A Crazy Love - S01 E08

Story 1 month ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E08

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

Kizy was still strictly made to finish those entire two bowls of soup. She felt it would have been better if Markus would have poisened her, instead of making her drink those two bowls.

“Look Mom, she only listens to you. She wouldn’t have finished the soup even if i was to die convincing her” Markus complained.

“Markus save my contact in your phone. If she isn’t listening to you, you can straightaway call me personally and i will handle her” Kate spoke.

“Are you truly my mom” Kizy exclaimed.

“Kizy if he is speaking for your benefit, you should listen to him. Don’t take advantage of his feelings and concern” Kate reprimanded Kizy.

All the enthusiasm that Kizy had shown while entering the ward was gone by the time she left following behind Markus..

As soon as she sat on the passenger seat, Markus yanked her towards him.

“You better remember the consequences of angering your husband Kizy. This was only a small punishment because i am pitying you for your periods. But if this behaviour is seen to be repeated, i will make sure you would be begging for death than to be present anywhere near me” Markus whispered in her ear while holding her in a tight grip of his hands.

Kizy struggled in his tight grip, but eventually she stopped knowing it was useless. She ignored Markus and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Markus didn’t mind this childish behaviour of hers. Anyways, he had already punished her and he didn’t wanted to pay any more attention to her.

Both of them had there most peaceful dinner ever in the past three days. Markus was silently eating his food, thus Kizy didn’t had any reason to fight him.

Today Kizy directly came inside the bedroom and had her bath before laying down on bed. Markus did the same and climbed bed from opposite side.

“Don’t you have any work on terrace today dear? I thought you loved sleeping there” Markus asked with a smirk.

“We are legally married couple. All of your belongings are mine, this bedroom and bed included. So whether i wan’t to stay here or go is my decision. Also you don’t have to interfere with my work” Kizy retorted.

“Oh Dear how can you say such mean things? And you are working for me. So how can i not interfere?” Markus teased Kizy.

Kizy didn’t knew how to reply back. She turned her back towards Markus and closed her eyes, trying to sleep. Markus turned the table lamp off before pulling Kizy and sleeping with her in his arms.

The next few days were comparitively peaceful for the couple. Markus was busy with some project and didn’t had much time with Kizy except while they shared the same bed. Every morning Kizy would find herself cuddling Markus but she was somehow getting used to it.

But something changed on ninth day of there marriage. Today Markus and Kizy were returning home after a day full of work and paying Kizy’s mom a visit. And something unexpected happened. A lot of black cars were parked outside there mansion and men wearing black uniform could be seen forming two proper lines on both sides of road leading to the mansion.

Markus saw this and immediately cursed.


“Is something wrong?” Kizy asked after watching his tensed expression.

“Listen, just co-operate with me now and pretend as if we are a very loving and caring couple. Don’t try to act oversmart or the consequences would be dire.” Markus finished before quickly opening the door from his side of car and went to open the door on opposite side for Kizy. He even placed a hand above her head, showing as if he was worried that she would hit her head while exiting the car.

Kizy was thoroughly confused now. Why so many cars were parked today? And where have all these men came from? But most importantly why was Markus suddenly behaving like a gentleman with her?

Markus suddenly made Kizy hook her arm within Markus hand and then lead her towards the house. He bent a little towards her and whispered with a smile.

“Remember what i said or else just forget about living a normal life from today. Now smile brightly.”

For others, it seemed as if the couple was living there honeymoon phase to the fullest, whispering sweet words and teasing each other. But only Kizy knew how Markus was capable of threatening someone with such a loving smile.

All these actions were being seen by someone from the balcony on second floor. After watching the couple enter, the person went inside the room.

Markus removed his shoes before taking off his blazer and Kizy’s purse from her hand, and kept them on the stand.

“Has he eaten anything?” Markus asked the butler.

“No young master. Master wanted to wait for both of you” butler replied respectfully.

“Ok. Prepare to serve the food. We will dine together within ten minutes” Markus said before climbing the stairs with Kizy.

As soon as he opened the door for his room, a vase came flying towards his head. Hopefully he had quick reflexes and was used to this treatment, hence he managed to catch it in time.

“Grandfather, will it hurt you if you don’t try to ruin my valueable vases every single time?” Markus asked in a monotonous voice.

Behind him Kizy was shocked at the scene. Just as the door had opened, a vase came flying towards them, she was about to dodge it quickly but Markus was a step ahead of her. But what stunned her more was the person standing before her was Markus’s grandpa. She had somehow guessed that it might be his grandpa from the way butler had adressed him, but she didn’t expect her guess to come out true.

When they were in there last year of college, Markus had dropped out from college. It was only after a month that she came to know that his father had died and Markus was made to take over the business. She had also known that his father had no other siblings. Thus Kizy had thought that the Master butler referred might be his grandpa, and her guess came true.

“So will it hurt you to inform the family before your marriage. Even if not asking, shouldn’t you bring her back home and introduce her to the family?” His grandpa snorted.

“Grandpa this is Kizy. I wanted to take her back home for introducing her, but she is a little shy. Also due to some accident, her mother is hospitalized at the moment. I wanted to completely investigate the incident before bringing her along with her mom” Markus replied in a careless voice.

“Just making excuses. Just because nobody is scolding you does not means you don’t have to fear them.” He said angrily before turning towards Kizy. But suddenly all his anger disappeared the moment he gazed at her. His face broke out into a doting smile.

One had to say that Grandpa had maintained himself well over years. Even when he was almost seventy years old now, he walked with ramrod back without help of walking stick. Though years of hardships were visible from his wrinkles, but his facial features as well as expressions were sharp. One could see that he was blessed with his looks and many women would be fawning over him in past..

“Kid you look very kind by nature. I am happy to see that this brat has finally married someone sensible. But you don’t have to be afraid of us. In fact my wife wanted to tag along with me to meet you, but i wanted to scold this useless child. And it is impossible to discipline him in front of her. But you should relax, and visit us whenever you have sometime. Our family has been waiting for you since the day you married him” He said gently, as if afraid that even his voice would scare his grand-daughter-in-law away.

Kizy suddenly didn’t knew how to react. She was used to living with only her mom for the past few years. Thus she didn’t knew how it felt like to have an elder always caring and nagging behind you.

“I will definitely try to meet up with you all as soon as possible” Kizy said while lowering her head.

“Good. Good. What an obedient child” Grandpa said with a smile.

Kizy thought for a moment before removing her hand from Markus’s grip and walking towards grandpa. She held his hand while supporting him from the back with other hand.

“Grandpa i heard that you haven’t eaten anything yet. Lets have dinner and then we can talk” she said politely.

Behind her Markus was stumped for words. He somehow expected that his grandpa would like Kizy. In fact he was sure that grandpa would have liked anyone he married, unless the person wasn’t a male. But what was wrong with Kizy. Did she hit her head somewhere?

But nobody could blame him for this. Markus and Kizy had always grown up fighting each other to death. Not to mention a few polite words, he had never heard her talk normally. So all this sweet childish behaviour she was showing in front of his grandpa was completely unexpected.

“Grandpa will definitely listen to you. You need to eat more. Look at how thin you are” Grandpa nagged before leaving the room, while Kizy supported him. Both of them ignored the person who was the first reason why they were able to meet each other.

Markus stood motionlessly on his place watching the back of his ‘beloved’ wife and ‘loving’ grandpa who even forget that someone was standing together with them. He sullenly shook his head before following behind them.

The dinner was very joyful. Kizy had immediately developed liking for this newly found grandpa. For the entire time, grandpa was asking different questions, trying to know her preferences and dislikes. While Kizy was busy piling food on his plate. He even asked about how Markus treated her, but she simply replied that they were good. Afterall although she would love to complain about certain devil, she wasn’t ready for the punishment accompaning that.

After dinner, Kizy took a walk with grandpa in the garden behind there house. Markus was quietly following both of them, though internally he just wanted to leave this pair of uncaring people and go back to his work.

Grandpa was enjoying his time as well. After sometime he came to the main point.

“Actually it will be your grandmother’s birthday three weeks from now. But i wanted to ask you regarding the planning. Initially i wanted to celebrate this birthday in a grand way by welcoming all our acquintances. But suddenly both of you married without any prior notification. And we don’t know the culprit behind your mother’s accident yet. We don’t know what they want. Also if you were to appear at the celebration with Markus, we would have to reveal your identity which might attract his enemy’s attention on you. Therefore i wanted to ask if you are comfortable with a inviting guests for the celebration or should we hold a small celebration within our family members. Afterall we don’t want to risk your safety.” he finished. Though he had asked about this from both of them, he was waiting for Markus’s reply.

“If i can not even protect my wife, i wouldn’t have married her in the first place. Her safety is my responsibility. You can carry on with your initial arrangements. I will take care of how to reveal her identity and protect her” Markus said in a firm voice.

“What about you Kizy. Your opinion matters as well. We have a small family, thus we care about what all of us feel about every decision we have to make as a family” But this time grandpa’s voice was softer.

“Grandpa i will follow the arrangements Markus has made for me. And i would definitely like to meet the other family members as well” Kizy replied.

Though she knew the amount of hatred she had for Markus, she was a person with her principles. Whatever hatred she had for Markus was limited to him. She had never met his family, and hence she won’t judge them based on Markus’s character. And so far her decision was correct as grandpa seemed to be a very thoughtful and caring person, different from the devil she had to live with.

“Alright then, make sure you don’t plan anything at that time. Lets meet at the celebration then” Grandpa then turned towards Kizy.

“Although Markus isn’t a bad person, but we have spoiled him endlessly. If this brat ever troubles you, just tell the butler to notify me. I will take care of him” With that grandpa rubbed her head and glanced at Markus before leaving.


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