Mr Lecturer - S01 E05

Story 1 month ago

Mr Lecturer - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

"Today is the d-day. We are going to make sure that he never threatens or disturbs any student in this campus again. You will be the last girl he would ever try to disturb. We are going to teach him a bitter lesson." Adora said when she and Ngozi entered the hotel room where lecturer Daniel had told her to go and wait for him.

Once they entered the hotel room, Adora went straight into the big wardrobe stationed there and it swallowed her. Ngozi who was outside helped her to close it but they intentionally left a small gap which was just big enough to allow her stick out her hand to use her camera to capture everything that would happen in the room.

"Look, don't betray any emotions. Once the lecturer comes in, act as if you have realized all he had been telling you. Make sure you make him say things that would nail him. Don't fail in this important assignment." Adora said for the last time before the wardrobe opening was covered with a curtain.

"I promise I will not fail. I will do everything as you have instructed. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this with me. I'm so grateful to you. Now, let's teach this man a bitter lesion." Ngozi said as she sat on the bed and waited for the lecturer. Soon, he walked into the hotel room brimming with smiles. The happiness on his face showed that of a hunter who had successfully caught an elusive bird he had been chasing for a long time.

"Good evening sir. You are welcome sir." Ngozi greeted respectfully. As soon as Lecturer Daniel entered the hotel room, Adora flipped open the wardrobe slightly and tapped the camera on her phone and started recording.

"Good evening beautiful one. You are so beautiful that from the day I set my eyes on you in class, I vowed that I must catch you. I told myself that I must do whatever it takes to catch you. I know that I have browsed many websites belonging to my students, but I told myself that instead of me not to catch you, I will frustrate you until you bow to pressure." The lecturer said while smiling. Ngozi smiled with him so as to make him feel comfortable.

"But I'm glad you came here on your own. That means we are on the same page. It means you even secretly love me. Or don't you love me? Admit it that you admire me. Or is it because I have been giving you troubles over your assignments? Forget it and forgive me. I was doing those things to frustrate you so that you will bow to pressure and follow me to this hotel room. Now that you have come here with me, will never disturb you again. After spending time with me in this hotel today, I will make sure you graduate with A in my courses all through the four years in you will spend in this university." Lecturer Daniel said. He was saying the things that Adora wanted him to say. He was just talking like a radio set, setting himself up without knowing it.

"So sir, you were intentionally frustrating me? Why? What did I do to you?" Ngozi asked gently with a smile. She had not started removing her clothes, but Lecturer Daniel had already removed his own with happiness.

"Yes of course. That is the tactics we use to catch the girls we like on campus. You did not do anything wrong to me. Your only crime is that you are too beautiful. I used difficult assignments to tie you down. You can keep submitting it but there is no way for you until you come to this hotel room to do the practicals with me." The lecturer said.

"So after I have done the practicals with you, what next? Will you still be disturbing me?" Ngozi asked as she watched the man with amazement. He fell on the bed and threw his legs up like a child. Everything Ngozi was seeing irritated her but she kept her cool.

"After this, you will be free completely. I will be giving you good grades in all my assignments, tests and examinations. It does not matter weather you do well or not, you will always pass with grade A. Join me in bed let us finish up and leave." The lecturer said with a mischievous smile. Just then, Adora opened the wardrobe door and came out.

"Your cup is finally full today." Adora said with her phone still recording everything.

"Everything you have said are recorded in my phone. The moment of reckoning have come for you." Adora said, laughing teasingly.

"Adora, how did you enter this room? What are you doing here?" Lecturer Daniel asked in total shock and deep disbelief.

"I came here to deal with you. This same thing you wanted to do to my friend Ngozi, you did it to me when I resumed newly in this school. Now, my eyes have opened and I'm here to put an end to it. I have recorded you in my phone and I finally have the evidence I need to nail you. Now, I'm going to show you that you don't have the monopoly of making troubles." Adora said.

"You invited this lady here? Do you know each other?" Lecturer Daniel asked Ngozi while he battled to put on his clothes but it was far to late to do any damage control. He knew this, so he knelt down and started begging Adora and Ngozi.

"Give me a second chance. I will never do this again. I will never threaten to fail any girl again. Adora please forgive me for what I did to you years ago. Ngozi forgive me for tearing your assignment and for frustrating you. I did not know what came over me." The lecturer said with his kneels on the ground.

"So you can actually beg? I'm shocked to see you kneeling down and begging." Ngozi said sarcastically.

"Please, if that video gets out, I will be sacked. Please delete it." The lecturer pleaded.

"Delete what? He said delete it. The power is now in our hands and we shall do whatever we want with the video. Just one click and it will be all over the internet. Now, continue kneeling down and repeat after me." Ngozi said with a serious tone.

"I will never in my life threaten to fail any student again." She said and the lecturer repeated the words with tears in his eyes. The two ladies made to leave the room.

"What are you going to do with the video? Are you going to delete it?" He asked.

"We will keep it. If you behave the way we don't like, we will use it to teach you a lesson. Remember, just one click on my phone and it will be everywhere. If I ever hear that you failed a student or that you are on any student's neck, I will submit this video to the Vice Chancellor." Ngozi said as they left the office.

That was how they successfully humbled Lecturer Daniel and he never tried to take advantage of any student again.


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Mr Lecturer - S01 E04

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