A Crazy Love - S01 E07

Story 1 month ago

A Crazy Love - S01 E07

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7

Kizy worked for continuous two hours when the woman sitting beside her suddenly exclaimed.

“Yaaaayyyy!! I am about to faint. Did you see the company chat group?” Claire, the woman sitting beside Kizy said in an exaggerated manner to other employees nearby.

Kizy unlocked her phone and opened the chat group. She was added to the group this morning itself and all the employees were there in it.

She read the last message which was sent a minute ago.

“Guys!! Elevator no. 1 is not working today” a lady had texted this.

Kizy was further confused at this scenario. Its just an elevator, she had seen that the building had about ten elevator.. Even if one stopped there was nothing to worry. On top of that, the lady who texted it and the colleagues around her seemed to be somewhat happy or more like excited at this news.

Kizy then asked Claire who was busy starring at the same message for past twenty seconds.

“What is wrong with the message. Its just an elevator which is not working”

Claire immediately gave Kizy a deathly glance.

“What do you mean just and elevator. It is the VIP elevator which is used by Boss. Now that there is some issue with it, Boss will have to take other elevator to reach his office on top floor. And way to all those elevators except no. 1 is from here. That means we could catch a glimpse of Boss while passing by. Oh my god! I think i will faint from happiness” Claire said.

Kizy didn’t knew whether she should laugh or cry. Why were they so excoted to watch the devil. Weren’t they scared or pissed off after watching that cold and stoic face of his, which felt as if he was suffering from facial paralysis.

“But why are you excited about watching boss?” Kizy asked carefully. Almost all those sitting around her gared at her with astonishment.

“You sure are newbie to our company. Tell me, have you ever seen our boss?” Claire asked

Kizy didn’t wanted to make them suspicious hence she answered “No I haven’t”.

“I just knew this. You don’t know that our boss is the most handsome looking male in our entire country. He has been ranked as the most eligible bachelor of the country for past three consecutive years. All the female staff are willing to die just for his single glance. But unfortunately boss never shows himself except for company meetings and annual celebration. He has a special elevator for himself which is directly connected from the parking to his office. Thus we never get to see him other than such rare opportunities as one today.” Claire said excitedly.

Kizy was secretly laughing inside her mind. That devil and most eligible bachelor… pfft… more like most evil bachelor. If these ladies knew what type of man Markus was, they would truly be shocked to the core. Kizy then ignored them and got back to her work.

She was typing something on her laptop when suddenly everything went silent. She lifted her head and saw all the employees standing up to greet Markus.

Markus was about to cross her without paying any attention when the person who had interviewed her yesterday suddenly spoke up.

“Boss, this is miss Kizy i told you about. I selected her based on her capabilities but she didn’t had her marriage certificate. But she made a phone call to her husband on the spot and i selected her after that” he said.

Markus immediately stopped in his steps before turning back towards Kizy.

“Why don’t you have your marriage certificate?” He asked.

All the employees were stunned speechless. All of them had been working here for past few years but there boss had never uttered a single word for them. And today he suddenly spoke to a newbie, not to mention he asked something so private which was unlike him. They knew that Boss never liked interferring in others life.

“My certificate is kept with my husband” Kizy replied trying to sound as much calm as possible. She should have known that all this elevator shit must be planned in advanced by Markus. Or why would that interviewer suddenly pay this much attention to a newbie.

“So should i assume that you are a careless person. Is that why your husband didn’t trust you with the certificate?” Markus asked while raising his brows.

Kizy could no longer stop herself from frowning. How can he say such things. He was the one who took away the certificates.

On the other side Markus was secretly gleeing at this situation. He was thinking ‘This is what happens when you go against me. I was trying to help you earlier today but you didn’t appreciate it. Now enjoy this’ he said to himself.

“No Boss. The thing is my husband is a little retarded. He is mentally unstable. He would sometimes be angry and sometimes laugh like a fool. Last time he forced me to give the certificates and i had no way other than obeying him. Thus the certificate is with him now” Kizy said with a smirk. ‘Two could play the game together’ she thought to herself.

Markus was giving out an extremely cold aura which was making others suffocate by each passing minute. Others didn’t knew, but he knew that he was Kizy’s husband. Indirectly Kizy was calling him mentally unstable.

Behind him Joel was stunned at this ladyboss. Others were confused but he knew everything about both of them. In fact he was the one who had kept those certificates in Boss’s study room. But young miss had seriously angered boss.

Markus suppressed his anger and said

“It must be hard on a poor and weak woman like you” with that he left for the elevator.

All the employees were still trying to comprehend what there boss meant but Kizy had turned red with anger. Why did he call her poor and weak. She would definitely take revenge for this.

“Oh My God Kizy!! I am so envious of you. I wish boss would have talked to me instead of you. And what was about the marriage certificate” Claire asked her while other employees immediately gathered around her.

“It isn’t much special. And what is there to be envy when he said such mean words to me?” Kizy said with a frown. ‘What was wrong with these people. Were they blind. Couldn’t they see that if not for this public place, the devil would have chopped her with a thousand cuts by now’ She thought in her mind.

“What do you know about boss? I would die without any regrets even if Boss was to scold me all he wanted. Leave it. You won’t understand it anyways. Also you are already married, so you won’t know how we feel” another one of the female employees said.

Kizy just shrugged before resuming her work. If only these people knew that the person she married was the same person they would love to be scolded to death, she didn’t know how they will react.

Markus was eminating a very cold aura by now. Any employee that crossed path with him would feel a chill down his spine. The temperature was dropping so fast that Joel felt as if he had suddenly stepped in antartica.

He was praying for the ladyboss. Why does she have to anger him again. His boss already was very short tempered and now the lady boss always provoked him. Joel could see that the coming few days would be very hard for him.. He would always have to remain on his toes.

On the other hand, Kizy went back to her work and forgot about this entire fiasco. She was a complete workaholic. Thus even she didn’t realize that she had been working continuously and it was time to leave now.

She went out with Claire and others and suddenly spotted the very familiar black car. She knew that Markus must be inside. Hence she excused herself and ran away, hiding from others. She discreetly went towards the car and opened the door.

But a very cold aura made her gulp the moment door was opened. That’s when Kizy remembered that she had angered some certain devil. She immediately tried to shut the door and run away but someone was even faster this time.

“Won’t you be getting in my dear Wife?” Markus asked. But that voice sent chills down her entire body.

Kizy knew she was doomed and silently entered the car. She was expecting some sort of rebutal from Markus, but nothing happened. Even after sitting beside Markus for fifteen minutes, the man didn’t glanced even once at her. Kizy was visibly relieved and lowered her guards against him.

The car came to a halt and Kizy saw that they were outside the hospital. She immediately opened the door and went hopping enthusiastically towards the VIP ward. Markus followed behind her with an evil grin.

“Mom!! How do you feel now?” Kizy asked in a cheerful voice.

“I am feeling much better. How was your first day at work?” Kate asked.

“Mom it was good. You know i already made a friend called Claire. She is very bubbly and ta-” Markus interupted her mid sentence.

“Mom i want you to do justice for me” Suddenly he spoke up in a pitiful voice. Kizy was suddenly stunned at his tone.

“Why what happened Child?” Kate asked.

“Mom its just that her periods arrived. She said that she was in pain. I wanted her to drink the medicinal soup but she didn’t like the taste. Ever since then she is angry with me for that awefully tasting soup and ignoring me. I kept insisting that it was for her own good but she won’t listen. Is it wrong for me to care about her” he said with a sad expression as if he was a person who had been wronged for his entire life.

Kizy on the other side wanted to slap herself in the face. How could she forget that this devil always holds grudges. Be it small or big matters, he would always take revenge upon his enemy. And she happened to be one on the top of his enemy list.

“Mom its nothing like that. Why are you spouting such non sense” Kizy glared at him with a deathly stare as if warning him to stop. But…

“Mom see for yourself. I understand that she would have moodswings, that is why i have been patiently trying to talk her out. But everytime she just scolds me. She even scolded me in front of my employees. But even then i didn’t mind it. What should i do?” Markus spoke again.

Kate knew that her daughter had horrible menstrual cramps. On top of that, she knew her temper very well. And why would Markus lie to her on a topic like periods.

“Kizy how can you do that? I know you have some temper but is it okay to scold and insult him in front of his employees? Apologize to him now” Kate ordered.

“But mom its not like what he said. He is lying. I didn’t-” Kizy said but once again the devil interupted her.

“Mom even my secretary Joel was there. Tell us if she didn’t insult me in front of all the employees?” Markus asked while turning towards Joel.

One had to take there hats off for Markus’s shameless behaviour. How can one use there insult as there strategic point. Joel was secretly lighting a candle for his ladyboss before saying.

“What boss said is true. She even said that boss was mentally retarded and unstable in front of all employees” Joel said. Afterall he was Markus’s man. On top of that, whatever he said was truth.

“You.. you …. how can you frame me like that?” Kizy asked furiously to Joel.

“Then are you telling that you never said anything like this Miss Kizy?” Joel asked.

“I said but that was-” and this time Kizy was interupted by her mom.

“Enough Kizy APOLOGIZE!!” Kate said. She was thoroughly disappointed with this daughter who she thought was very clever.

Kizy suppressed her urge to kill Markus on the spot. She took a deep breath before saying.


“You don’t have to apologize love. I just want you to finish those medicinal soups. I have been carrying them together with me all day so that you would drink it” Markus said pleadingly.

Kizy had already shooted Markus almost a thousand times in her mind by now. If he didn’t wanted the apology, he should have stopped her mom before. Instead he waited till she had to forcefully apologize. And then started with his oscar winning acting of a filial husband who was so in love.

“Kizy do as he says” Kate ordered strictly.

“Ok i will drink” Kizy said. It wasn’t a big deal anyway. She had already drank a bowl in the morning and the taste wasn’t bad.

Markus immediately signalled Joel, who pulled out two containers that were completely packed. He removed the lid for one and passed it to Kizy. Even the herbal fragrance emitting from soup was good. Thus Kizy immediately took a spoonful of soup and the next moment she felt like vomiting her gut out.

This soup was the worst thing she had ever tasted in her life. Now she knew why that damn devil was persistent in making her drink this shitty soup. How was she supposed to finish this thing which was destroying her tastebuds completely!!


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