All for Mr. Redman - S01 E44

Story 2 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E44

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44

Deciding to shower I got myself cleaned up. When I came out James had made breakfast and was drinking a coffee. I was wrapped only in a towel and he walked over and handed me one. As I sipped it he watched me carefully.

I looked up at him and smiled. He seemed relieved and I said "No regrets"

James said it was his turn to shower. I sat and ate the breakfast he had prepared while he was showering. When I was done I went into the bedroom and got dressed. I had no idea where I ws going to go, but knew would have to do something.

When I came out James was already dressed. He smiled at me and said "So, what's the plan?"

I told him of the calls I had already made and asked for his advice. He replied "I think your best option is his Sister. If not her, call Barbara, is that her name? She can probably tell you who Jessica is."

I had not thought of that, but then again we had been drinking quite a bit.

After pondering it I phoned Barbara. She brightened right up when she realized who it was.

"Sachikol Oh my God it is good to hear your voice. Do you guys want to do brunch? I will take you out, my treat."

I hesitated and she said "Sachiko, what's wrong?"

Unable to hold it in I told her all about the previous day and James, excluding the sex.

"That fucking bitch!" she yelled "She ripped his heart out when we were in High School and apparently she is not done. Oh that fucking bitch! She has control of his phone. Fuck. Where are you?"

"Um, James what's your address?" He told me and I repeated it to her.

"Wait, you are still there? That's the guy who saved you from the car right?" she asked.

"Yes. I am still here at his place. We just finished breakfast and he was trying to help me figure out how to get a hold of Peter." I said.

"Wait Sachiko. I have to ask you, although I know the answer, given everything that has happened and the shit storm the Bitch will cause... do you still want to be with Peter?"

"Yes I do. I am not walking away without a fight." I said firmly.

"That's my Girl. Don't take any of her shit when you see her. I am coming to get you. Stay put and we will find him, don't you worry. I'm going to smack that bitch... Oh fuck I hate her!"

We said goodbye and hung up.

"She is coming to get you I assume?" James asked.

"Yes, she will be here in about thirty minutes." I said softly.

He looked sheepish and said "Well I am happy for you. I am sure she will know where to find him." he even managed a smile.

"Yes, she is very determined." I said.

"Sachiko I... will I ever see you again?" he asked.

I looked at him and walked over to him taking his hands in mine. "One way or another yes. You saved my life, literally. Your a wonderful guy, a real friend. I can't believe everything you did for me yesterday. Last night was... James you are an incredible lover. Oh my God I can't believe your single. You have a wonderful heart, your good looking and so kind, and you fuck like a porn star. You should write a manual on how to eat pussy!" said laughing finally,

He smiled at me and said "I'm glad. I think you are supposed to be my friend and in my life. Everything happens for a reason, and I mean as a friend. I'm not looking for sex, which by the way you should have a warning label for."

"Why?" I asked.

"Your blowjobs are the stuff of legend girl. Belleve me, you are no slouch in bed. You're fucking amazing." he said with a smile. "Let me ask you something... and be honest."

"Okay." I said.

"Are you going to tell Peter about this?" he said staring into my eyes.

"If he deserves to know, yes. If it's important. I won't say anything if he has chosen her over me. If that's the case he has lost all right to know anything about me ever again."

"Fair enough."

We chatted until Barbara buzzed and gave him a hug before I left. He handed me his number and I gave him mine.

When I got outside she was standing next to her Mercedes looking very serious. I got in the car and she hugged me tight. "No matter what happens today Sachiko I am never going to stop being your friend. If you need a place to stay look no further. Why didn't you call me yesterday?"

"I did not want to put you in a bad situation and was not sure how it was going to go. I really thought he would call." I replied.

She kissed my forehead and sat back to start the car. The first place we went was Peter's. He was not there. She called his cell and left a very direct message "Fucking call me back."

We drove over to his parents and when saw his car there I pointed and got excited. "Sachiko, calm down for a second and be patient. Just breath. I don't know why he is not answering his calls. Just wait."

She parked a few houses down and got out of the car. She walked over to Peter's car and looked inside. I saw her shaking her head. She took out her cell phone and called me.

"That bitches stuff is in the car. She is here with him. Walt there, I will keep her busy so he can talk to you. That dirty bitch is not fucking with you and getting away with it." I barely had time to say anything before she hung up.

I watched her walk to the door. She was out of sight for about a minute and I saw Peter run out of the house onto the sidewalk. He looked up the street and saw me in the car. He broke into a sprint running toward me waving his arms in case I did not see him.

Getting out of the car I barely got the door closed before he scooped me up in a giant hug and started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him kissing him back and he stopped and just held me. We stayed like that for about a minute and he let me down and took hold of my upper arms staring into my eyes.

"What the hell? Why didn't you call me? I have been worried sick... and you took some of your stuff from the house. What is going on." he asked earnestly.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E43

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E45

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