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Forced marriage - S01 E14

Story 1 week ago

Forced marriage - S01 E14

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14

Rico Shawn POV


” wait, babe??” I asked looking at Jasmine

” no- no- what I meant” she tried to talk

” shut the hell up” I yelled cutting her short

” you are f*****g dating this jerk, who likes bethel??”

” I and bethel are just best friend’s” Cole said, oh…. they are best friends

” that doesn’t mean you would date her, Jasmine you are just 19 not even done with college” I yell at her

” I’m sorry” she said bending her head

” I guess you are gonna like it when your dad find out about it”

” please don’t tell Daddy, please Rico I’m sorry” she said crying

” you would have known that when you went ahead and date this jerk”

” enough” Dad yelled then stood up

” Jasmine follow me now” Dad said as Jasmine follow him from behind

” and you, if I ever see you close to my sister, I won’t hesitate to kill you” I said then walked out of the room

bethel POV

” Cole” I called as he looked at me then walked to sit beside me

” we will give you both time to talk” my mum said and they all went out

” I love Jasmine, I really really do” he said then put his head on my lap as I patted his back

” I know you do but you know the Jefferson family are really strict, we really need to do something about it” I said as he looked at me

” we” he asked

” yeah, we, you are my best friend and I love you so much why won’t I try to do something”

” thank you bethel and I love you too” he said then hug me

” you are choking me, Cole” I said as he quickly withdraw from the hug

” I’m sorry” he said then smiled

” so… tell me about Jasmine” I said

” okay, she is beautiful..

” yeah I know that” I said cutting him short then he chuckle

” like she just so brilliant she knows how to calm someone like you do, she talks with sense and she isn’t jealous of you when ever I talk about you than those my useless ex girlfriend’s” he said smiling

” you know she is nineteen???”

” yeah I knew, the first time I heard of it, I was really shocked like how can she be nineteen, I kind of think of avoiding her but I was all wrong” he said

” so…. have you both….., you understand what I am talking about ” he looked at me then smiled, I knew what that meant

” wow…. that’s great” I said as he looked at me awkwardly

” you don’t need to be shy my little bingo” I said as he frown his face

” I thought you said you won’t call me that again”

” yeah, I know”

” you have been calling be that for 20 years” he said

” yeah, I think bingo sounds more like Cole”

” no, it doesn’t, that was the name you called me when we first met, I was so confused as a three year old boy I had to ask my brother if bingo sounds like Cole and he said no” he said

” it’s just suit you, I won’t lie”

” new rule, if you ever call me little bingo again, four dollars”

” no way, I can’t pay four dollars just because of one stupid name” i said

” now you are insulting my name” he joked

” you just admit it that, that’s your name” i said laughing

” no I didn’t” he said

” Cole” I called

” yes” he answered

” I’m feeling sleepy, can you stay here while I sleep” I asked

” yeah sure, do you want me to cuddle you, rather??” he asked

” you know Rico, I might kill you for that” I said as he mouth an o, I helped me lay on the bed then use the blanket to cover my body.

Rico Shawn POV

I watched as they both talk and then laugh, she looks so happy. I just feel like I wish I was the one making her laugh. i looked as she lay down and slept off!!..

I walked into the room then Cole looked at me then went back staring at bethel, I went to sit at the right side of bethel

” you know you can’t keep me away from your cousin” Cole said

” why can’t I, you are not good enough for her”

” neither are you good enough for bethel” he said

” who even said I was good enough for her, I’m too good for her” I said

” you are a real jerk”

” I never said I was fake” I said as he sighs

” I really really love your cousin, she is just like my life, I can’t live without her” he said

” then you need to learn how to live without her because she is not coming back to you” I yell

” I Know she would come back to me” he said

” wait, how old are you??” I asked

” twenty three ( 23 )” he said

” you are 23 not even 21, no imagine you are dating my 19 year old cousin, can you actually Calculate that she is still in college for goodness sake” I said

” it’s just four years” he said but to me it’s sounds like 20 years because Jasmine it just like a little sister to me and sometimes I think she is 14, but she talks with sense

” can you guys keep your voice down, I’m trying to sleep, jerks” bethel yelled at us, I didn’t even know she was awake, she turn to look at me

” stop being a jerk, okay” she said then rested her back and closed her eyes!!!

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Forced Marriage - S01 E13

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