All for Mr. Redman - S01 E45

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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E45

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 45

"What the hell happened to you!" I yelled at him "I left messages for you on your cell and home phone. I texted your cell and you never called me. Just because don't call you don't call at all! Are your fucking hands broken?" I was angry, probably at the wrong. person but I was still angry.

"You... but I didn't get any messages... or anything." he said defensively.

"Did you check your phone? Where is it? Did you check the house phone before you fucked off with Jessica? know she is here. Her stuff is in your carl What the hell do you parents think? If you want me to fuck off and get out of your life then man up and say sol"

"What!? No... I love you... I thought you..." and he went silent. I could see he was thinking. "Come on." he said.

I was still very angry and now knew who had caused all this pain and confusion, that bitch Jessica.

We walked into his parents house and he left me standing at the door as he ran upstairs. I could here Barbara blasting someone in the basement. That must be where Jessica is. I was about to start that way when Peter's mother came into the entry.

She just looked at me and smiled and hugged me tightly. "Please tell me this can all be fixed. We want you in our family, please don't leave him. I know you didn't call because you were probably upset but he didn't know about Matthew, he really didn't. None of us did."

I hugged her and felt a lot of affection for this sweet woman. She also just made a number of things clear to me, and also made it obvious that Jessica had concealed my calls.

"Mrs. Redman, this is a lot to deal with, but your son is worth it." I said. She kissed my cheeks and we both turned as Peter came bounding down the stairs. He looked really angry and had his cell phone in his hand.

"Jessica! Come up here! Now!" he yelled from the kitchen.

When she came upstairs she saw me and if looks could kill I would have been dead. She would have too because that's pretty much how I was looking at her.

"Why the hell was my phone in your purse?" Peter demanded.

"I didn't want you to loose it." she said calmly.

"Really? Then why when was complaining about having lost it did you not say anything? Why is it that Sachiko's contact has been deleted? Tell me that... and why the fuck did you silence it but not turn it off? Was it so you could delete her texts and calls? Well guess what... you couldn't delete her voice messages and I heard them all. She left six fucking messages and you fucking knew it! He was really angry.

"Peter, calm down." his mother said calmly and made a head movement.

Matthew was standing there watching this with a look of shock and fear on his face.

"Do me a favour and watch your language in front of our son." Jessica said in an arrogant manner.

I could not stay silent "But for your son you manipulative witch | would tell you exactly what you are. If you ever try and come between Peter and I again there is going to be a reckoning and you will not like it." I said coldly.

"Well you better get used to it. I'm not going anywhere for awhile and you also better learn to respect my son. I don't know why Peter is with such a stupid little girl, I had hoped he would find a woman I could at least respect, but I guess he likes them young. and Asian." she said coldly.

Peter's voice was like ice "Jessica, the only thing stopping me from doing what I should do is the fact I know why you showed up. I am warning you though... either speak to her respectfully or you will find out exactly what her definition of a reckoning is."

Jessica glared at me and said to Peter "Poor little boat girl really has you head spinning huh? Sweety, why don't you go back to Vietnam or wherever you came from."

Three things happened at that point. Peter jumped between us facing me, his mother moved out of the way to her new grandson, and Barbara yelled "Shut up you racist bitch!"

I stood my ground and stared at her. She was not tired, she was sick and it was probably serious. That would prompt her appearance. She needs someone to look after her son.

Peter was looking at me and said simply "Don't... please"

I said "I won't if she learns to act civilized."

Peter turned to face her and said in a very level voice "Jessica, Matthew does not need to hear or see you talking to anyone like that. You better get used to the fact that Sachiko is the one who will see him graduate and is going to be helping him when your gone. You might want to make her a friend for Matthew's sake, mine, and because she can be the greatest friend you will ever have. I want you to apologize right now. That's what decent people do."

Jessica looked at me and I saw her eyes crack. That comment had hit home and told me this woman was dying. I saw a single tear roll down her cheek. "I'm sorry... I just... I don't want to be alone... Matthew needs him..." and she started to cry.

Peter looked at me and I admit, despite what she said, and knowing the awful future ahead of her I felt bad for her. I nodded at him and said to her "I didn't know... you are suffering, I can see that."

Looking at me Peter hugged her. I saw Barbara was quiet, but still clearly did not trust this woman. I decided that was a good choice.

We sat down together and I learned the truth. Jessica was dying. She had an aggressive form of leukemia and had about four months left. Her various treatments and all other measures had failed. To further complicate things she also had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She was going to die before her 31st birthday.

Over the rest of the day we all talked at length. She was not able to take care of Matthew on a day to day basis and had enlisted her parents help, however they were not in good health themselves. Her only real option was to contact Peter, having decided that maybe Matthew should get to know his father. Perhaps even stay with him if Peter was willing. When we got to that point and Jessica asked him point blank if he would take care of their son I was shocked by what Peter did.

Peter turned and looked at me. "Well, you have heard everything. What do you think?"

I nearly fell over. "Peter, Matthew is your son. He needs you and even though this is all so new and shocking... I am sure that he could not be in any better place. He belongs with you." I said with conviction, I saw Jessica had a look of almost relief in her eyes.

Peter said "I agree, but what about you? If this seems like a huge leap into unfamiliar territory to me... you are in my life. I have to know if you want this as well."

Looking at Peter I reached over and took his hand and said "I am with you, I love you and I promise I will do everything I can. I know this is not a simple sleepover, I get that. But I am willing if you are willing to have me."

Peter smiled and kissed me lightly.

I looked at Mr. And Mrs. Redman and I thought they were going to cry they looked so happy. Jessica seemed okay with it, but was reserving showing enthusiasm. Barbara hummed the opening of "Here Comes The Bride." and everyone started to laugh, except Peter. He was gazing at me interitly.

Mrs. Redman decided that she should start fixing Sunday dinner. Jessica said she was really tired, as she was leaving the room she looked at me and made a hand gesture for me to follow her.

I did so and went into the guest room with her wondering what she was going to say.

"Look, I guess you are not just some chick. He loves you, more than anyone. Do me a favour... if he asked you to marry him please say yes. I can admit when I'm wrong. I tried to drive you off, but you don't quit. I like that. I am jealous of the time you will have with them both. Part of me wanted to get him to marry me before 1... well, you know. I'm sorry about what I said. I would blame it on the meds, or the pain, or the fact I can never sleep comfortably, but in reality I am a bitch. That's why I bailed on him before. See, I didn't know I was pregnant and thought I was better than him. It was not until about six weeks later found out was carrying Matthew. I went to my Grandparents and lived with them until he was born and never told Peter, or anyone else about who Matthew's dad was. I just wanted to tell you all that myself."

I looked at her and said "You do not deserve any of this, no one does. I am terribly sorry this is happening to you. If anything good comes from it... it is simply this... Peter and Matthew will now get to know each other."

Jessica stared at me and said "You really are sorry I am dying."

"Yes I am, it is wrong and too soon for a mother to leave her son." I said.

Jessica nodded and said "Okay, I need to rest. Get out of here before I hug you or something" she said with a smile. I left and closed the door softly.

When I got back downstairs I asked Peter to come outside with me. We went onto the back patio and I sald "Are you sure you want me?"

"God yes... I'm planning to make sure you know it." he said.

"You may not want me after I tell you this... I will understand and offer no excuses." I then confessed to what had happened with James the day before pinning all the blame on me. Peter was shocked and quiet for a couple of minutes. He walked away while 1 stood patiently waiting for whatever he decided, I knew what had just put at risk by telling him, but he deserved to know,

Peter came back and said "Its impossible for me to be mad at you. I slept with Jessica last night, we didn't have sex because of her health. Honestly though, I think if she could have done it we would have ended up doing it. I felt so lost without you, I thought you were gone and I.."

I cut him off by kissing him with all the love that now exploded from my heart. We kissed and hugged and kissed some more.

I was smiling at him and said "You know what is really funny?" Peter shook his head "I think you would like James... he is a really nice and honest guy. I caused everything, not him. He tried not to, but I made it happen."

Peter laughed and said "Well that's a new one. He saved your life... Jesus... do we owe him dinner or something?"

"Dinner would be a good thing." I said smiling up at him.

That's when we heard a very quiet boy's voice say from the edge of the patio "Are you going to be my new Mom?"

My eyes flew wide and I turned to look at Matthew who looked

kind of shy. I smiled and said "Well, we all need to chat. Your

Mother, your Daddy and I... and you."

He nodded and walked over and held out his hand "I'm Matthew"

I smiled warmly at him and said "I'm Sachiko. It is a pleasure to meet you Matthew."

Matthew smiled and said "I like your name, it's fun to say."

Peter smiled and said "We are not in Kansas anymore"

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E44

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E46

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