Fate - S01 E58

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Fate - S01 E58

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 58

?Jasmine’s POV?

I was still i tears as i sat down at the sitting room.

“Jasmine is everything okay? Sean asked as he sat down close to me.

“i need to tell you something but i hope you’ll not tell your mother,” i said while he nodded.

“Chloe is actually my sister as you know, she’s my dad’s daughter too, she’s also your sister. I wanted to help at first, i want to find out who was behind dad’s misery, i want to know who once fake the DNA test and am suspecting someone,” i said in tears.

“what did you mean? he asked as his eyes widen.

“it almost cost me my life, i was almost dead and i don’t want to die, that’s why i put everything to stopped i don’t want to get hurt and seeing Chloe pregnant for Ethan hurt me the more, i don’t like her but some part of me is still attached to her. Sean am sorry she lost her baby… and it all my fault,” i cried.

“what! your fault, what happen? he asked.

“it all my fault Sean, everyone is mad at me, yes i know i said lots of horrible things to her and i don’t like her neither did i like her baby but it wasn’t intentional,” i cried.

“what did you did? he asked while i told him what happen.
“Jasmine am so disappointed at you, how could you do that to your own ssiter. Well if you could murder the unborn baby of your sister then what more of me? he yelled then stood up.
“please believe me Sean, it wasn’t intentional,” i cried.

“say that to yourself again, i know Ethan will forever hate you for this, dad will also hate you,” he said then walked out of me. Sean is so angry with me now, what about dad, what will he do to me? I sat down and kept crying it was nanny hanny that came to console me, only her understand me now. I wasn’t able to eat throu-ghout the whole day, i felt so horrible to have hurt the innocent child even Camille detest me now. I soon drifted to sleep but was awaken by dad, who seems so angry.

“Jasmine, how dare do that, how dare you do that to Chloe. Camille is now so hurt,” he yelled.

“why is everyone blaming me, it was an accident,” i yelled.
“tell that to yourself not me, Erica was their when all this happen, Chloe also saw everything it wasn’t an accident. I knew you never like Chloe and her baby all because of the stupid love you have for Ethan,” he yelled.
“am sorry dad,” i cried.

“you should tell that to Chloe and Ethan not me, you need to apologise to them,” dad yelled in anger.

“you’re just so unbelievable, i have tolerated you enough but not this time. I guess it high time i tell you the truth about who you are,” he ranted then walked out. I wonder what truth he’s talking about, i slumped back on the sofa regretting what i did.


Chloe’s POV

I was discharged back home. It was just a sad day for me i can’t believe Jasmine did that to me. She would have do whatever she want with me but not my baby, my baby is innocent. I cried as i held my tommy. Now i perfectly understood all the pains mom went throu-ghwhen she lost her baby, when she lost the one she so much love and when Jasmine was taken away from her, she has pas-sthrou-gha lot just for us, just to see us happy.

“you need to eat Chloe,” Ehtan said as he sat down next to me.
“Ethan please don’t do anything to Jasmine yet,” i said.

“but why, not after what she did to you, she always cause you pain and now she still succeeded in killing our unborn baby,” he said.

“i know that and i now hate Jasmine for doing that but we should just leave her, she will gonna regret this herself, please,” i said then held his hand.

“i have lots of dreams for our baby and i couldn’t wait for the day you’ll give birth to her, for me to hold her in arms, i was so happy i was gonna be a father but Jasmine ruined everything, why my child? why the innocent baby,” he cried while i hug-ged him.

“it okay Ethan, we’ll get throu-ghthis,” i said then wipe the tears from his eyes with my thumb. The door went open and Declan walked in looking so sad.

“Chloe.. Ethan,” he called then walked up to us.

“am sorry for what happen. What Jasmine did was such a horrible thing,” he said then held my hand.

“thank you Declan, we’ll get throu-ghthis,” i said while he nodded.

“Ethan i know you as a strong person, please take heart i don’t want to see the two of you hurt, i want to see you happy.

?Ethan’s POV?

I arrived back home, i felt so weak, Chloe was crying all day and she wasn’t feeling too well all because of Jasmine i wonder why Chloe is pleading on her behalf she have to pay for this, what if i lost Chloe then? I sat down at the sitting room still lost in my thought when dad walked up to me.
“dad,” i called while he smirk.
“i warn you, i warn you to stay away from that Chloe but you refuse,” he said.

“it all Jasmine fault, so what are you talking about? i asked.

“you can never be together with Chloe,” he said while i glare at him.

” i know you never like her but stay out of this,” i said then stood up.

“well am not gonna stop you i just don’t want my son to get hurt at the end, i don’t want to see you hurt,” he said while i kept mute then went to my room. I threw myself helplessly on the bed lost in my thought when mom walked in.

“Ethan,” she called then sat down on my bed.

“mom,” i called in tears then hug-ged her.

“Chloe lost the baby, my baby is gone,” i said in tears while she hug-ged me tight.

“am sorry about that, am a mother too and i know how it felt when i lost Jared,” she said.
“Jasmine is such a horrible person, i hate her so much,”
“shhh.. you don’t have to say that, maybe it was an accident just as she said,”

“no mom, it wasn’t an accident, Erica saw everything, Chloe also testify that, Jasmine did that on purpose becasue she never like Chloe and the baby,” i said.

“it okay Ethan, she’ll gonna regret this,” she said while i nodded.

Lynn’s POV??

Ethan is so much hurt right now, i need to help him. I guess the only way to help him out is by telling him about who Nicholas is. I need to tell him about who truly he’s father is. He need to know Nicholas was behind everything, first he started this with Jake but when Jake died he continue with his evil plan with Karen.

Nicholas was the one that bribe Anton’s private doctor to fake the DNA test of Chloe because he’s his only true friend and the only one who knows about his doctor i don’t know his reasons for all this but thank God he isn’t Ethan father that means we can bring him down together this the only help i can do so that Ethan will forgive me for taking him away from his real father.

I need to tell him am also responsible for Mabel’s dead, Declan mom, even thou i did that for our sake because i know she’s also evil as her husband Nicholas, had it been i let her live she would have succeeded in killing Ethan and i, she’s just so wicked. I will tell him all this but he have to get over all this. He’s so much hurt about losing his baby i need to let everything to cool down first. Nicholas your end is near….

Some weeks later…??

?Chloe’s POV?

“Oh you keep failing…” Erica teased.

“yes Erica, it because am not concentrating,” i said sadly. Well am in Erica’s room and she force me to play video games with her to keep me off from thinking too much about my life but it didn’t work because the pain is still their in my heart.

“are you still thinking? she asked while sighed.
“am fine Erica thank you for your concern,” i said.

“come on Chloe… are you worried about baby, i mean the baby is just four months old in your tommy, you haven’t seen her yet, you don’t even know what the baby look like, why are you so worried? she asked.

“Erica i guess you won’t understand… the four months i have this baby in me makes me feel the joy of motherhood, it make me feel complete and happy especially with Ethan by my side. I so much love my baby even thou i haven’t seen he or she yet,”

i said with teary eyes while Erica hand me a handkerchief.
“am so sorry about that, i just hate to see you in tears. Remember you birthday is in three day times and Sebastain, oh i mean our dad will gonna threw a grand birthday party for you,” she said while i smiled.
“thank you so much Erica, am so lucky to have you as a sister,” i said then hug-ged her.

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