Margo's Own Story - S01 E12

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Margo's Own Story - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12



We met Sean and Betty at dinner the first night on a cruise ship. It turned out they only live 50 miles from us. We said we'd try to get together sometime after the cruise, but that never happened, well, except for Sean and me.

The next morning, Arthur and I went hiking in St. Maarten, while Betty and Sean went horseback riding. We enjoyed their company at dinner again. Even though his wife was so far ever present, I had to admit to myself that Sean was interesting, to say the least.

The next time I met Sean was in the gym on an upper deck of the ship - a day at sea. Arthur was running outside on the very top deck-not a gym person - and Betty managed to stay shapely without exercising at all. Although we'd all managed to tell our life stories, minus many secrets, at the dinner table, Sean and I managed to strike up a conversation while we used the two treadmills and later, the stationary bikes. My gym clothes show off my figure pretty well. Sean is no slouch either - not a muscle man, just obviously fit with a powerful body revealed in his tank top.

Sean suggested we go for coffee, and we got in touch with the other two by cell phone. Betty came up from their cabin in a colorful shift, her bikini underneath. Arthur took a shower before he joined us. After a nice chat we all went on about our business, though we sat for drinks with them poolside and saw them again at the dinner table. Of course, Arthur and I were having sex morning, noon and night whenever we were in the cabin.

On the third day, Curacao, Arthur took an excursion to see a cave, but we'd been to that island before and I wasn't that interested in seeing the famous cave again. I said I'd go shopping after the gym and kissed Arthur adieu. Betty went to a rain forest which held no interest for Sean. So the morning started out in the gym, and shortly after I started my workout, Sean arrived in his shorts and tank top. We worked out together and it almost became a challenge session. I coulda beat him, ha ha, but chose to let him

win, haha.

Then coffee - Irish coffee - and another. And a long chat.

Where'd you go to school? What did you study? Sports? Yeah.

The conversation got more personal. Boys must have chased you everywhere. Ladies' man, huh.

It was clear there were sparks. And


"You really are a beautiful woman, Margo."

"Why thank you." Long silence. Staring at each other not sure what to say.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sean offered.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I replied.

"I'll be in cabin 1436."

"I need a shower.'

"I do, too. Use ours."

Sean headed aft and I discretely left toward the bow. A few minutes later I pressed the buzzer at his cabin. He had already slipped the "DO NOT DISTURB" card into the little slot.

As soon as the door closed, we started ripping each other's clothes off, what few we were wearing. Deep kissing ensued, with Sean's hands pushing my breasts up and mine holding his fully erect cock.

"Shower first," I insisted. I wasn't about to get in bed with a new man smelling the way I did, especially since there may have been evidence of Arthur's presence in certain places.

We squeezed into the little shower stall and started to lather each other up. It felt so nice, his hands gliding smoothly over every part of my body. I loved it when he softly washed my boobs and thoroughly cleaned my pussy. I turned him to do his back and turned him again to do his chest. Then I got down on my knees to wash his feet and legs and oh yeah his beautiful cock, caressing his balls and smoothly stroking his soapy shaft. And when I was sure the spray had rinsed that off, I took it in my mouth and listened to his moans as I slurped it in and out.

Sean stood me upright before he would have cum and squeezed us tightly together. He used his cock to stroke front to back between my legs giving us both a nice feeling. Eventually, I leaned back against the shower wall and guided him inside me. We fucked like that for a few minutes til it got uncomfortable. I turned and guided him back into me from behind. His thrusts became more urgent and then I felt his eruptions from each stroke deep inside me. We separated and I turned to hug and kiss him with his limp organ pressed against my belly.

"That was wonderful."

"Oh yes it surely was."

We dried off with the same towel so as not to arouse suspicion with Betty. I used a wet washcloth between my legs first so there was no evidence on the towel.

There was a stiff spot on the sheets when we got in bed. Betty and he also had obviously been enjoying themselves.

"Sorry about that," he said. I just giggled and pushed him back onto the bed.

I knelt next to his supine body and took his organ in my hand. It was already filling out again, and I couldn't resist licking it all over and taking his balls one by one in my mouth. Before long he nudged me down and we laid facing each others' sex. I lifted one leg up so his head could go between my legs and took his shaft in my mouth.

I hadn't had much of an orgasm in the shower, but his ministrations with his tongue sent me over the top. Just as that was subsiding he pushed two fingers deep into my vagina and I came again even stronger.

I had backed off a bit on his cock and only had the tip in my lips. Suddenly he shoved it deeper into my mouth; he could hold off no longer. I had enjoyed the taste of a man's juices ever since that first time in high school - well another boy was fucking me at the same time so my pleasure index was pretty high. Shot after shot blew into my mouth and I savored every drop of Sean's semen.

We were fairly well spent after that, so we just went over to their balcony and leaned against the railing. It was on the water side, but still I wondered if someone on the across the harbor would notice two naked adulterers there.

After a few quiet moments, Sean asked, "It's not your first time, is it? Cheating I mean."

"No," I sighed.

"Me neither."

We stayed there quietly for several more minutes, just enjoying the salt breeze against our bodies.

At some point, Sean found his way around behind me, took my boobs in his hands from behind and played with my nipples. I could feel him getting harder against my back. After a while I pushed my rear out and let him enter me again. The slow motion of crafts in the harbor seemed to match his slow and deep strokes that were so satisfying.

Eventually we meandered back to the bed. I laid on my back and Sean climbed over me, smothering me with kisses that eventually moved all over my body - feet, legs, boobs, tummy and pussy - before I begged him to fuck me again. I'd had a couple more orgasms with his foreplay and one more came as his climax neared. Finally with a deep moan he let go. God, I was enjoying this man!

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Margo's Own Story - S01 E11

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Margo's Own Story - S01 E13

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