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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E15

Story 4 days ago

My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E15

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15

Today was one of the rare days BD didn't have to work, normally that would have brought me great joy as in past trips those were the days where we got to have the most fun. This...however was a different trip, and my focus was most certainly elsewhere. BD not having work meant that Marie and me "Play" time would be zilch for the daytime at least.

We went out for breakfast, discussing what we were planning to do that day. BD talked about wanting to take a trip down deeper into Mexico than we had previously, possibly to a town right on the Baja California to a resort he had heard of, but that wouldn't be until the next week or so.

BD wanted to head to a car wash and do a thorough cleaning inside and out. So we headed out after he paid the bill. We drove over to a self service car wash near the apartments and started cleaning out the garbage.

I had hauled a box full of trash and unnecessary papers to the bin and was coming back when I noticed Marie bent over behind the truck...I stopped in my tracks. I was awestruck by her ass in the tight jean shorts she had chosen. They clung to her curves and accentuated every feature. The seam hugged her ass and created a valley when she bent over. I wanted to walk over, rip then off, and fuck her across the tailgate. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice BD walk over next to me.

"Nice view huh?" I damn near jumped out of my skin....did I really hear what I thought I heard him say?

Thankfully before I decided to speak I glanced back and noticed I was sent a saving grace...a few stalls down from us, almost directly behind Marie, was two teenage girls with their mom cleaning out a car, and one had a black thong sticking up out of It was fortuitous that we had always shared little bouts of affection such as holding hands or hugs etc. Only now, they all had different meanings to me. Feeling her fingers intertwined with mine while we walked along, I felt like would kick any boy's ass who looked at her, she was mine dammit!....and then the sickening realization would set in, that no, she was not mine. She was mine for a short time only.

We were sitting at the fountain waiting for BD to come back from a store when Marie leaned in and gave me a hug, feeling her body pressed against mine, I didn't want to let her go. She looked up at me, and had we known how long until BD came back I would have kissed her right then.

BD showed up as we sat talking, we walked over to the Starbucks Kiosk and got some iced coffee for a treat. There was a local mexican joint that BD wanted to hit for dinner so we headed out of the mall and worked our way over towards downtown.

The restaurant was semi formal but relaxing. The wait staff was super friendly and the food was amazing, there is nothing quite like authentic mexican food when it is cooked with such care. We were enjoying our dinner and BD a few drinks, the festival was within walking distance from the restaurant.

After we walked out into the night air, I was thankful for Tucson's climate, nighttime was the most relaxing of time, it was hot but not too hot, you could walk comfortably and unlike Minnesota, it didn't get cold at night time to the point of needing a jacket

It was a mere mile to the festival and we headed over, there were people dancing, and live music. Vendors were set up with food and niknaks. There were shows for the kids and bars had tables and benches outside their buildings and were serving drinks. BD quickly found a table at one of the bar patios and we watched the live music and the dancers, Marie and I made our way to some of the vendors and picked up little things for our siblings back home, some authentic mexican snacks to eat when we got back to the apartment.

Walking around in the night life, the streets lit from end to end, the music playing, I looked over and Marie was glowing, it was like slow motion, her head would turn and I would watch and almost feel her hair flying behind her. What was this change in me? I couldn't figure it out, but I didn't want it to stop.

We came back to the table and noticed that BD had had a couple drinks in the short while. He seemed content just to listen to the music and watch the people going by. He gave us each 50 bucks to go play the vendor games and buy what we wanted. It seemed that we were partially on our own this evening.

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E14

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E16

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