Mr Lecturer - S01 E04

Story 1 month ago

Mr Lecturer - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4

This is the third time Ngozi was doing the assignments given to her by Lecturer Daniel. She was sure she was doing the right thing, but she has failed to figure out whatever it was she was doing wrongly. As she entered the lecturer's office that morning, she did the sign of the cross, praying that Daniel would finally accept it from her and mark.

Ngozi had wondered if she was the only one suffering in the hands of Lecturer Daniel, but one thing is that she has not really asked anyone in her class. She had kept the whole problem to herself, hoping it would just go away. It had refused to go away, so she had left everything in the hands of God.

"Good morning sir." Ngozi greeted Lecturer Daniel who was busy writing with a red pen. It was like he was marking the assigments he had collected from other students. Ngozi was hoping that finally, he was going to collect her own assignments and mark too.

"How are you today?" Lecturer Daniel asked Ngozi calmly. His voice seemed a little bit different and Ngozi was wondering what might have changed. He sounded welcoming and caring unlike him.

"Did you sleep well?" Lecturer Daniel asked again with a sense of care and affection. Ngozi was taken aback as she did not know Daniel to be a caring man. He had always been off- putting and unwelcoming.

"I slept well sir." Ngozi said, even though it was a lie. She had spent the night typing the assignments using Adora's laptop which she had borrowed the previous day. She no longer had the money to pay typists at the computer center, so she had to type the two research works herself.

"I'm glad to hear that you are fine and that you slept well. It is my job to look out for my students and make sure they are always fine. Your eyes look as if you did not sleep. Are you sure you are fine?" Lecturer Daniel kept asking and Ngozi kept telling lies that she had a good sleep.

"I slept well sir. I'm totally fine. Thanks so much for asking." Ngozi responded shyly.

"Alright! Are you now ready to do the assignment? You know, all these while we have been playing. Are you now ready for us to start doing the assignment? If you are ready, we can start." Lecturer Daniel asked with a gentle smile. Ngozi was startled by the question and she did not know exactly how to respond to it.

"I don't understand sir. I have already done the assignment sir and I'm here with it. I really don't get your question sir. Which other assignment are you talking about?" Ngozi said with a little smile in other not to appear rude.

"I can see you are not yet ready. You can go, anytime you are ready, come back and meet me so we can start doing the assigments. If I don't see you by this time tomorrow, consider it that you have failed the course. I'm going to send you an address where we will be doing the assignment. In fact, let me write it for you." Lecturer Daniel said as he picked a piece of paper and scribbled something on it for Ngozi.

"This place is a hotel sir. I thought all school activities were supposed to take place within the school premises? Why are we going to a hotel sir?" Ngozi asked.

"Stop asking questions and just do as you are told. You are asking too many questions. Make sure you meet me at the hotel tomorrow. You will fail my course this semester if you I don't see you. What we are going to the hotel to do is the practicals of what I taught you in the classroom. You are not the first student I will be taking to the hotel room for this particular assignment. Those who have failed to follow me to th hotel room have all failed by courses. So, be warned and comply accordingly. Now, leave my office. The next time I see you should be at the hotel room." Lecturer Daniel remarked.

Ngozi left the office without understanding what to do or how to go about it. She went to the school canteen and started weeping while seated in one chair as if she had come to eat. She just wanted to be on her own, but she noticed that someone tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted up her face and saw that it was Adora, the only friend she had in the school. Adora was in 300 level, so she knew immediately that when a new student cries the way Ngozi was crying, it was most likely that a lecturer was frustrating her.

"What is the matter? Why are you crying?" Adora asked.

"It's my lecturer, Adora, she is on my neck and I don't know how else to handle him. He gave us an assignment and he has refused to collect my own. I have taken the research work to him three good times. The first time I went there, she tore the assignment into pieces and poured the paper into his trash can. Now, he is telling me to meet him in a hotel tomorrow so we can do the assignment together. He said it is a practical assignment to be done in a hotel room. I don't understand and I'm scared because he said he is going to fail me if I don't show up." Ngozi said tearfully.

"Don't worry. Your problem is over. Is it not Lecturer Daniel? That is how he behaves, but this would be the last time he will be frustrating a student. He did the same thing to me. When I a student. He did the same thing to me. When I was I was new in the school I gave in to his demands and allowed him to browse my website for free because I was scared he would fail me. Now, I will help you to expose him." Adora said with a lot of anger when she remembered what the lecturer did to her years ago.

"Really? He browsed your website? Is that what he wants to do to me tomorrow? Is he going to log into my website?" Adora asked with concern.

"I'm very sure that is exactly what he wants to do to you. But I will not allow it to happen. Tomorrow, I will be at the hotel. I will hide in the wardrobe with my phone camera. When he pulls his clothes, I will record it so that we can expose him." Adora said.

"That's a perfect plan. Thanks so much Adora." Ngozi said happily.

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Mr Lecturer - S01 E03

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Mr Lecturer - S01 E05

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