sit on his legs, and slid me up. I was surprised at how smoothly I moved up my father's body. The gel created such a smooth surface on both our skins there was barely any resistance. I realized what was about to happen before my father. He had put his head back, and was enjoying the sensation. With Brianna's guidance, my sopping wet and lubricated pussy rolled over and flattened his waiting hard cock. Its stiffness moved through my siit and threatened to enter. I yelped with pleasure and my father's hands lifted to grip my hips. Again, Brianna was quick with her own hands, and held my father down.

My body took over, no longer needing Brianna's guidance. I slipped my pussy over my father's body, occasionally returning to his cock to tease it. I used my hips to rock myself into him. My father each time tried to hold me in place over his cock, but was held firm in place by Brianna. I laid flat, letting my slippery breasts spread the gel over him as well.

We both moaned with each pass of pleasure. I reversed and gave my father a view of my ass. He was confronted by my large, shining pale globes and was allowed to roam his hands over them by Brianna. I reached back and pressed his dick up against my ass, moving my body up and down, rubbing it on the crack but stopping it from making purchase inside me. I was so horny and free I had the thought to let him into my asshole, Imagining that it would slide in easily, without pain. But I didn't dare.

After what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, Brianna, herself now completely shining with gel, said, "Now is the moment your bodies have been preparing for. It's time you embraced and be Joined together."

And with my father still laying on his back, Brianna helped me up, guiding me over his waiting cock. My dad stabbed himself into me and the pleasure was unlike anything I had ever experienced. As I wished, daddy filled me up completely. We both screamed in pleasure.

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E18

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Family Trip To Jamaica - S01 E20

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