Fate - S01 E62

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Fate - S01 E62

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 63

????Camille’s POV????

The kidnappers called and texted us the address where to get Chloe, they said they don’t need our money and i wonder who they kidnappers are. I and Sebastain hurried their, leaving Lynn to watch over Ethan at the hospital.

⏩We arrived their with the cops but was shocked by what we saw. The house exploded, it was on fire.

“is Chloe in their? i asked Declan who was beside me, he said he confirmed she was in their because he saw it in the cctv footage which was connected outside. He reported it to the police but they came too late.

“here is the video from the cctv footage,” one of the police gave us. I saw Chloe all alone on the floor, she was bleeding, seems she was shot on her leg, she crawled to the door but it was locked. After that everything went blank.

“where did you get this from? i asked in tears.

“aunt Camille, it a good thing i trace the kidnappers but i didn’t know who they are,” Declan said. I stood in tears as i watch the whole house burn.

“i need to save Chloe,” i said as i ran towards the place but i was stopped by the police. The firemen quickly arrived to extinguish the fire. I kneel down in tears as i kept crying.

“mom.. mom,” Erica quickly held me, i wonder where she’s coming from.

“your sister is in their,” i cried while she hug me.

A dead body was brou-ght out, it was feminine figure, she was placed on a stretcher and was rush to the ambulance.

“is that Chloe… please officer my daughter need to be saved,” i cried.

“they’re still on the search and this the only female body that was found which was prove to be your daughter since she’s the one kidnapped,” he explained while i cried the more.

“Erica.. does that means Chloe is no more,” i cried. We rushed to the hospital, maybe Chloe will survived i pray so.

“nurses, where’s my daughter.. where’s Chloe? in asked in tears.

“the body brou-ght here was badly burnt and dead, but she’s in the morgue,” they said.

“Camille, you have to calm down before anything bad happen to you,” Sebastain said but i kept crying, i rushed to the morgue and saw Chloe… i still don’t believe this my daughter.
“Chloe…. Chloe…” i called as i open the sheets she was covered with… It was a feminine figure and body wasn’t complete, the face was completely burnt and the hair was also burnt, her right hand is missing.

“Chloe…is this truly you,” i cried as my chest pop in and out and before I knew it, i collasped.

????Anton’s POV????

Everyone left and i was with the cops and firemen, it was 11pm already.

“that’s the only body that was found.. and means the dead body might be Chloe,” the officer said.

“but you need to investigate about this, who are the kidnappers, you need to track them down. Whoever do this to Chloe must pay,” i cried as i ran my hands throu-ghmy hair in tears. The same day i got to know Chloe is my daughter is still the same day she’s killed. I never got the chance to even apologies to her,” i cried.

I arrived at the hospital and headed straight to the morgue.
If only i knew Chloe was my child earlier, if only i believe Camille all this wouldn’t have happen. Chloe am so sorry, sorry for not being there to protect you as a father should do,

i failed as a father and now it now too late for me to make it up to you,” i cried. I still don’t want to believe that Chloe is gone.. who could have done this to her.. atleast not today.. today is her birthday.

⏩ I arrived back home feeling so empty and lonely, all too late. Camille is already in love with Sebastain i guess and now i couldn’t get to meet Chloe.

All too late for me, i came to too late, i realise everything is too late, i slumped to the floor and cried out my heart. Jasmine will pay for faking all this, so she was the devil all this while.

The next day…✴️

Lynn’s POV

I sat down next to my son in tears, he’s still not awake but the doctor said the operation was successful and and the bullet was removed. The room was silent and only the sound of the monitor which beep showing his heart rate. His body was connected to lot of wires but the doctor said he’ll soon be transferred from the ICU. I don’t know how he’ll react if he knows about Chloe’s dead and tomorrow will be her funeral.

I stood up in tears then walked to the waiting area i was surprise to see Nicholas, i thought he was never gonna to come.

“Lynn, how is Ethan doing? he asked.

“Nicholas tell me the truth, are you behind this?.. are you behind what happen to my son and also to Chloe? i asked in tears.

“how dare you accuse me of doing that to my own son, i can’t hurt Ethan. Yes i don’t like him but he’s still my son,” he said while i sighed.

“if i should have find out you have a hand in this i won’t spare you,” i yelled while he smirk.

“you can’t do anything Lynn,” he said.

“how’s is Ethan,” Sebastain asked as he walked up to us.
“the doctor said he’s out of danger for now,” i said while he heaved a sighed of relief then looked at Nicholas before walking out.

????Camille’s POV????

I kept crying as i hold Chloe’s picture to my chest, my daughter is gone but i promise to make whoever did this to her pay.

“Chloe doesn’t deserve to die.. why will all this happen,” Cecily cried while i kept staring at her pictures in tears. Erica was seated on the couch and seems to be lost in her thought.

⏩ ..Later in the evening we went to check on Ethan and thank goodness the doctor said he might regain consciousness anything soon. I feel so pity for him, i still don’t know why Chloe rejected his proposal, maybe she was over happy. I don’t know how he’ll react when he hear she’s no more again. We have to keep this a scret from him until he fully regain back to his oldself.

????Nicholas POV????

I smiled as i walked in and saw Ethan, he’s eyes was open and i was glad he still survived without anything bad happening to him. Well he deserves it anyway.

“i warn you Ethan.. i warn you to stay away from Chloe. I know you’ll end you being hurt. Now your dear Chloe is gone for good and her funeral will be done tomorrow, poor you cos you won’t be able to even see her dead body or give her, her last respect,” i said with a smirk but he kept mute.

“what are you telling him? Lynn hurried then looked at Ethan.
“you’re awake,” she smiled at Ethan then looked at me.

“what are you telling him? she asked.

“well about his lovers dead, he need to know the truth,” i said.
“but we’ve already agreed on this. Ethan is in pains already we don’t want to add to his sorrows. We don’t have to tell him this bad news now until he fully recover from this shock,” she said while i smiled.

“well i just did, he deserve to know the truth. You can’t hide this from him for ever,” i said.
“oh no Ethan, don’t believe him. Chloe is rescuse from the kidnappers, you just need to survive for her,”she said while walked out. This what Ethan deserves for not heeding to my advice. Chloe is gone and Anton will never get to know she’s his daughter.

????Lynn’s POV????

Camille, Sebastain, Erica and Cecily all came to visit Ethan at the hospital. Am glad atleast he’s awake but he isn’t saying anything. Only tears flow down his cheeks. I know his in so much pains.

“Ethan.. everything will be fine, you need to be strong,” i cried.
“oh my poor Ethan,” Erica cried.
“where’s Chloe…? he finally speak while we glance at each other.

“Nicholas told him what happen,” i said to them.

“he did? Sebastain asked.

“Ethan what Nicholas told you was all lies,” i said in tears.

“please tell me the truth, where’s Chloe.. if she’s still alive i know she’ll come to visit me..; where’s she? tell me the truth,” he cried trying to sat up but i stopped him.

“Ethan, you might worsen your situation,” Camille said.

“just tell me the truth, where’s chloe,” he yelled in tears. while we all kept mute.

“she’s gone.. the bomb exploded with her, you have to take hard,” Earic summon courge to tell him that.

“that can never happen… you need to tell me where my chloe is,” he said.

“Ethan, this really ha-rd time for all of us. Chloe is gone,” Camille burst out in tears.
“tomorrow is her funeral, am really sorry we have to be fast about the funeral because she’s badly burnt, Chloe has left us for and whoever did this to her must pay,” Camille cried then rushed out of the room in tears.

“Camille,” Sebastain called then hurried to catch up with her.

“you need some rest Ethan, you have to survive for her,” i said while more tears kept flowing down his cheeks.

????Erica’s POV ????

We arrived home and mom was outside with sebastain, she was still crying like baby, if i was the one dead, well she even cry like that. If tears could bring Chloe back, Camille tears alone is enough to bring back her dearest daughter but hell no. I walked to her room then smile as i saw her picture.

“goodbye Chloe, i have to do this to have Ethan. I have no parents because of your family and i still can’t lose the one i so much love,” i smirk. Those guys i sent to kidnapped her are bunch of idiot, why will the even think of hurting my Ethan.
✴️The next day…✴️.
????Camille’s POV ????

I stood in tears as i watch Chloe’s coffin go down the ground, Chloe is no more nd i still don’t believe it, i still don’t understand who could have done this. The should have kill me instead. I stood in tears then dropped her favorite flowers.

“Chloe dear, is this really you… you should have atlest survive for mommy, i don’t know if i can still live long after your dead,” i said in tears while Erica squat down to me.

“Chloe dear, i’ll forever miss a sweet and caring sister like you,” EErica said in tears as she dropped her flowers.

“mom i know i can’t replace Chloe because she’s your biological daughter but i promise to help you move on,” she said while i hug her.

“Erica, i took you as my child and i love you and chloe so much, you’re the only one left now,” i said while we cried in each other arms.

I stood up then wipe away my tears when i sighted Anton. I was so ngry when i saw him.
“Anton, what are you doing here? i asked in anger.

“Camille, am here for chloe, she’s also my child,” he said while i slapped him.

“just leave, you have no right to come here because you once denied Chloe… you caused all this and who knows if you’re behind her kidnapped, you’re so evil Anton, just go away, i don’t want to ever set my eyes on you,” i yelled in tears.

“Camille, you don’t have to create a scene here, just allow him be,” sebastain said and i got more angry.

“no…, i won’t even allow you to see her, you’re not her father and will never be, just go away Anton, leave…” i yelled as i keep pushing him.

“you don’t need to do this cmille, i’ll leave if that will make you happy,”he said sadly☹ then left.

????Jasmine’s POV ????

I stood from afar as i watch the drama, i still can’t believe Chloe is gone, and cmille seems so angry. Mr. Anton has know everything and it seems too late for him. I eye search for Ethan but didn’t see him, i know he hate me, i wonder why he isn’t here to say goodbye to his love, i also sighted Francis who was looking all sad poor Chloe. I hope she forgive me in her grave for what i did to her. I needed to take my flight but i have to cancel it when i heard about the sad news of Chloe’s dead. I quickly walked out, i don’t want anyone to notice me.

“Jasmine,” Mr. Anton called while i became scared all of a sudden.

“huh.. dad! i called while he looked at me with so much hatred, he moved closer and slapped me.

“how dare you Jasmine, why did you fake the DNA, how could you be this heartless, you saw how worried and curious i was to know about the test,” he yelled.

“am sorry,” i said in tears.
“you and the doctor who fake this will pay. If only i knew this on time i would have get the chance to apologies to chloe and mybe set things right with her, you were behind all this Jasmine, you never like chloe at first and you were responsible for her miscarriage. It time you pay for everything you did to her,” he said while he called the cops.
“doctor kevin will also be arrested,” he said as he force me into his car and we went to the station.

“please dad, you have to forgive me,” i cried.

“am not your father, i guess it better if you stop calling me that because i can never be father to a monster like you and who knows if you’re behind Cchloe’s kidnapped,” he said while i kept crying.

“you will rot here in jail and no one will help you out because you have no family, no fmily at all,” he yelled while the police dragged me to the cell….????????

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