All for Mr. Redman - S01 E46

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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E46

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 46

My life has been blessed in many ways. Each day I find a new reason to be grateful for many things that have happened and the people I have shared those experiences with. Like any other adult I have had people enter my life who have since moved slowly back out of it apart, our feelings diminished for each other as time flows around us.

That is simply the nature of things... karma is karma. When we are lucky enough to encounter a person who we share a powerful connection with, one that transcends simple friendship or physical contact, that is a wondrous moment and a joy for both spirits.

You will recall that in the last Chapter Peter and I, and of course Jessica, had to come to grip with a massive life change. That change came in the form of Peter's 12 year old son, Matthew.

Matthew's advent had been a shock for everyone, including Matthew. His mother, Jessica, had not been entirely truthful about where Matthew's father was when he was growing up. Just eight months ago he had learned from his Mother that he did have a father, who was alive and well, and lived less than three hours away from them. Matthew also learned that his father had not contact with him for one simple reason.... Peter had no idea that Matthew existed. Poor Matthew also had to contend with his Mother's lies about where his father was when he was growing up, the fact she was terminally ill, and that basically everything was changing for him as well.

That first Sunday evening, Peter and Jessica sat down with Matthew for a real conversation about what was happening. We were still at Peter's parents home.

I knew that they probably needed some alone time to talk and simply walked outside into the yard. I sat on their porch swing and started to think about how my life with Peter was going to change. I did not focus on any one particular aspect, I simply sat and waited and calmed myself. I find that when I release all the swirling thoughts and calm fills me that answers seern to emerge all on their own. So, simply put, I looked at the garden. I saw a lovely quartz stone that had been carefully placed at the edge as part of the boundary for the flower bed, I sat and watched the stone and waited for it to grow, focusing all my attention on the rock growing. I hope you understand why I was doing this as an exercise in meditation. I assure you that there was nothing funny in the brownies served by Mrs. Redman.

I'm not sure how long I was there but I felt a hand come to rest on my shoulder. I drew a deep breath and turned to look at who was touching me. Matthew was standing there smiling in a shy way. "Sorry Sachiko, I said your name a few times but I don't think you heard me. Mom and... Dad want you to come and join us. They asked me to get you."

I smiled at him and said "I am so sorry Matthew, I was thinking."

"What about?" He asked with interest.

"Oh many things and nothing. I can tell you though that I know something with absolute certainty." I said.

He smiled at me and said "What do you know?"

That you are very lucky to have a father like Peter. That he will always be there for you and you will never ever have to worry. Things will be hard at first, new beginnings of any kind in life can be hard. But all things can be overcome if we all want them to be.. and we are honest and try." said looking at him with a calm expression.

"Dad keep saying you are going to be around. Are you going to be? Or are you like one of Mom's boyfriends and just kind of come and go?" Matthew asked.

I regarded him silently for a moment and said "That was a very direct question. I hope you will understand if I give you an answer that may not be as direct as you would like, but is the best I can offer at this time. I love your father very very much. I am not going to lie and say that the sudden appearance of a 12 year old son in his life is not a situation deserving careful consideration."

Realizing I was about to get long winded I invited Matthew to sit with me on the swing. He did so watching me carefully. I could see he had very bright eyes and was gifted with a keen mind. He was still young but knew he needed nothing but honesty from me if this was to work.

Smiling I said "Matthew, until today the road I saw myself travelling with your father was a long one. We have discussed longer term matters and over time we find our decisions concerning anything are becoming more entwined with our faith in each other and the belief this is not a simple love... but an enduring one. In a way have to thank you for making it so clear to us both, you and your Mother. I cannot picture in my head another surprise that will test us like finding out he has a son and that it is not about just Peter and I... but now you Matthew are part of our life's equation.

Matthew was nodding and watching me like a hawk. I knew the fact his mother had lied to him for so long really had upset him. I know that only honesty would ever allow us to start in a way that would last.

"You father and I could have ended our relationship over this. We almost did through no fault of our own and due to... well, you heard what was said... right?"

Matthew nodded "Yeah, I heard it all and heard what Mom called you. Sorry about that."

"That's very sweet Matthew but it is not your place to apologize for

that, and your mother already has, so that is in the past. I am going

to tell you something Matthew... and I ant you to understand I am being totally honest with you. I always will be as I think that is best way for us to get along well. Once you entered the equation that is a big change as I said. I have given this careful thought and your father did basically tell me I could leave and he would not hold it against me. Matthew... I am not leaving, I have chosen to stay... your father has my heart and it soars with with. You are so important and so integral to his life now... so i choose you two. Matthew if I was going to leave it would have been today, earlier. Don't tell your Dad but I plan to be here... with him and with you.... for a very long time. You can count on that... swear it to you."

Matthew looked kinda stunned and smiled brightly "Wow. Your nothing like Mom's boyfriends."

"Well, if I was think your father would not be comfortable dating me... he isn't into guys." I said smiling.

Matthew laughed and settled down and said "So... um, I call Dad... well Dad. What should I call you? Morn feels kind of weird and..."

"I understand your situation. Since you said my first name is fun to say... why don't you just call me Sachiko." I said smiling.

"Okay." he said smiling.

I took his hand and said "Many tings will happen over the next year or so. Don't worry... it will get confusing, their will be hard times of loss and confusion... but no matter what happens just remember that your father is a rock you can put your back against. He is a wonderful man and I am happy you have him as you should. I will be there as well... I am not perfect, but I will always do my best.... okay?"

He smiled and said "Yeah... thanks Sachiko"

Learning in I hugged him. He didn't hesitate and when we parted he smiled and said "This is so weird... but kind of cool, I have grandparents I didn't know about... I have my father... a real father. My mother is actually calming down... and my Dad is dating a super nice lady."

I smiled and said "Why thank you Matthew."

He looked around and said I am supposed to be bringing you to

Mom and Dad... but can ask you some really dumb questions?"

Laughing I said "Okay.. sure, why not."

Matthew nodded and said "You're Japanese right?"

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E45

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E47

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