Fate - S01 E69

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Fate - S01 E69

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 69

“doctor.. you can’t say that…. Jasmine need to be treated with immediate effect,” Camille said in tears.

“i know that but she have little chance of being able to walk on her feet again. It might take much time or even a lifetime,” he said getting me more angry.

“then am gonna transfer her from this hospital,” i suggested.
“it all your fault…. i know it must be your stupid wife who came after her,” Camille yelled at me.
“yes Camille it always my fault. I accept the blame afterall i was the one who came up with this idea,” i said sadly.


I still couldn’t believe Jasmine will have the gut to hurt Chloe which lead to her miscarriage, i remembered how she treated Camille when she pretended to accept them, she hurt her and she wasn’t even remorseful. I was so angry and fed up with her attitude. She might end up murdering someone if care is not taken. Even thou i didn’t know Chloe was my real daughter then i felt so sad with what Jasmine did to her because Ethan was also hurt. I came up with the idea of telling Jasmine we are not her real parents. I want her to at least live a day without her parents let her feels what it means to lack or not to have family.

I guess i failed in being good father to her and the woman i married to take care of her was the real devil. I told Camille about that and glad she also agree to it because she was fed up with Jasmine attitude, she was still angry with her for what she did to her Chloe.

“if this is what will change her, then i agree to it. What if Chloe was hurt, what if Chloe died that day,” she said so worried.

“thank you Camille, i sometimes wonder if Jasmine is actually our daughter,” i said sadly.

“well i guess she took your careless and evil attitude because she grew up with you. Haven’t you seen Chloe, she’s so different from her. If only you allow me take my daughter with me back then,” she said angrily.

“the deed has been done Camille and am de-eply sorry for everything,” i said while she sighed.

“let not talk about you being sorry. Just make sure Jasmine is in a safe hands wherever she’ll go, she’s still our daughter and i love her so much,” she said while i nodded.

I got some papers which was fake actually about Jasmine adoption, i make sure everything look so real and that evening Camille followed me home while she told Jasmine they sad news. I felt so bad when i saw her devastated but if this will make her change for good and forever then she have to accept her fate for now. When Jasmine left,

it was Sean who told me the truth about Chloe being my real daughter, i was damn angry with Jasmine. I knew she never like Chloe and her mother but she also included me in it by hurting me, she fake the DNA test, if only she didn’t do that then i would have get to know Chloe on time and she might forgive me but Jasmine ruined everything and now Chloe is gone. I was so angry and the only thing i could think of at that time is to get her arrested, so she could pay for whatever she did, even thou i was so much hurt to know my own daughter will do this to hurt me this much.

#End of flash_back????

“it isn’t my fault, i wanted to let Jasmine know about the truth now that she have change but she insisted on leaving and i wasn’t aware of any of this,” i said.

“we need to make arrangement for her transfer then,” the doctor suggested while i nodded.

????Camille’s POV????
Later in the afternoon, i sat down beside Jasmine, she was still unconscious, i was scared when i was told about Karen escape from the prison. That was too soon, the cops couldn’t even keep a close eyes on her. That woman might still come to hurt me, who knows if she’s the one that did this to Jasmine. I gently held her hand and cried. I still don’t want to believe my Chloe is gone.. I wish she’s alive and i wish Jasmine will just wake up and accept me as her mother.

“i love you so much Jasmine but i was angry with you when you try to hurt Chloe… she’s your sister and seeing you hurt her like that breaks my heart, that isn’t the kind of family i want, for my daughters to hate themselves. I have always wanted the best for you Jasmine but all you think of was mom Karen! mom Karen!! you never see me as your own mother. Please be alive for me, now that you’ve changed, be alive for your mother,” i cried. The door went open and Anton walked in.

“Jasmine…” he called then walked up to me.

“she’ll be fine Camille, i a-ssure you wherever Chloe is she won’t allow Jasmine to leave us again,” he said while i nodded.

“i kinda feel Karen has a hand in this but i talked to the officer he said they’re still searching for her and she’s declared wanted,” he said while i sighed.

“so tell me now Anton. Between Karen and i who is the slut. The Sean you knew as your son ended up not being your biological son and the Chloe you denied also ended up to be your biological daughter,” i said while he looked at me sadly.

“if only i knew Karen was this useless i wouldn’t have been friends with her in the first place,” he said while i nodded then looked at Jasmine sadly. I don’t want my daughter to end like this, i guess she need to be transfer to a better hospital for a better treatment.

????I arrived back home so sad and told Erica and Cecily about Jasmine being my real daughter, i know their all shocked to hear that but we only did that to see if she’ll change and know what life is all about.

“you mean she’s your daughter again? Erica asked with a frown while i nodded.

“i thought as much, when you later told us she was adopted i doubt so,” Cecily said.

“so are you bringing her in. I thought you’ve learnt your lesson mom, you should have just let her rot in jail. She hurt you a lot and she was the cause of Chloe’s miscarriage,” Erica said then burst out in tears.

“she might conspire with her mom Karen to hurt you again. Chloe is gone and i won’t like lose any of you again because of the evil girl,” Erica sdaid while i sighed.

“am sure she have truly changed. Her stay in the prison wasn’t in vain maybe it thought her to be good to other people for once because you might not know if you’ll be of help to you tomorrow. Jasmine is my daughter and i didn’t plan to abandon her forever, it a good thing she didn’t leave. She’s like a lost sheep and i haven’t given up on her, am willing to accept her back and i hope Chloe will also forgive her,” i said.

“no… i don’t like her… she’s so evil mom. If she’ll gonna stay here wth you then am leaving, afterall you never see me as your daughter,” she said while i gasped. I didn’t expect to hear this from Erica.

“Erica.. you can’t just tell her to abandon Jasmine, am sure you know how ha-rd she have been trying to get Jasmine to her real senses but didn’t work out. She’s still her daughter so don’t say that.,” Cecily said while Erica kept mute.

“okay then…. whatever! am just worried about you,” she said while i held her hand then hug-ged her so tight.

“how many time will i have to tell you, you’re also my daughter and i love you so much. Catherine has always been part of my life and also you. Erica i raise you up to this stage as a mother and all i wanted for this family to be complete, i, you, Chloe and Jasmine but everything is ruined now that Chloe is gone,” i said sadly.

“i understand you mom, thank you,” she said while i smiled.

Ethan’s POV????

I sat down with Mr. Sebastain by my side as he told me about my past, hoping if i can remember my past… i was damn confuse. I don’t want to remember anything again, i guess my past must be full of pains and tears. He kept asking if i can remember anything but everything is just blank i don’t know anything. Maybe i will never get to know anything. Maybe i should forget my past and moved on…????

????Karen’s POV????

I was in my apartment in a hidden place, no one knows about that except Nicholas who helped me escape.

“Karen…” Nicholas called then walked up to me.

“everything has been arranged, you’re leaving tomorrow,” he said while i smiled then hug-ged him.

“thank you.. i guess it time we slow down with our plans but am still coming back to see if Anton will still moved on and if Jasmine happens to survie and still coming to kill her again for good,” i said while he smiled.
“but i just so unfortunate you killed our son,” he said while i frown.

“That was Anton doing, he manipulated my son against me so i couldn’t sit and watch the horrible drama, i have to act fast and Sean being so stubborn and acting good boy now ended up dead,” i said in tears while Nicholas hug-ged me.

“i love you so much Karen, i have always knew you were not destined for Anton, you see what happen to your goddamn marriage….” he said while i wipe off my tears.

“i know Nicholas, but it Anton i love… the past eighteen years We’ ve spent as married couples won’t be i vain. I will soon take back what rightfully belongs to me and if he proves so stubborn i will crush him, i’ll kill himself i will make him pay for what he did to Sean, he was the one that made me kill my own son and will also kill him,” i cried.

” that should wait, you have to be smart when leaving… i will give you a call about any news,” he said while i nodded.

Anton’s POV????

I walked in anger as i saw Nicholas in his sitting room. Now am beginning to suspect him.

“you’re Sean’s biological father is that true? i asked while he looked me at guilty.

“just tell me to know if Karen is telling the truth,” i said.

“yes… am Sean father but everything happen so fast. Karen was the one who threw herself cheaply at me,” he said while i felt like slapping.

“and you accepted that, knowing fully well that she was my wife and you’ll betrayed me. Well am not angry because i don’t even love Karen am only concern about how she kill her innocent son and now she has the gut to come to escape from the prison,” i said so angry.

“i know you’re angry at me but it wasn’t my fault,” he said while i glare at her with so much hatred.

“i hate you Nicholas and if i found out you’re involve in all that is happening to me then i’ll make you pay, i’ll forget if you’re once my childhood friend because i hate betrayers,” i yelled at him as i walked out. I arrived home in anger as i sat down and let out all pains and tears.

Jasmine will soon be taken to Italy for a proper treatment.


???? I was with Jasmine in Italy for her treatment throu-ghout her seven months of treatment, Camille stayed back with her family and Ethan, he still hasn’t regian back his memory. Maybe or maybe not he might regain his memory. Somethings are just destined to happen which we have no answers to it.

???????????? I was glad because everything worked out as planned in all this months. Jasmine has to under a surgery which went successful and she was able to be on her feet again and walk normal as before. She told me about what Karen did to her, i was damn angry. The police did all they could to track her down but it all went in vain. It was said that she’s not probably in the country and no one knows about her whereabout.

????Jasmine accepted Camille as her mother when we back back from Italy few days back, she has really changed for good and was more happy when she heard we are her biological parents. Camille was so much happy because she now has someone who coluld atleast ease her pain since Chloe is no more.

Ethan has still not regain back his memory, he decided to move on and i guess he’s now dating Erica, i wasn’t happy about it at first but Erica also deserves true love. My friendship with Nichiolas is ruined ever since i know he’s Sean biological father, i have always suspected him. Sebastain and Camille are more close and i have to accept my fate, i have to accpet what life offers me for now. What important is that Camille is quite happy with Jasmine and Sebastain in her life.

????Jasmine’s POV????

I was happy knowing Camille was my biological mother and dad too as my real father. I somehow feel it before but i thought dad was true when they said am adopted, i was so heart broken now. When Karen shoot me, i thought i was going to die but now that am given another chance to live i decide to let it go, to let the bygones be bygones and accept my fate. I was so ashamed of myself to know Camille as my true mother not after what i did to her and Chloe my sister but she have accepted me and love me this much. If only i knew this i wouldn’t have being so stupid a long time ago. But that still remain the fact that am not happy about the whole situation happening. Ethan hate me so much but with the lose of his memory he couldn’t remember what happen. He’s so close to Erica and i guess he might soon hooked up with her which saddens my heart but that non of my business, i hope he regain his memory anytime soon to atleast remember my sister.

I wanted my whole family back but our life is still at risk knowing fully well that Karen is still outside, no one knows her whereabout, i can’t believe she can be this smart. Even after knowing the whole truth about what got mom and dad divorced in the past i felt so pity for how mom suffered but i still can’t bring myself to hate dad, he’s still my father and atleast he regretting what he did. I still stayed with him, now it just the two of us while i somtimes visit mom during weekend.

“Jasmine! mom called as she walked in and sat down beside me on the sofa. I know she wanted our whole family to be complete for now, she wanted me to stay with her, i wish i could but i can’t.

“Jasmine.. you’ve changed so much and i really feel so happy, thank you for accepting me,”she smile while i smiled back.

“am sorry for everything mom, i hope Chloe forgives me too,” i said sadly while she nodded.
“wherever Chloe is am sure she’s happy to see us together,” she said while i nodded.

“Jasmine come home with me, it been two weeks now you’ve been staying here, i want you home, i want you to get alone with my family. Erica, Cecily and Sebastain,” she said while i sighed then held her hand.

“i would love to mom but i can’t leave dad all alone. He has no one, no one at all and what if Karen comes after him i don’t know what will be of me i anything bad happen to dad. I want our family to be complete but please forgive dad let us have that happy family when we were still kids,” i pleaded.

“that can never Jasmine. Anton has lose me forever because i love Sebastain now. I don’t love your father anymore and i sometimes wish he’s not your father, i sometimes wish i meet Sebastain before him. Your mother is planing to start all over again, you should be happy for me Jasmine,” she said while i wipe off the tears in my eyes.

“mom i want you to know dad is already paying for his mistakes, he really try ha-rd to change for you, and i believe every person has the chance to start all over again just the way you’ve forgiven and choose to love me now,” i said while she hug-ged me.

“Jasmine, i love you so much and i want to make it up to you for all the years We’ve been apart, i want us to act as mother and daughter should do. Anton can start all over again alone, i don’t care about him” she said while i pulled away from the hug, then sniffed.

“please give dad one chance, i know you’re scared of getting hurt again but dad would never hurt you now, just give him one last chance mom. If you’re going to love me, dad is also part of my life that you need to accept because i love him, this the only way we will be together again after all this lost years,” i said while she looked at me in tears. I smile sadly then stood up and walked to the door, i guess i just need to be alone. I bumped into dad who was still at the door, he look so pale and sad as usual, he hasn’t been feeling too well recently.


“i heard all you said Jasmine. You don’t have to keep on begging Camille to come back to me. Love can’t be forced, you heard her right, she loves Sebastian and not me. I don’t want to hurt Camille again, i don’t want her to hate me the more, i don’t want her to accuse me of taking you away from her this time. You should get your things ready and go live in her house. She’s your mother and she need you especially now that Chloe isn’t here for her,” he said sadly.

“dad.. you’re not feeling too well and you have no one i can’t leave you here all alone, what if Karen comes back to you.. what if she hurt you again. I don’t think i can survive longer if anything bad should happen to you,”

“Jasmine, Karen can go ahead and kill me but as far as you and Camille are you still alive i will be much happy. Camille needs you more than i do. You need to spent more time with your mother cos no one can predict the future

Each opportunity you have with someone spent it to its fullest and enjoy as if that’s the last moment you have because no one can tell about tomorrow. Please do this for me, if you truly love me you will go and stay with your mother. I can cope with my loneliness and whatever happens to me just be strong for your mother and know that i love you so much cos you’re the only family i had left. Just promise me to be strong,” he said while i hug-ged him so tight and cried on his shoulders.

“life is too short to be wasted..

you have to make use of this chance to get to know your mother and her family. I love Camille so much and even now i still do but i know it might be somehting that will come and go… i guess we are destined for each other. Jasmine, in life we sometimes have to learn not to force things to happen, just let them be, to align with our life when the right time comes.

What meant for me will eventually find me no matter where i am,” he said getting me more emtional, i turn to look at mom, her eyes were filled up with tears.

“why can’t you let the bygones be bygones. Chloe is gone already because our family was separated, what if someone amongs us died. What if Karen comes back to kill anyone one of us. No one can tell… Someone once told me a happy and strong family can conquer whatever war is coming to along the way.

Why can’t we be family, just the three of us, why can’t we make it up to each other and be happy for atleast once. I know wherever Chloe is she’ll be happy to know we’re family. I don’t want to lose anyone of you because i love you so much but sometimes love isn’t enough, we have to forgive and forget. Mom please do this for me or atleast for the sake of my sister Chloe,” i said in tears as i held her hand while her gaze was on dad, he’s eyes was already clouded up in tears.

“am sorry Jasmine what you’re asking for can never happen, not even in my next life,” she said then walked out in tears.???? I look at dad and saw how broken he is????. Things don’t always go the way we plan… Maybe we should accept our ????#FATE????????.

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