Fate - S01 E63

Story 3 weeks ago

Fate - S01 E63

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 63

????Karen’s POV????

I smiled???? as i walked up to Anton who was seated at the sitting room, looking all sad and heartbroken. Sean made very big mistake by letting him know about Chloe, but all the same she’s dead and that’s the most important thing now.
“Anton,” i said sweetly then sat down beside him.

“Anton… she’s gone already, Chloe is gone and all this is Camille’s fault, it all her fault for…

“can you just shut up,” he yelled at me while i stood up in fear.

“Karen! is damn over between us, i need a divorce,” he yelled while i was shocked to hear that from him.

“what has the dead of Chloe got to do with our marriage,” i yelled back.

“because am tired of you, i don’t need you again, i don’t love you,” he ranted while i slapped him.

“that can never happen, we are married for good eighteen years. I know you’re doing this because of Camille but believe me she’ll never come back to you, she don’t love you, you’ll be all alone because if am leaving, am leaving with my son,’ i yelled back.

‘Sean is my son and you’re going nowhere with him,’ he yelled back.

‘fine, then am not in support of what you’re saying,”

“yes karen you have to accept it now, i thought i was in love with you, i thought i’ve found hppiness in you but not after when i saw Camille again, it make me realise i just married you to fulfil my father last wish and for you to be mother to Jasmine but not again will i be fool,

i need you out of my life and as for Sean he’ll stay here with me because he’s my son,” he said while tears slide down my eyes.

Is Anton trying to destroy our marriage all because of Camille, she don’t even like him, she hate him now so why the divorce.

“Anton… i did nothing wrong, all i ever did was to love you throu-ghout these years, i love so much,” i cried while Sean walked in.

“dad! mom, what’s going on here? he asked.

“your dad has decide to divorce me,” i cried.

“dad.. but why…? Sean asked while Anton looked at me.
“i love you so much SeAn, you’re the only family i have left. Chloe is already gone and Jasmine is in jail, please stay with me,” he said sadly.

“but dad… why will you locked up Jasmine? he asked.

“she have to pay for everything she did to Chloe,” he said.
“and mom? what has she got to do with all this?

“it because i don’t love her again. This marriage is meaningless,” he said while i cried the more. Am not gonna allow Anton leave me for that stupid Camille, she once took him away from me but not anymore, i won’t allow that not when am alive.

“i knew it dad, i told you this before our family is crumbling ever since Jasmine left i knew this fmily is of no use again. First it Jasmine and now it mom mybe next you’ll also chase me out,” Sean said sadly.

“i’ll never do that to you. You’re my son and the heir of everything i have now, i just hope you forgive me because to be honest am serious about what am saying. Karen and i can’t be together again, i don’t know why but i felt this sudden hatred for her,” he said before walking out. I dragged Sean then slapped him so hard.

“mom” he yelled.

“you cause all this, why would you tell him Chloe was his real daughter? i asked in anger.

“because he deserves to know the truth, he has been in the dark for whole these years and i still couldn’t hold that to myself, mom are you hiding anything from me,” he asked while i laugh sarcastically.

“you know how much i love Anton right?

“mom i don’t want to involve myself in this mess. Dad has his own reasons for this divorce of a thing and i won’t ask him to stop it and if am to choose who to stay with i would rather choose my father over you,’ he said then walked out while i felt so angry. Camille will gonna pay for charming Anton. He’s mine and mine alone????.

????Anton’s POV????

Nicholas sat down opposite to me at the bar. I was in tears as i kept staring at Chloe picture, this was taken eighteen years back on her fifth birthday. If only i knew Jake was lying to me all these while, this wouldn’t have happen.

“am sorry Anton but why the heck did you want to divorce Karen while you fully know that Camille will never come back to you,” he asked while i kept quiet.

“Chloe is dead and Jasmine is no more with you guys aren’t you suppose to stay with your wife now and also your son,” he said while i nodded.

“i know but i don’t trust Karen again, i don’t know where this hatred for her is coming from but i don’t like her, i just want her out of my life for good,” i said.

“and Sean? he asked.

“he can stay back with me,” i said.

“and you think he’ll agree to do that, to watch you divorce his mother and chase after Camille,” he said.

“if he don’t want to stay with me then fine… Nicholas am all at fault in this and am regretting all i did but what i still don’t understand is why are some people eager to see my downfall, who is behind Chloe’s death, i know somone must be siding with Jake back then to see i and Camille break up and they succeeded. Jake never know about my private doctors so how was he able to ask them to fake the result. Nicholas only you knew about them,’ i said looking at him while he looked more confused.
“are you trying to acusse me? he asked.

‘am just asking because only you knew about my private doctors,” i said sternly while he sighed.

“i know that but that guy seems very dangerous, he might go to any length to find out. Desperation was what mde him do that,” he said while i kept quiet and seems lost in my thought.

“whoever did that must pay. I have to go home now,” i said to Nicholas while he nodded.

????Ethan’s POV????

Mom has always been the one here with me, dad doesn’t even care to come and Declan he hasn’t showed up too. I still find it difficult to believe what they told me about Chloe.. she can’t be dead, who could have done that to her.

“Ethan you need to get well soon because their’s something you need to know,” mom said.

“is it about chloe? i asked eagerly.

“Ethan you just have to be strong. Chloe is gone am sure you know about that already,” she said while i managed to sat up.

“no mom don’t say that ever again, Chloe won’t leave me just like that, she loves me so much and i know we’ll still be together,” i cried.

“please son, you don’t have to worsen your situation we never intend to tell you this but Nicholas was so foolish to have tell you.

“once am back to myself am going to look for my Chloe. When we lost our baby i promise to protect her, but i failed again i wasn’t able to save her from the kidnappers but now once am out of here i’ll go look for her and once i found her i’ll go far away with her, where no one can hurt us again,” i said in tears.

“E..than..” mom cried trying to hold my hands in pity.

“and if chloe never come back to me then i’ll meet with her in death,”

“don’t say that Ethan you still have to live for her,” mom cried as she held my hands, the door went open nd i was angry when i saw Erica. She was the reason why chloe was mad at me in the first place.

“what are you doing here? i asked.

“Ethan am here to see you… i know i can’t replace Chloe in your heart but allow me help you get over this cos Chloe is truly gone,” she said sadly while more ters flowed from my eyes.

“no.. she’s not.. can you all stop saying my Chloe is dead, she’s still alive somewhere else,” i said unsure of what am even saying.

“please Ethan you deserves to be happy,” she cried then sat down beside me.

“Erica can you plese leave,” i said.

“no Ethan, i know you need someone by your side,” she said which got me more angry.
“you were the reason why Chloe was angry with me, what the heck was wrong with you when you decided to force yourself to ki-ss me,” i asked.

“i never knew she’ll get angry at that, Ethan i just want the best for her and i was happy when you and Chloe were couple’s. I still couldn’t believe my sister is gone and i have to cry each day because i miss her so much. Ethan you just have to be strong am not the devil here i wonder who the kidnappers are and what they needed with our family,” she cried while i kept mute and seems lost in my thought.

????Camille’s POV????

I sat down on the floor leaning my head at the edge of my bed. The door was open and i quickly stood up.

“Chloe? i called while i Cecily walked in.

“Camille.. you don’t have to locked yourself up, you might hurt yourself with too much thinking,” she said while i sat down in tears.

“is Chloe truly gone, it three days now i haven’t seen her at home, where could she be? i asked in tears.

“Camille you have to the accept the fact that Chloe is no more, even thou is so difficult to believe that, you have to moved on because you still have me and Erica by your side,” she said while i smiled sadly then wipe off the tears in my eyes.

“i have never for once thought i will lost anyone again, how many people who means the world to me would i have to lose, first it was my father then it Catherine and her husband, followed by my mom and my unborn baby, i never knew a day like this will come when Chloe will be no more, that was such a horrible dead, why will Chloe have to pas-sthrou-ghthat. I stare at her pictures as tears flowed down my cheeks.

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