Mr Lecturer - S01 E03

Story 1 month ago

Mr Lecturer - S01 E03

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

Episode 3

Ngozi had toiled the whole night to complete work on the two assignments given to her by Lecturer Daniel. As usual, she visited websites online and downloaded many documents which she used to research the work properly. She used other research works published on well recognized journals and also cited her references properly. By all standards, what she was able to churn out could be described as properly researched academic papers.

She did not sleep the whole night because the lecturer had threatened her with failure and she wanted none of that. As soon as Ngozi saw the first light of daybreak, she took her bath, wore her clothes and rushed out of the house without even applying her makeups. She rushed to Lecturer Daniel's office to make sure she would meet him on seat before he would go for his first lecture of the day.

However, Ngozi got there and she did not see the lecturer, so she had to wait patiently until 8am when he drove into the departmental premises in his small Toyota Corolla car. When he came out of the car, Ngozi rushed to collect his bag from him but the man declined, insisting that he would carry his bag himself. Ngozi stepped back and stood respectfully and greeted Lecturer Daniel.

"Good morning sir." She said.

"How are you young lady? Have you done the two assignments I gave to you?" Lecturer Daniel asked with a husky voice which suggested to Ngozi that he may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Yes sir. I did not sleep last night just so I can complete work on the two assailments. Look at it here sir. Everything is complete as you instructed." Ngozi said excitedly, hoping to get a positive answer from Lecture Daniel.

"Really? Let me take a look." He said.

"Here it is sir." Ngozi rushed quickly and brought out the two assignments from her handbag and handed them over to the lecturer who declined to even touch it.

"What is this?" He asked with a strong face, indicating that he had seen something he did not like.

"The two assignments sir. You asked me to submit them this morning." Ngozi responded.

"Do you think this place is primary school? Do you think you are still in primary six? Why are you submitting your assignments to me without having them typed? Were you not told that you are supposed to type all your assignments before submitting them to your lecturer? This is an insult to my person. Do you know how many years I have been lecturing in this university? I have never read a document or assignment written with pen. You are just coming in year one to hand me an assignment you used your hand to write with a blue pen. My friend take this from me before I tear it. You are lucky I'm in a very good mood this morning." Lecturer Daniel yelled at Ngozi who had started to shiver like a rat beaten by a heavy rain. She was so sad.

"But sir, I wrote the assignment in the night and there was no way I could have typed it in the night. The computer centers are not even open by now. I just say let me bring it to you. I did not even know it is compulsory for me to type it. Please can you please take it like this? Besides, I do not have money to type." Ngozi pleaded with lecturer Daniel who was looking at her like a piece of trash.

"Young lady, I don't care if you have money or not and I don't care to know what time you did the assignments. All I have said is that I will not read any document that is no typed. How do you expect me to read that your handwriting that is like zigzags? I'm an old man and I do not have to put on my eyes glasses before seeing an assignment. Go and do as I have said. You have until 12 noon to submit those assignments, if not I will not touch them again." Lecturer Daniel said as he left the scene and started walking to his office.

"Please sir. Pity me sir. I do not have the money to pay for typing. Kindly mark the assignments this way sir. My handwriting is very good. I promise you will see everything I have written." Ngozi pleaded but the lecturer turned deaf ears to all her pleas. She started crying like a baby.

"If those assignments reaches my hand again without being typed, I will tear them into pieces. You better don't follow me to my office." He said.

Ngozi had no option than to go to his friend, Adora. She was able to borrow some money from Adora and with the money, she went to the computer center and had to the two assignments typed. The documents were so long that the typist was not able to finish typing them before 12 noon. Nonetheless, Ngozi rushed with the two booklets to Lecturer Daniel's office.

"Good afternoon sir. I have been able to type the two assignments. I have them here sir." She said as she handed the neatly typed booklets to him.

"What time is it by now?" The lecturer asked. Ngozi quickly looked at her wrist watch to check the time.

"It's 10 minutes after 12 sir." Ngozi responded.

"It told you to bring it by 12 noon on the dot. Why did you fail?" The lecturer asked.

"The typist could not finish on time sir. Please forgive me." Ngozi pleaded. She was sweating and panting because she had been running to meet up with the time.

"You are joking. You think in the university, you can just behave the way you want? You think you can submit your assignments any time you want without any regard to instructions? You are a joker." Lecturer Daniel said. As he was talking, he was tearing the two assignments into pieces. He tore all of them and poured the pieces of paper into his trash can.

"You are going to the do the assignments again. These ones are cancelled because you submitted them late. Now, leave my office." The lecturer ordered. Ngozi cried and left.

Watch out for the next part.

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Mr Lecturer - S01 E02

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Mr Lecturer - S01 E04

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