Fate - S01 E67

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Fate - S01 E67

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 67

“Sean… please be alive for me… you need to survive,” i cried as i look at Karen with so much hatred.

“you caused all this,” i yelled at her.

“you did, you wanted to take away my son from me but i won’t allow that,” she cried as she held him.

“please don’t leave your mother,” she cried.

“we need to take him to the hospital,” i said, tears slide down his eyes as he held my hand.

“you’re still my father even in dead,” he said which make me want to cry the more. I quickly carried him to the car and rushed to the hospital.

I keep pacing up and down while Karen keep pushing blames on me. I’ve already called the cops and they’re on their way to arrest her for good.

“tell me the real truth, is Sean really Nicholas son? how did it happen? i asked as i held her hand so tight.

“you’re hurting me Anton,” she yelled.

“just tell me the truth,” i yelled with so much hatred for her.

“yes Sean is not your biological son, i wanted to keep this secret to my grave but you push me to say that. Since you divorce me, i need my son back, i need him back. I want you to be alone without anyone, afterall you have no one, no one at all,” she yelled while i slapped her so ha-rd on her cheeks.

“i never knew you’ll hurt me this much Karen…. i thought you were the right person for me when i foolishly divorce Camille.. i thought you won’t hurt me but you’re more than worse and all i feel for you is pure hatred. Sean is my son… i don’t care, once he’s okay i’ll leave with him and you won’t be able to see him because he now hate you so much,” i yelled while she was still holding her cheeks.

She wanted to say something when the doctor came looking so sad.

“how’s sean? i asked.

“sorry,” he mutter

“what ddi you mean? Karen asked in tears.

“we lost him,” he said while i was still in shocked i looked at Karen as she broke down in more tears.

“but… doc… i thought you’ll gonna save him, he’s the only one i have left,” i said in tears.

“he lose so much blood and the bullet was close, he was badly injured,” he said while i sat down on the floor and i cried out my eyes.

Sean is far different from his mother, why will he have to die so soon, why do good people keep dying,” i cried while the cops walked.

“your under arrest Mrs. Karen anything you say or do will be use against you in the court of law,” the chief said.

“what did you mean? she asked.

“for the attempt murder of your son,”

“he’s dead already officer and she killed him, i wonder where she got that gun from. This a murder case and she need to rot in jail,” i said while she looked at me with so much hatred.

“you’ll pay for this Anton, we are not over yet,” she cried as the cops took her away. I sighed then wipe off my tears as i went to see Sean at the morgue. Everything is just happening so fast.

“Sean… the son i raise all this while wasn’t my son and the daughter i chase out thinking she wasn’t my real daughter turn out to be my blood, but she’s no more, it all too late for me. What a twist of fate! More tears drop from my eyes as i saw my son.

“thank you so much Sean, thank you for not following your mother step. You’ve proven to be a good son anyone could wish for. I don’t know why my children keep leaving me, first it Chloe then it you. Sean i love you so much and i will make sure your mother pay for her evil deed, she will pay for all this,” I cried as i saw his lifeless body.

“i love you so much son,” i said trying ha-rd to control myself, am so much hurt. If only i was wise enough to investigate and know Chloe is my daughter maybe i wouldn’t marry Karen then all this wouldn’t have happen. But am not regretting having Sean as my son all this years because i love him so much.

How can Nicholas even do this to me, does that means he has been having an affair with Karen all this years and i never know. I was lost in my thoughts. A lot of things as happen already.

????Ethan’s POV????

Erica and i stroll around the garden, it look so beautiful and i really enjoy her company.

“so Ethan tell me about yourself,” she said.

“i don’t know anything… i can’t remember anything. Did you know anything about my past? i asked while she smiled.

“sure..but only few things,” she said while i smiled.

“what could it be? i asked.

“well you were once my boyfriend, and we were planing to get married before you lost your memory. I was once your lover,” she said with teary eyes while i stare de-ep into her eyes.

“are you sure? i asked while she nodded then hug-ged me tight.

“i love you so much Ethan, i was your wife to be, before you lose your memory, please regain back your memory i want you back,” she said then ki-ssed me which got me surprise.

“hey… i guess we shouldn’t do this for now, i still don’t know you and i feel you’re lying to me,” i said while she so sad.

“don’t regret this someday,” she said angrily then walked out of me. What did she mean by that. I was so confused, i went back to my room but meet my father as he told me.
“Ethan, are you okay,” he asked while i sat down next to him.

“did i have any lover in the past… were we about to get married, who is she? i asked. While he gave me some pictures.

“this your mom and this Chloe, the one you’ve always loved,” he said while i stare at the picture again and again, so Erica was lying to me afterall.
“she looks so beautiful, but where is she now? i asked while he looked so sad.

“she’s gone Ethan… they’re no more. I wish i can do something to help you regain back your memory,” he said while i just look at him blankly then dropped the pictures on a table.

“i need to sleep,” i said while he nodded and i went back to my room.

????Camille’s POV????

I and Sebastain sat by the pool side, he told me about what happen to Sean. I felt so pity for the poor boy but at the same time i still coouldn’t believe Sean wasn’t Anton biological son afterall. I knew all this will happen in the end, well he was in for it when he married Karen. She called me whore not knowing she’s the real whore.
“that’s Anton life and whatever it might be, am out of it,” i said to Sebastain.

“Camille i know you’re hurt, but you have to let go of everything. Seems Anton is truly sorry why not forgive him,” he said while i sighed.

“what about you Sebastain, have you forgiven Lynn? i asked.

“i know what she did was unforgivable but she regretted what she did. It was too late for me to forgive her because she died the same day she told us everything,” he said sadly while i kept quiet.

“so Camille are you going to forgive Anton only when you hear he’s dead? he asked while i looked at him.

“please Sebastain, let not talk about him. Anton is my past. Each time i hear his name or see him remind me of the people i have lost starting from my dear mom, then Catherine, my baby and sadly Chloe,” i said in tears while Seb held my hands and rubb it softly.

“you don’t need to cry Camille i understand how you feel and i really wish you i could make you feel so happy at the end,” he said while i smile. Sebastain truly loves me.

“thank you Sebastain.. i really appreciate and am so happy to know you have your fmaily which is Ethan and am very sure he’ll oneday regain back his memory and know everything,” i said while he nodded then pulled me closer to him.

“thank you for being my inspiration each day and for accepting me to be part of your family. I guess everything happen for a reason,” he said as he ki-ssed my hair then caress it softly.

????Anton’s POV❣

I was at the station to see Jasmine, she seem glad when she saw me.

“Dad.. i thought you’ll gonna leave me here to suffer… since i have no family at all,” she said sadly while i held her hand.

“am here for you now, but how does it feel to have no one, especially to have no family? i asked while she looked so sad.

“am sorry dad. I know i was so selfish trying to make you believe Chloe isn’t your biological daughter by faking the DNA test, not knowing am the real outsider. Life is just too short to be dumb and fool around. I have learnt my lessons and i was also a fool to have called Chloe a bastard sister of mine not knowing am the outsider. Dad i just want to get out of here and i promise not to come into your lives. I will leave far away from you and let you be in peace i promise,” she said while i looked at her sadly…..????

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