Fate - S01 E68

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Fate - S01 E68

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 68

????Anton’s POV????

“a lot of things has happen Jasmine, Ethan lost his mother, Sebastain turn out to be his real father,” i said, she look so sad but doesn’t look surprise.
“Francis was the only one who usually visit me here and he told me everything….

Ethan also lost his memory,” she said slowly then wipe off her tears.

“yes Jasmine BUT i know he’ll soon recall back everything,” i said.

“okay then, thank you for visiting me today,” she said while i smiled. I don’t know how to tell her about Sean’s dead. Tomorrow will be his burial and i need her to be their.

“what about Sean… and also mom Karen non of them visited me… are they fine? she asked while i kept quiet.

“Jasmine.. you’ll be out of here today because i have already paid for the money needed,” i said while she smile in tears.
“are sure about this daddy? she asked while i nodded.
“you bail me out? she again while i nodded and she smile.

“thank you, i promise to leave and never come into your lives,” she said happily while i nodded sadly. This the Jasmine i wanted to see all this years but she was so stubborn and maybe she was all deceived by Karen. The chief officer came and Jasmine sign some papers before she was let out. I suggest we go home first and she seems surprise but agree to that.

“where’s Sean? she asked as she walked in happily then sat down on the couch.

“the house seems so empty, where are the maid, the guards and also nanny Hanny, i miss her so much,” she said sadly.
“i have dismiss all of them,” i said.

“including nanny hanny? she asked sadly.

“yes Jasmine, it wasn’t my fault something terrible happen,” i said while she widen her eyes.
“Sean isn’t my son, his real father is Nicholas,” i said while she looked shocked.

“isn’t Nicholas your friend? she asked while i nodded.

“i have always knew that woman has something up her sleeves.. Karen is so unbelievble. I know Sean will be so much hurt.. where is he? she asked.

“he is dead….” i said.

“it was the same Karen that killed him, she shoot him. Sean is no more…he’s gone forever and tomorrow will be his burial,” i said rushing my words while she stood up in tears.
“no dad… Sean… Sean,,” she yelled then ran upstairs to his room i guess.

????Jasmine’s POV????

I walked to his room but he wasn’t there, i threw myself helplessly on his bed then buried myself on his pillow.

“Sean.. we grew up as siblings but we don’t even know we are not even related in anyway. You were so different from me, you also advise me to stop my chidish and stupid act,

you were always bold to tell me the truth about life but i didn’t listen you. Please it shouldn’t be you… why will you have to died, i even forgot the last time we meet and i was hoping to see you. Why do good people keep dying, first it Chloe whom i thought to be my sister but she wasn’t and now Sean whom i thought to be my brother but he wasn’t.

I held my pillow so tight as i cried out in pains. If only i have my real parents with me then maybe i wouldn’t have gone throu-ghall this. Karen wouldn’t have manipulate me for her own slefish reason, i always thought she was right by her looks and how she acted being nice mother to me. I kept crying until i drifted to sleep with tears in my eyes.

????….The next day
At the Cemetery*????????

I stood beside dad as i dropped my flowers on the grave.

“Sean you’ll forever remain much part of me because you were the one i knew as my sibling, the person i grew up and shares my dream with, i love you so much and i promise mom will pay for what she did to you, i promise to change for good and be that good and matured sister you’ve always wanted,” i cried as i hug dad in tears.

“my condolences Jasmine,” i heard Francis voice from behind while i turn to him.

“thank you,” i said sadly.
“am glad you’re out of jail,” he said while i nodded.

“and thank you for being there for me, i thought you’ll also hate me.,”

“of course not, everyone deserves a second chance to make it up for all the wrong things they did,” he said while i smile sadly.

“Francis you might not see me again,” i said while he took my hands in his and i stare at him for a while.

“buy why?

“because am leaving.. it better if i leave.. i don’t have a family already and i feel so guilty for whatever that is happening now. I want to be far away from everyone, i want to go so far away where i can meet new people and get to start a new life. I don’t want to be a burden anymore,” i said trying to hold back much tears from my eyes.

“are you serious? he asked looking more sad.

“it better this way. I should have travel since but i was shocked when i heard of Chloe’s dead i have to cancel my flight. Everything was ruined when dad sent me to jail and i kinda feel i deserves worse than that,”

“you can’t leave… i mean…

“no Francis, no one can stop me from this. I have made up my mind to start my life afresh somewhere far,” i said then left him as i went to dad.

????Anton’s POV????

Jasmine was so hearbroken as me. I still can’t believe i lose two important people in life and that’s Sean and Chloe. Camille and Sebastain sent their condolences to me and i really appreciate that.

Nicholas must be up to something because i still don’t get it, why will he be the real father of Sean, he must be up to something with Karen and i’ll find out.

My phone rang as i picked up the call, it the Officer from the station.

“hello sir, Mrs. Karen escape just this evening,’ he said while i was surprise to hear that and at the same time angry. Someone must have helped her out and am gonna find out.

“it not been three days now… officer, you should have keep an eye on her… why would you allow such thing to happen,” i said so angry then threw my phone in anger. karen has escape and that only means one thing….

She’s after my life! I went to check on Jasmine in her room but i was surprise when i saw the room empty. Her stuff wasn’t here, i tried calling her but her line wasn’t going throu-gh. I quickly called Francis, maybe he know about her whereabout but he told me Jasmine has made up her mind to leave and start a new life somewhere. I remember what she told me, that she wanted to go far away and start a new life but i won’t allow that.

“Jasmine! i called out then search around the place.

????Jasmine’s POV????

I was already at the gate and dad didn’t know about that. No ones knows about that afterall no one have the right to know because i have no family. The one i so much love is gone, Sean is no more,” I cried. I have to get a cab to take me to Natasha residence. She have travel and i needed to be their because am gonna leave so early tomorrow morning. I lookd at the big mansion as tears flowed down my cheeks. This where i grew up, this house is attached to lots of memories, memories of Ethan, Sean and also dad, i will miss then but i was never part of their life afterall.

A car stopped right infront of me and i thought it was a cab.

A woman came out from the car, she wore a black gown and also a scarf covering face.
“Jasmine dear,” she said while i surprise to hear her voice.

“Mom Karen,’ i called while she giggle.

“i thought you’re in prison.. how did you get out all of a sudden? i asked.

“i should be asking you that.. how did you get out too? she asked.

“you’re such a devil… dad made a huge mistake in getting married to you in the first place and am glad he divorce you,” i seethed while she slapped me.

“he made me kill my son and now he thinks he can still have you. Look Jasmine no one can replace me, i will never allow Anton to marry anyone and i will never allow him to be with anyone, you can’t replace Sean afterall you’re not his daughter,” she yelled.

“i know that but am far better than you. What type of a mother are you, who’ll kill her own son? i asked in anger.

“okay then let see how you’ll gonna be with Anton,” she smiled then point a gun at me.

“i knew you never love me as a mother should do… you just use me against my own family,” i said in tears.

“unfortunately for you, they’re not your family… and i hate you that’s why i didn’t care to even visit you in jail,”

” are you that evil.. will you also kill me just the same way you killed your son? well go on.. kill me, it better i die than all this suffering,” I yelled at her while she laughed.

“afterall i never like you Jasmine, i thought i was gonna use you against your own stupid mother Camille but i was wrong because she’s not even your mother,” she said, while i dailed dad number, she quickly collect the phone from me and switch it off.

“give me back my phone you witch,” i yelled at her but she push me to the ground then shoot me right at my back.

“goodbye Jasmine… am also coming for Anton and Camille…,” she laughed then walked back to the car and zoomed off.

????Anton’s POV????

I heard a gunshoot outside and i hurriedly went and was shocked to see Jasmine lying lifeless on the floor in the pool of her blood.

“who could have done this to her? could it be Karen.. but the police said she just escaped from the prison, how is it even possible for her to come here right away.

I quickly rushed her to the hospital, then called Francis.

The next day, i and Francis were at the hospital while Camille also rushed in, i just called and told her what happen to Jasmine.

“how is Jasmine doing? she asked so worried.

“doctor…. how is she? i asked when the doctor walked up to us.

“The injury was worse which affected her spinal cord, It something serious. Am sorry to say this but she won’t be able to walk on her feet again,” he stated..????.

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