My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E18

Story 2 days ago

My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

It was too much, I nearly shouted "Marie I AM GOING TO CUM!" expecting her to push me out......I was shocked, her legs didn't come off my back "DON'T......... DON'T STOP.........I WANT TO FEEL IT™ she moaned as she road her intense orgasm.

Her legs pulled me back into her depths, I could not push in any further, and at that moment I was over the edge. Our bodies together, her pussy still squeezing me as her orgasm continued. She shouted as she felt my cock head swell inside of her.

I felt the first jet rocket up the shaft and this time, I was deep inside of her. I could feel myself bottomed out in her, I felt the cum leave my dick and coat deep inside of her, it worked back along my cock. Every shot of cum that rocketed out of me made Marie moan into my mouth as we kissed.

We came down from the stars together. Somehow was still hard inside of her, but we held still. Just feeling our juices mingling. Not caring that inside of her, was her cousin's seed looking for an egg to fertilize. Nothing to guard from this. At that moment, all we cared about was how close we were to each other.

Our tongues continued to mingle and then we just planted soft kisses on each other's lips. I could feel our mixed fluids leaking out between us, soaking the sheets below us.

Slowly my cock began to deflate inside of her. More and more leaked out, Marie suggested she should go clean up. I don't know why but I followed her. She looked confused but was curious. She didn't hide as she sat down on the toilet. I wanted to see what we had done. I watched as she peed, and then came the torrent, gushes of our mixed fluids escaping her, it dripped out in batches, my translucent curn mixed with her juices... "I can still feel so much more inside of me, so deep" She said.

She finished cleaning up and we walked back to bed.

We climbed into the clean side and she laid with her back to me, my arm around her, her arm over mine. I kissed her neck, we didn't have a care in the world at the moment. We fell asleep in each others arms, I had nothing but her on my mind. Tomorrow was another day.

The first rays of sunlight hit my eyes. Through barely opened eyes, I saw the blurred line of Marie's body against the sunlit window, the curve from her knee crossed over the other, working up her hip and then back down her waist. The curves continuing up her body, the sudden fall off of her neck and then her face, Aphrodite incarnate. Her eyes closed, mouth slightly agape, soft breathing. The sun was glowing on her face.

My hand worked along her skin, feeling her warmth against my palm. My hand worked across her flat stomach, feeling her belly button beneath my finger tips, working down just above her mound, my palm flat against her, for some reason it intrigued me and made me feel something knowing part of me was deep inside of her under my palm.

Knowing that just hours prior, my cock had been in her very depths spreading my effluence inside of her. Knowing full well that what came from me could be joining with her at this very moment. I felt my cock stir at that thought. So young and yet the thought of this sinful deed stirred the embers in my loins.

Marie suddenly shifted, she lay on her back, one leg bent at the knee, propping up the blankets as they rode lower on her body. Her breasts trying to split apart to either side of her, nipples, trying to hide and yet a noticeable terrain shift on her glorious mountains. The peak of which sat propped above the rest, begging for attention, knowing they would harden and grow at my very touch.

The blankets were stationed to end just above where her legs met, seeing just the top of her slit, the smoothness of her mound, her flat stomach meeting seamlessly with her nether region. My finger tips trailing across her body, slowly tracing lines from north to south, teasing along her mound, feeling the soft skin beneath me, working along her muscles taught beneath her skin, feeling the rise of her abdomen with each breath. A finger errantly tracing beneath the blankets, feeling the start of the fall into her tasty peach which I could still taste leftover juices on my lips.

I felt Marie's body start to stir, my head propped up on my hand, the blankets around my waist, her eyes slowly opened. She stretched her arms above her head, her breasts rising with her and with her awakened state, her nipples started to react to movement

I watched all of this in silence, her eyes scanned the room and then found mine, the instantaneous smile told me a bible's worth of information, she did not regret last night, as I did not either. She shifted her body closer to me, pulled my arm under her head, pressing me to my back and laying her head on my chest.

The first rays of sunlight hit my eyes. Through barely opened eyes, I saw the blurred line of Marie's body against the sunlit window, the curve from her knee crossed over the other, working up her hip and then back down her waist. The curves continuing up her body, the sudden fall off of her neck and then her face, Aphrodite incarnate. Her eyes closed, mouth slightly agape, soft breathing. The sun was glowing on her face.

My hand worked along her skin, feeling her warmth against my palm. My hand worked across her flat stomach, feeling her belly button beneath my finger tips, working down just above her mound, my palm flat against her, for some reason it intrigued me and made me feel something knowing part of me was deep inside of her under my palm.

Knowing that just hours prior, my cock had been in her very depths spreading my effluence inside of her. Knowing full well that what came from me could be joining with her at this very moment. I felt my cock stir at that thought. So young and yet the thought of this sinful deed stirred the embers in my loins.

Marie suddenly shifted, she lay on her back, one leg bent at the knee, propping up the blankets as they rode lower on her body. Her breasts trying to split apart to either side of her, nipples, trying to hide and yet a noticeable terrain shift on her glorious mountains. The peak of which sat propped above the rest, begging for attention, knowing they would harden and grow at my very touch.

The blankets were stationed to end just above where her legs met, seeing just the top of her slit, the smoothness of her mound, her flat stomach meeting seamlessly with her nether region. My finger tips trailing across her body, slowly tracing lines from north to south, teasing along her mound, feeling the soft skin beneath me, working along her muscles taught beneath her skin, feeling the rise of her abdomen with each breath. A finger errantly tracing beneath the blankets, feeling the start of the fall into her tasty peach which I could still taste leftover juices on my lips.

I felt Marie's body start to stir, my head propped up on my hand, the blankets around my waist, her eyes slowly opened. She stretched her arms above her head, her breasts rising with her and with her awakened state, her nipples started to react to movement.

I watched all of this in silence, her eyes scanned the room and then found mine, the instantaneous smile told me a bible's worth of information, she did not regret last night, as I did not either. She shifted her body closer to me, pulled my arm under her head, pressing me to my back and laying her head on my chest.

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E17

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E19

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