Fate - S01 E65

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Fate - S01 E65

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 65

Ethan’s POV????

I sat down in tears when i was told about my mom’s dead. Am so confuse and more heartbroken, who could have done this to her.

“what actually happen? Sebastain asked the security men who brou-ght her here.
“she was shoot by some thugs but we couldn’t caught them. They left before we came cos it a the gun shoot we first heard,” one of the security man explained.

“Ethan.. you have to be strong,” Erica said as she sat down close to me and held my hands.

“Such a rou-ghtime for you and i know you need someone,” she said looking so sad while she hug-ged me tight but i didn’t reciprocate, i was just sitting down still, lost in my thoughts.

“Ethan… E… than i know it ha-rd for you but please don’t think too much,” Aunt Camille said as she tapped my shoulders lightly.

“am always here for you Ethan. We’ll all get throu-ghthis,” she cried and sat down by my left.

Sebastain later took me home late at the night and i was so devastated. Did dad even know about him not being my real father, how will Declan also feel about this.

We walked in while i sat down on the sofa and Sebastain was still standing. Dad and Declan came out and walked up to us.
“mom is gone,” i said to them while they don’t seems surprise.

“you mean Lynn your mother is gone? dad asked while i nodded in tears.

“what happen? Declan asked calmly.

“she was killed by some unknown thugs but she also told us something before she died, i don’t know if you knew about it already? Sebastain asked while dad look curious.

“what did she told you? he asked.

“you’re not my real father and Declan isn’t my biological brother, non of you are my family,” i said while they look shocked.

“Lynn told you that before she died..? but she never told me anything about that,” dad said as he clinch his fist in ball and look so angry.

“so Lynn has fooled me all this while… how dare she,” he said in anger.

“their’s nothing to get angry about, she already dead,” i said.

“then who’s your real father? he asked in anger.

“it me. Ethan turn out to be Jared. What she told you was all lies, same with me,” Sebastain said while dad look more furious.

“you! and how sure are you she’s telling the truth,” he yelled.

“we can go for DNA test,” Sebastain suggested.

“i just need to be alone for now,” i said then walked to my room. I locked my door as sat down on the floor. My life is just so miserable. I picked up mom and Chloe’s picture???? as i hug it so tight to my chest.

“am sorry mother. What you did was unforgivable, i was so mad at you but not anymore. If only i knew that was the last time i’ll get to see you i would have try to forgive you. Why will you have to leave at this moment,” i cried while i fixed my gaze on Chloe’s picture, it makes me remember what mom told me before she died. Nicholas is behind Chloe’s kidnapped…. maybe she’s right, i just need to keep a close eye on him.

“i promise to avenge your dead Chloe, justics will prevail and whoever is behind all that happen to you will pay,” i cried as i keep staring at her picture.

????The next day in the evening..

Sebastain and i were at the hospital for the DNA test and the result was later out which means Sebastain is 100% related to me. He’s my father, mom is actually right. I turn to dad and Declan who were standing beside us. I looked at him but got more angry when mom’s words ring in my ear, he’s behind Chloe’s kidnapped.

“so you’re not my brother afterall,” Declan said while walked to him.

“Declan i don’t care if we are related or not, all i know is that you’re my brother and my best friend because we grew up together as family and i’ll forever see you as my family,” i said while he frown.

“no need for all that. Am now so happy.. so much happy you’re not my brother,” he said then laugh sarcastically which got me more confused.

“let go dad,” he said while he left with his dad. I sighed then look at Sebastain.

“Lynn was right… you’re my son… you’re Jared. I thought i have no family but destiny has its own way in our lives. Even thou i lose Lynn am glad i’ve found you, am glad she regretted what she did and told us the truth before it was late. Am so happy to have you Jared,” he said while tears slide down my eyes as i hug him.
“it is okay if i call you dad? i asked while nodded then smile in tears.

“yes son,” he smile and hug me more tight.

It was a happy reunion between me and my real father. Destiny has it own way to manifst in our lives. It true when a door of happiness closes another one open. I’ve lost two important people in my life and now i have just found my dad am so happy but that sadness is still within me, i miss my mom, i miss Chloe so badly, i don’t know if i can be able to love again.

I and dad had a father and son talk for a short time at the hospital before we later went to the morgue to see mom. Her funeral will be in next week time. I still don’t want to believe she’s gone.

“mom,” i called then walked up to her. Tears slide down my eyes as i set my eyes on her, she was covered with a white sheets. that sight make me want to cry the more.

“am always here with you Ethan and am sure Lynn will be so happy wherever she is,” dad said as he held my hand, his eyes were also clouded up with tears.

“rest on Lynn…,” dad said sadly.
“i have forgiven you mother…. and i love you so much,” i said in tears.

“Lynn am sure you’ll be happy to see me with Ethan. Let the bygones be bygones. That was all in past,” dad said while i smiled sadly.

We walked out of the hospital while dad suggest i live with him now.

“i know dad… but i don’t think i will leave Declan right away. They’re still my family and i need to stay with them for a little time,” i said while i nodded.

“am not forcing you Ethan. But i wish i will get to spent more time with you as my son,” he said while i smiled.

???? I drove back home and walked in, i saw all my things thrown outside and also that of mom belongings.
“who the heck did all this? i cussed then walked in but stop to eavesdropped on Nicholas and Declan discussion.

“if only i knew Ethan wasn’t my son all this while i would have torture Lynn to death. You shouldn’t have kill her that time, because i so much hate her, she fooled me all this while,” Nicholas yelled in anger.

“she’s dead already and am glad she’s no more. Ethan will go back to his stupid father,” Declan said.

“no.. i won’t allow that,” Nicholas said while i open the door and walked up to them.
“you killed my mother? i asked Declan in shocked.

“yes.. i killed her, i was the one who shoot her,” he yelled back while i felt my heart beating more fast-er.

“but why? i asked.

“because i never like her, she killed my mother and i promise to have my revenge,” he yelled.

“yes Ethan. Your mom was the same person that kill Mabel for her selfish reason, i knew that already and i told Declan about it,” Nicholas said while i felt so sad.

“but she never told me that,”
“shut up and stop pretending. Your mother first came and destroy my mom’s marriage with dad, as if that was not enough she killed her and separate me from my mother right from childhood,” Declan yelled in anger.

“but i guess she has her own reason for doing so,” i said calmly trying to defend my mother. I wish she’s till alive cos i have lots of questions to ask. Why will she kill his mother?

“don’t act innocent Ethan.. you’ll pay for this. You’re not my brother and that means i can do whatever i want to do with you,” he said with a smirk.

“what did you mean?

“It a good thing Chloe is dead because both of us will not gonna have her,”

“so you kill Chloe? were you behind her kidnapped? i asked in anger.

“no, i will never do anything bad to hurt because i love her, i love her and now am atleast happy because i won’t have to get jealous because i’ll never see you with her. We both lose her and it all your fault,” he yelled at me while i slapped him so ha-rd then held him by the collar of his shirt.

“if you and your dad have anything to do with dead of Chloe.. i will make you pay and you’ll also regret it for killing my mom, she’s the only i have left,” i yelled at him as i punch him so ha-rd on his nose making him to bleed.

“get you filthy hands off,” he ranted then pushed me in anger.

“i’ll kill you myself Ethan,” Nicholas yelled and before i knew it he hit me with a flower vase making me to fall down, my head was already bleeding. I saw Declan laughing while i gro-an in pain. Everything came in a flash, then i pa-ssed out.????


????Declan’s POV????

I was scared when i saw Ethan that way, what if he dead.
“dad… what next? i asked.
“am gonna sent my guys to bury him immedaitely. Let him die so he could meet with Chloe his stupid lover,” dad said while i smirk.

“we can’t kill him now. He just found his father,” i said.

“so what! seems he knows about our secret, we have to act smart before he expose us,” dad said.

“no dad… this not the right time for all this. The deal was to kill his mother for killing mine and not to kill him,” i said as i called my driver and he caried Ethan to the car.

“i hope you won’t regret what you’re doing? dad said while i nodded. I rushed him to the hospital and lied to the doctor that he just sli-p off and fall to the ground which result to the bleeding on his head.

I arrived back home late that night, i guess i will only let his new father know about that tomorrow. I picked up my phone in anger as i called Erica.

“Erica, that wasn’t part of our deal. Our deal was for you to kidnapped Chloe so i could have her and you could also have Ethan,” i yelled into the phone.

“calm down Declan. If Chloe is not dead then i would never have Ethan. I have to make sure she’s dead,” she said which got me more angry.

“but i love her.. and we didn’t plan to kill anybody, how could you be so selfish. Do you still think i will let you have Ethan. Never! the same way you kill Chloe, i’ll also kill Ethan and you’ll never get to be together with him,” i yelled.

“no.. Declan you can’t do this to me,” said then while i laughed.
“afterall he’s not my brother so i can kill him unlike you. I can’t believe you have the heart to kill Chloe your own sister,”
“Sister? did you just say sister! Chloe isn’t my sister because we are not related by blood same thing with you and Ethan, you only grew up together but you’re not related by blood. So we are same, you’re my partner in crime,” she chuckle.

“okay then.. i will never allow you have Ethan,” i yelled then cut off the call. I threw whatever my hand laid on…. i can’t believe Erica hasn’t stick to our plan and it getting me more angry each day i remember what she did..????

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