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Driving Miss Daisy - S01 E26

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Driving Miss Daisy - S01 E26

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 26

My program is really three layers of protection, both to restrict a computer's use to its authorized owner and to keep all of that nasty stuff out. I've sold usage to a lot of government agencies and banks to whom security is of utmost importance. I charge $2,000 per computer the first year, including installation and upgrades and $1,000 every year thereafter. It is expensive, but so are security breaches whether you're a bank, a retall outlet, or the federal government dealing with national security. I'm working now on a mega-deal with the Department of Defense. Even they don't know how many desktops and laptops they have-more than a hundred thousand around the world, that much I do know, and they want each and every one protected.

"I like to think of myself as a patriot. I love this country and I'm proud to be a citizen. Nobody will ever accuse me of Income tax evasion. I view taxes as dues for living in the best country on the planet so I'm giving them a break financially. I really can't say any more, but I will tell you this. By the time I'm done almost every country on earth will have this protection."


"Yeah..I'll never sell to either Russia or China or Iran or North Korea or any other nation that's a threat to the U.S. I'm already working on version four. It's at least twice as powerful as version one. I'm the only person who can remember the password to access the program code. It's forty-two characters long. There are eighty-six characters on the American keyboard so the number of possible codes is 86 to the 42nd power-actually even more because I can use the same character two or three times. Any idea how many that is?"

"Not a clue; math wasn't my strong point in school."

"That's okay, I have no idea either. Just take my word for it-it's a hell of a lot!" We laughed and returned to our food and mimosas. After finishing the omelets Sara led me back to the buffet for a big pile of cold boiled shrimp. She insisted on feeding me one succulent shrimp dripping cocktail sauce after another. Sara told me then that she would be late arriving Sunday morning so she could get some clothes for the trip.

"Don't get too many. I plan on buying you a whole new wardrobe. I

have a credit card for you to use. Think you might enjoy spending

the first day in the hotel's spa?"

think I'd love it. I've never done anything like that before."

"Good...I plan on spoiling you terribly and all I ask in return is..."

"That I fuck you until you can't stand up...until you can't even move."

"I was going to say that you love me as much as I've learned to love you."

"You already have that." Then she leaned forward to kiss me and I was sure that she would have done more had we been in my house-what was destined to become our house, our family's cherished home. We finished eating only when we were stuffed, barely able to even walk back to the SUV for the short ride home. I fell onto the couch and Sara joined me. "Why don't you see if there's a football game on?"

I just handed her the remote and a few minutes later we were watching Ohio State vs. Purdue. "That's the Big 10, John. Do you know anything about football?"

"Do you recall that I have a photographic memory? know more about football than most people, but I've never found it too Interesting."

"I'll bet you spent every Saturday in the library, didn't you?"

I couldn't stifle the laugh that began in my throat. "No bet," I gagged, unable to hold it down any longer. "You know I'm a nerd. You also know that I never dated until met Daisy while I was in graduate school so it's a logical deduction that I rarely participated in most other social activities. However, in my defense I did play on the chess team and I was university bridge champion one year until my partner graduated. So, if you want to play either bridge or chess, I'm game."

"I'll pass," she said with a giggle as she laid her head onto my lap. "Let's just watch the game...okay?" It was..okay, that is, even though it was a slaughter. I asked Sara if she wanted anything for dinner and, after a moment's thought, she suggested hot dogs so l slowly squeezed out from beneath her head to start the grill. We ate around 4:30 then she pulled me upstairs to the bedroom where she once again demonstrated her athleticism by bending my cock in about a thousand different directions before finally gave up the ghost, cumming hard into her soaking wet puss. We relaxed for a while before I helped her to the shower. I guess that four orgasms will wear you out. I was lucky to have just one.

I washed her carefully and she seemed rejuvenated when we exited. Sara dressed in her scrubs and left me just after six. I started my laptop to play a game of chess against the program. It wasn't much of a program-1 almost always won.

We spent all day Sunday together and-no-we didn't spend it fucking. It was a balmy October day with temperature in the 70's so we went fishing in the morning. Out of Northport Harbor and east to Old Field, an area with probably thousands of large rocks, we sped. I had bought two dozen green crabs in addition to my rods, tackle box, and electronics. Sara was grinning wildly as we flew over the calm water until my GPS and sonar told me we were in a potentially prime spot.

After anchoring I cut one of the crabs in quarters, baited our hooks and we sat with the rods in our laps. I baited the hooks again after an unproductive twenty minutes, changing bait again twenty minutes after that. All told, we fished for almost two hours, even changing locations twice, without even a single bite. We returned to Northport around noon and were back in the house, clean from our shower, by 1:30. After a quick sandwich and soda that we ate naked, loving and touching the entire time. We were dressed in time to relax for a few hours before the limo arrived.

Driving Into New York on a Sunday afternoon is always chancy. Traffic during the summer can be horrendous. Now, however, it was mid October so there was little beach traffic to fight. The trip still took us more than an hour. I paid the driver and we walked into the Delta terminal at LaGuardia. There are special lines and services for first class; that's one of the reasons why you have to pay the ridiculous fees. We had checked in and passed through security with almost an hour to spare.

The non-stop flight took off less than fifteen minutes late which is almost miraculous at any of the New York airports. The flight was short-only about 90 minutes-and uneventful. We strode into our executive suite at the hotel just after 11:00. We showered again and climbed into bed naked, needing sleep. I had an important meeting the next morning with my team.

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Driving Miss Daisy - S01 E25

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Driving Miss Daisy - S01 E27

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