Fate - S01 E66

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Fate - S01 E66

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 66

????Sebastian’s POV????

I was so worried. I paced up and down waiting for the doctor to showed. Declan just called and told me yesterday night Ethan was traumatize and ended up hitting his head.
“you have to calm down Seb, Ethan will be found,” she said trying to console me.

“how can i be okay with this.. i just got to know my son and i needed to know him the more. Why will all this keep happening. First it Chloe, then Lynn and now Ethan,” i said while Camille hug me so tight and i felt at peace, i so much love her and i wish she feel the same way for me too.

“he’ll be fine,” she said as those hazel eyes of hers stare into mine.

“thank you Camille..” i said then sat down beside her. Erica rushed in and walked up to us.

“is Ethan is okay? she asked us.
“we still don’t know yet but we believe so,” Camille said while i smile sadly, she always has her own way of making someone feel better but i know de-ep inside her she’s still hurt cos she haven’t get over Chloe’s dead.

“mom.. i hope Ethan is still alive,” Erica cried in her arms.

Few minutes later, the doctor came to us and i felt relief seeing him but my heart was still beating fast-er.

“how’s Ethan? i asked while he looked so sad.

“just follow me,” he said while we glance at each other and followed the doctor. We walked to Ethan’s room and meet him lying on the bed but his eyes were open, i felt so happy seeing him.

“he’s alive,” i smiled as i held Camille’s hand.

“Ethan..” i called then sat down beside him.

“who are you? he questioned while i smile in tears.

“it me your father. Please Ethan i suggest you stay. Lynn is gone and i afford to lose you,” i said while he looked at me confusely.

“what wrong with him doctor.. he don’t seems to know us? Camille asked the doctor.
“am sorry to say this but…. he suffering from Amnesia,” he said while i gasped.

“doctor.. what did you mean? Erica asked.

“Amnesia is the partial or total loss of memory, people with amnesia find it difficult to remember the past, they may experience severe difficulties to recall the past,” he said.

“doc.. i don’t believe this.. what all this.. Ethan,” i called out his name and he seems confuse seeing us.

“doctor please Ethan need to regain back his memory.. you need to do something,” Camille said.

“he’s suffering from a traumatic amnesia which is the memory loss and which result from a ha-rd blow to the head, for instance a car accident. He may experience a brief loss of consciousness. The Amnesia is usually temporary but how long it lasts normally depends on how severe the injury is,” the doctor explained.

“maybe i can help him regain back his memory,” Erica said while i looked at her.

“i guess the doctor is right. I feel for Ethan and i know the only thing that will make him regain back his memory is Chloe. I’ll help him in that,” Erica said while i nodded.

“are you sure you can do this? Camille asked her while she nodded.

“sure, Ethan is also my friend,” she said.

“well that’s what we all are hoping for. For him to regain back his memory soon,” the doctor said before leaving.

“Ethan… dear you’ll soon be fine okay,” Camille a-ssured him.

The door went open and Declan walked in. Why do i feel he has a hand in what happen to Ethan.

“how is Ethan doing? he asked.
“he’s fine,” i replied him.

“but what did the doctor said… will he be fine? what wrong with him? he asked again.

“he lost his memory. Declan what actually happen to him? i asked.

“he locked himself up in his room and the next thing we heard was his cries. I and dad try to open the door but it was locked we have to use the spare key and before we could open it we saw him on the floor and his head was bleeding,” he said while i sighed.

“this the truth, i can never hurt Ethan because he’s still my brother,” he said while i nodded, he left while shortly Erica also left.

❣Erica’s POV❣

When Declan left i hurriedly followed him outside.

“are you behind what happen to Ethan? i asked angrily.

“i did nothing to him but i’ll never allow you be together,” he yelled.

“hey you need to calm down before anyone hear us. You better stop this childish act of yours. Chloe is gone too bad for you so just move on. My trying ha-rd to win Ethan’s love,

am thinking of seducing him soon. Now it the best time to take advantage of him losing his memory. He don’t remember anything nor anyone not even his so call Chloe, so this will make it easier for me to have him. We will start all over and be in love,” i said while he frown.

“okay then Erica… you need to act wise but i can never let you be with Ethan,” he said then walked away while i sighed. I know he’s behind what happen to Ethan. I won’t allow him take Ethan away from me. Ethan is mine and mine alone and i love him so much. I have try so ha-rd to keep much distance from him but not anyone. Am gonna make sure he never regains his memory and then i have to make sure he fall in love with me. I smiled as i thought of having sweet Ethan to myself. Now the real game begins…

????I arrived home and meet aunt Cecily, she was done with dinner and sat down opposite to her at the dining table.

“can i ask you for a favor,” i said.

“what is it? she said.

“i want us to move out. It better if we leave,” i said to her.

“but why… this our home,” she said while i laughed sarcastically.

“This not our home, i want to be independent, am tired of living here. You’re the only family i have left and that’s because you’re related to my mom,” i said while she looked at me.
“what did you mean? she asked.

“i want us to leave,” i seethed.
“but why? Camille still need someone,” she said while i rolled my eyes.

“you’re a mother to me too. If you don’t want to leave then fine!” i said then stood up.

“but Erica why all this behavior? from the look of things you don’t even miss Chloe,” she said sadly while i smiled.

“so you want me to locked up myself in my room and cry the whole day, or you want me to starve to dead… Chloe is gone, the dead has nothing to do with the living so let me be,” i yelled.

“Erica.. why all this?

“you’ll get to know that someday,” i smiled then walked out of her. I don’t want to be with mom again. I just want to be on my own and i want Cecily with me because she’s my only family. I don’t think she’ll agree to help me in my plan but i have to act wise. As for now i should concentrate on Ethan.

????Anton’s POV????

I arrived to the hospital to check on Ethan. It such a pity he have to pas-sthrou-ghall this. It not being long his mother died and now Nicholas inform me about him being traumatize. Not after Chloe’s dead, why will he have to suffer this way.

I walked in then stopped from a distance when i saw Camille and Sebastain in a tight hug. I guess their in a relationship already and i feel so jealous. This what Camille felt when i was with Karen all these years. I was so foolish to have believe whatever i was told now it all too late for me, so late. I walked closer to them and they disengage from the hug.

“Anton,” Sebastain called while i smile sadly then glance at Camille.

‘How’s Ethan..? i asked.

“he’s fine for noe but something happen,” he said making my heart beat fast-er.

“what happen?

“he lost his memory,” he said while i was shocked to hear that.

“what! how did it happen… i need to see him,” i said so worried.

“he’s in ward 12,” Sebastain said while i nodded before leaving.

I walked in and i felt so bad when i saw Ethan. He has been like a son to me and he has helped worked in my company but now that he have his father back i know he’s leaving but it still unfortunate for him to lose his memory now.

‘Ethan.” i called then sat down beside him, he was asleep but i guess he felt someobe by his side which make him open his eyes then sat up.

“Ethan.. you have to get well soon, am glad you have your real father by your side,” i said while he looked at me without saying anything.

“who are you? he asked.
“Am Anton…Chloe’s father,” i said, i hope he get to remember everything soon maybe only with the help of Chloe’s memories.

????Ethan’s POV????

I can’t remember anything, i did all i can to remember but everything was blank. I was discharge from the hospital and Sebastain took me to his house, he said he’s my father. His house was large and beautiful, this the biggest mansion i have ever seen.

He showed me places around then took me to my room which was large and well furnish.

“is it okay if i all you Jared? he asked while i looked confused. I don’t even know my name but the people that visit me at hospital call me Ethan. So why will he prefer to call me another name.

“am Ethan.. just call me that,” i said while he sighed then showed me a picture of a woman, she looks so beautiful.

“who is she? i asked.
“she’s Lynn your mother,” he said while i stare at her, i try to remember something but i just couldn’t. I stare at the picture as tears slide down my tears for no reason.

“don’t worry Ethan.. you’ll soon be fine. I will help you regain your memory,” he said while i just nodded. The door went open and a young lady walked in dressed in a short gown and her hair was loose, she looks so pretty.

“hi Sir,” she greeted the man beside me.

“you’re here Erica,” he said while she smile then sat down beside me.

“i came alone with Chloe pictures and i know some memories the share,” she said while Sebastain nodded.

“if only i could get the necklace i once gave Lynn and she gave it to him which he also pa-ssed it to Chloe. I know that necklace is important to him, maybe it will make him remember something,” he said while the pretty girl shrugged.
“okay Erica.. i need go if you need anything just tell me,” he said then stood up.

“Ethan meet Erica your friend,” he introduce while i smile then shook hands with her.

When he left the pretty lady sat down close to me and smile seductively.

“Ethan i miss you so much dear.. don’t worry i’ll try to help you out,” she said while i smile. Seems she like me already.????

????Karen’s POV????

I allowed Anton push throu-ghwith the divorce all because i want peace of my for my son, but it also part of my plan, Camille will pay for all this, i know Anton is doing all this because of her and i won’t spare her. It a good thing he’s now alone and Camille will never come back to him. My plan to separate them has come throu-ghand they’ll never be together. I need to take back my son. Sean can’t continue to stay with Anton, i still don’t believe why Sean will choose Anton over me his mother. That son of mine is just so useless, he’s not easy manipulated and i need to get him back from this stupid Anton. Chloe is already dead, Jasmine isn’t even his child all this while and he can’t stay with Sean.

????Anton’s POV????

I and Sean are planing to move on next week but first i have to fix things at work and also here, i have already dismiss all the maids and also nanny hanny, i wish she never leave but they all i have to because am moving out soon. I was with Sean at the sitting room when Karen walked in with an envelope, she looks so angry.
‘am here to take back my son,” she said.

“Mom i promise to visit you every weekend but i can’t leave dad, he need someone,” Sean said to her while she slapped him.

“stop that Karen, you’re my ex and you have no right to come to my house and questioned me like that,” i yelled at her.
“Anton i won’t let you have Sean because he’s my son,” she yelled which got me more angry.

“Sean is also my son and he’s not a kid, he chooses to stay with me so just let us be,” i ranted feeling so annoyed seeing Karen.

“Anton i love you so much but since you decide to disgrace me i’ll also do so. Sean is not your biological son afterall,” she said while i laughed.
“you must be lying Karen,” i said while she smirk.

“this the truth, so let me go with my son. Chloe is gone, Jasmine isn’t your daughter and Camille now hate you…you’re all alone all because of your stupidity and now the only person which is Sean you’re looking up to, is not your son,” she said while Sean was already shocked.

“what did you mean? i asked..
“yes Sean… i love Anton and i badly want to give him a male child who’ll take over his possession and also he’ll never leave me…. Your real father is Nicholas,” she said which got me more angry. Nicholas is my friend, he can’t probably do that to me.

“Nicholas.. how sure are you,? I asked while Sean was quiet.

“have this,” she said then threw an envelope to us, i open it then read throu-ghit as tears down my eyes. This time am not gonna give up on Sean. How did all this happen? first it was Chloe and now Sean! Sean is my son and i won’t believe any of this this, i won’t make the same mistake i ddi years ago.

“you deserves to be alone without anyone because you’re a monster. You’ll pay or breaking up with me,” she yelled then removed a gun and point it to me.

“Anton if am not gonna have you then no one will,” she said.

“mom.. are you that bad?… please drop your gun let talk,” Sean said trying to calm her down.

“Karen… please just stop this,” i pleaded with her but she was still standing a bit far from me with the gun in her hand.

“i don’t believe this mom.. and if this is true then i hate you so much… you’re a monster ” Sean yelled at her as he moved closer to her, to collect the gun she was holding.

“just stop all this. please Sean we’ll talk about this and you Karen just dropped your gun, where did you even got this from?

“Just drop your gun mom and stop being a coward,” Sean said but Lnn wouldn’t listen, they kept on struggling with the gun and within some few minutes we heard a gun shoot and the look on their face was of pain.

“Sean…! i yelled then realise he was the one shoot. Blood gush out from his mouth….

“Sean.. my son,” Karen yelled as she looked at me with so much hatred. I was still in shocked…????

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