Fate - S01 E64

Story 3 weeks ago

Fate - S01 E64

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 64

???? Fews Months Later….????

????Anton’s POV????

I was done with the divorce and am glad Karen is no longer part of my life, Sean wasn’t happy as well but he decide to stay back with me and i felt so happy atleast i have someone by my side. I stood at Camille’s door and knock feeling so nervous, it been four months now ever since Chloe died, i thought Camille was gonna get over it and forgive me but seems all thing remain the same, she’s still angry with me. I press the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open.
“you again! i heard her voice while my face dropped.

“Anton! Chloe is gone, so what else did you need from me, hven’t i warn you to stay away from me, did you think you divorcing Karen will still make me come back to you? she asked angrily while i sighed.

“am sorry for everything Camille am just here to make peace with you, i know their can never be us again and am willing to accept what life offers to me but i still hope you forgive me for everything.

I know i made a huge mistakes but i want you to know am already paying for it. I’ve change for good, for you and also for Chloe even thou she’s not here with us, and i believe every person has the chance to start over again. Camille forgiveness is something we don’t only do for the person who seek for it, we also do it for ourselves to have that peace of mind and to let go.

I know what i did was unforgivable i still feel guilty for what happen to you, to our baby and also Chloe and i won’t be able to forgive myself. I wish someday you’ll find a place in your heart to let go fo everything, i still hope you’ll get to forgive me someday but i promise not to bother you again. I and Sean are

leaving, we’ll relocate back to manitoba i have no family left aside from him but i still want you to know am still hoping for a day you’ll forgive me. Take care then,” i said to her while she kept mute, her eyes were clouded up with tears already, i looked at her sadly before leaving, i guess this the best thing to do, to leave and stay away from everyone for now especially Camille, cos she so much hate me and if me being far away from her will make her happy so be it cos am leaving already.

????Ethan’s POV????

I dropped my flowers at Chloe’s grave. I was still holding the pictures we took during her birhtday before she was kidnapped. The cops push throu-ghwith the investigation but they couldn’t find the culprit, i still wonder who could have done this to Chloe. I sat down beside her grave as i placed my hands on the tombstone. It was beautifully decorated.

“i love you Chloe.. i still do even in grave,” i cried. I was at the grave througout the whole day before i later went back home late in the evening.


????Lynn’s POV????

I was shocked when i eavesdropped on Nicholas conversation with someone on phone. I need to let Ethan know the whole truth now that he finally recover, he need to know about Sebastain being his real father and also about Nicholas plan, he has a hand in Chloe’s dead, this only means one thing, he was the one who kidnapped Chloe, i don’t have any prove and even if i tell Ethan and Sebastain they also don’t have any prove but they still need to know that so they could keep a close eye on him..

I arrived at the park, waiting for Ethan to showed up, he wasn’t at home i guess he was with Camille at their house.

“Lynn,” Sebastain called as he walked up to him, am glad he came without asking so much questions.

“he have to wait for Ethan first,” i said while he looked at me.
“what did you have to tell us? he asked while i sighed.

“am sorry Sebastain, i feel so guilty each day and couldn’t sleep. I know the next thing Nicholas will be planing is to kill me and i have to act smart, you need to know the whole truth about our son,” i blunt out while he looked at me so shocked.

“are you here to remind me of Jared. Lynn am sorry for not giving you the comfortable life you want back then but at the same time i need to go if you have nothing important to say,” he said as he turn to leave in anger.

“Jared our son is not dead, he’s still alive,” i said while he stopped in his tracks then turn to me.

“what did you mean? he asked slowly.

“Jared is alive. Sebastain i know you’ll never forgive me for taking your son away from you but i can’t keep it anymore,” i cried.

“Jared is still alive…? but how is that possible? he asked in a cracking voice and his eyes were clouded up with tears.

“it was all lies Seb, you were fooled. Jared is alive,” i cried the more while told him all that happen and he looked more shocked.

“Lynn you should have killed me then instead of making me suffer that much, what type of person are you,” he yelled at me while i cried the more.

“so who is Jared? where’s my son? he yelled while Ethan walked up to us in a haste.

“mom.. are you two quarelling? Ethan asked as he moved closer to me.

“tell me Lynn.. where’s my son? where’s Jared,” he yelled at me.
“you don’t have to yell at my mother that way. She told me about Jared, your son is dead a long time ago and why are you discussing about this now? Ethan asked looking at me.
“stay out of this Ethan,” Sebastain said to him.

“he’s right here, Ethan is Jared, Ethan is your son Sebastain,” i cried while i saw the shock look on their faces.

“mom.. what did you mean? Ethan asked slowly and Sebastain looked at Ethan in tears.

“how dare you Lynn.. how could you be this wicked,” Sebastain yelled at me, he held my arm tight then push me to the ground, this time Ethan wasn’t say anything.

“mom.. but you told me Jared was dead? Ethan asked.

“that was all lies…,” i cried as i told him what happen and he was in tears too.

“that explain why Nicholas never liked me and he never loved you because you were just his slut. What type of mother are you.. you did that all for money? Ethan asked, he was so much angry.

“it lso for you… atleast Nicholas gave you the good life when you were growing up,” i cried.

“i never told you i needed a good life, i never ask for any of this..” Ethan yelled at me.

“Lynn you have to pay for everything you did. You fooled me all these years. I have been with my son but yet we seems so far from each other. Why will you punish me that way,” Sebastain cried and Ethan turn to leave without saying anything.

“Ethan… E…than i hope you’ll forgive me,” i cried while he turn to me in anger.

“never in my whole life will i forgive such mother like you. I always knew you were hiding something from me,” he said in anger. Sebastain left and Ethan also left in tears. Atleast i have told them, i know it won’t be easy for the both of them. It getting dark already and i need to go home and i know Ethan might not even sleep at home tonight, i still need to tell them about Nicholas plan. I need to make it up to my son. I entered my car in tears to go home but alone the way my car got stopped by a bus and two men step out with a gun.

“a mother for a mother. Goodbye Lynn,” a familiar voice said. I was trying to figure out who’s voice was that when i felt a sharp pain penetrated throu-ghmy stomach. I was shoot thrice. They two men hurriedly left when the security men rushed to me.. my vison was already blur.????

????Ethan’s POV????

???? I arrived home in tears. My personal home, only mom and Chloe knows about this place i picked up Chloe’s picture as i cried the more.

“Chloe you just truly left me in pains and in tears. Now mom is telling me Sebastain is my biological father…. am so confused right now. I wish you were here to advise me… Chloe you shouldn’t have left me all alone,” i cried the more. My phone rang but i didn’t pick up the call, it kept ringing and i finally picked up.

I was shocked with the news i heard. I quickly picked up my cars keys before rushing to the hospital. I became so scared when i saw mom in pool of her blood, the nurses quickly rushed her to the hospital and i quickly called Sir Sebastain or rather my father to come. I rushed to mom’s side then held her hand in tears, i was so mad at her but not anymore, now her life is at stake and i wonder who’s behind this.

“Ethan Sebastain is your real father. Nicholas is behind Chloe’s kidnapped,” she said while i was shocked to hear that.

“what did you mean? i asked silently.

“you need to keep a close eye on Nicholas,” she said faintly as she kepe on bleeding and was rushed to the ICU.

“You have stay back here,” the nurses said while i ran my hands throu-ghmy hair, i was so much shocked to hear that… The man i knew as my father all throu-ghmy lifetime is behind my lovers dead… am not gonna spare anyone when it comes to Chloe, irrespective of who you are, you must pay!????

Declan’s POV????

I followed Lynn because i badly want to kill her. She was with Ethan and Sebastain and i wonder what she was telling them, they all seems angry at her and left. When they left i followed her with my friend and we stopped on the way which i was able to kill her. I smile as i look at my mom’s picture.

“it’s finally done mom, i know she won’t survive. I have finally aveng your dead and i know you’ll now rest in peace now,”
My phone rang and it was dad calling..

“mission complete dad… am sure she won’t survive,” i said while i heard him laugh.

????Ethan’s POV????

I pace up and down at the waiting area and i was glad to see aunt Camille, Sebastain and Erica walked in.

“how’s Lynn.. what actually happen to her? he asked so worried.

“i don’t know how it all happen,” i said. The doctor walked up to us and i felt my heart beating so fast-er.
“she has lose so much blood before she was brou-ght here and was badly injured,” the doctor said sadly..

“but doctor.. just tell me.. is she fine? i asked.

“am sorry but we lost her just now,” the doctor said while i felt cold shiver down my spine…????????????

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