My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E16

Story 2 days ago

My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E16

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 16

We headed back out into the festival and ended up near a dance floor for everyday people. They were playing some form of dance music and I watched the adults and was very intimidated. Marie giggled and pulled me onto the dance floor. We started to swing each other around and got pretty decent at it.

The music quickly turned into a hot and spicy song which I noticed when I saw a lot of the women with their asses to their men grinding their hips back into them. Marie raised her eyebrows and turned around, no one knew us, what was the harm, and I wasn't going to complain.

She started to imitate the other women, her back was against me, her head leaned back on my shoulder and she was grinding her ass into my groin. The biggest problem was, this was almost direct contact with my cock. My hands landed on her hips and worked their way around to her stomach.

Our bodies moved together. She looked up at me, I felt her start to stretch and our lips met. BD be damned, I didn't care if he saw, I wanted this, and so did she, I could tell by how much she kissed me back. Her arms were on mine wrapped around her. Suddenly the music was different, it was a slow song. She turned and we took up the standard secondary school positions, her arms around my neck, mine on her hips, she laughed aloud "No...yeah this isn't going to work". She grabbed my hands and put them on her back, and pulled me closer. This... felt much better.

We danced to the beat softly. I wish the song had never ended, but great moments must always end and it did.

As we were going to walk off the dance floor we were stopped by an older mexican couple. The woman said "I just have to say, you two are absolutely beautiful together, I know young love when I see it and you are both full of it. I can see you are going to go far together. Treat each other right, because true love is hard to find."

I was confused and shocked, Marie had the good sense to thank her and converse with her for a moment. My mind was taken aback, was this love? just assumed it was lust...I wasn't ready for

the big L word.

We walked along the sidewalk, watching all the other people, Marie reached her hand out and grabbed mine, "I know you are overthinking this right now, but don't, it's not worth it, lets just enjoy now ok?"

I nodded

We found BD....or at least his check stub. I asked the walter where the man at the table had gone, he said in broken english something to the effect of BD had walked away with a pretty woman. We walked around the festival some more hoping to spot him, he was nowhere to be found....I had a sneaking suspicion.

BD was not the most responsible parent and had a bad habit of taking off on "dates" and not coming home until the next morning. Marie and I agreed, it seemed like he had found a "special someone", this was before we had cell phones so we did the best thing we could do.

The festival had a line of cabs waiting for drunk patrons, we picked one up and thankfully still had enough cash to make it back to the apartment. I was glad that we had a spare key, so we could let ourselves in.

The apartment was quiet, the mood was interesting. I could tell Marie was distracted like myself.

I suggested we go to the pool, enjoy the night air, generally late in the evenings it was quiet by the pool. We changed into our sults, I glanced over and noticed Marie was just pulling on her bikini top, her hair cascading over her back, I couldn't get over her beauty.

We walked down to the pool in silence. It was empty as expected. I turned the bubble timer on for the hot tub and we sank into the warm water. Marie was the first to break the silence "You know....we can't be....what the old woman's just not possible. I mean...I'm not saying i'm not feeling things...but it's just not possible. It's just fun and games.....right?"

I sat looking at the stars and clouds overhead, and glancing at her, I pulled her over to my side. It was at that moment the bubble timer went off. The silence and the tension were thick in the arm

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Marie...I don't know what to think, I don't think we are supposed to even have these thoughts yet, but can I deny I feel something, no, am I unsure of how this is supposed to work, absolutely...but I don't care, you are my best friend, and I feel more for you now than I have ever me...that's something"

The silence returned.

I looked over at Marie

She glanced at me

The soft lights of the pool area were dancing in her eyes. I was overtaken and leaned in hard, our lips met and our tongues were Instantly dancing. There was a hunger between us. A hunger that was not easily quelled.

I lifted Marie into my lap and put my arms around her, her legs across mine. Our kissing continued, my hands across her body, stomach, back, legs, thighs, exploring as our tongues did. My hands worked up under her bikini top. My palms finding her breasts and feeling her nipples hard in excitement against my hands.

She turned to face me,

spreading her knees on either side of me as I sat, she reached down between us and untied my swimsuit. She reached in and grasped my cock as we continued to make out

Her bikini top was basically hanging around her neck at this point, her breasts were free for my enjoyment. I leaned down and sucked a nipple into my mouth, feeling her hand squeeze my cock tighter.

My arm crossed hers, feeling her forearm flexing as she squeezed my cock, I found the top of her bikini bottom and slid my hand inside, finding her smooth pussy ready for my fingers. Even in the hot tub I could feel how slippery she already was.

My finger slid in, feeling her body tense at my invasion, I used my palm to rub against her clit as we resumed kissing. Her moans into my mouth. My groans into hers. Our tensions were building.

Overhead the clouds had been building and we had not noticed. A heat lightning storm had brewed fast and was producing extreme bolts of lightning overhead. Even though these rarely lead to ground hits, it still wasn't worth the risk of being in water.

Marie quickly fixed her top and we bolted across the pool deck.

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E15

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My Friend, My Cousin Marie - S01 E17

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