Fate - S01 E57

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Fate - S01 E57

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 57

I quickly stood up from my bed then went to drink water in the kitchen, i wash my face then return back to my room. Both Erica and Jasmine are my sisters.. why are the after me in the dream! Maybe is just a dream. Jasmine might be mad and angry but i know for sure she won’t kill me and Erica is the only good sister i knew, we know each other for years and we grew up together she’ll never do anything to hurt me. I laid down my bed and thought of calling Ethan but i don’t want him to get worried, it already 3am and its late. I kept tossing thinking about what Jasmine did to me at the hospital. When will she ever change. I couldn’t sleep but later force myself to sleep.

☀The next morning, the first person i saw was Erica and my heart was beatihng more fast-er.

“mom suggest i bring your breakfast here,” she smile while i smile back.

“am strong enough to go to the dining room, am perfectly fine,” i said.

“so how is my baby brother or sister doing? she asked while i smiled.

“am fine Erica,” i said while she nodded, we walked to the dining room togetheer and had breakfast.

“i guess i need to tell you about this dream, i can’t keep it to myself,” i said while mom looked at me.

“what is it about.. you know when you were still young Chloe, their was a time you were talking while sleeping, you were pleading with Anton not to leave us, i thought it was just a mere dream but it came to reality, it happen for real, Anton left us,” she said sadly.

“it okay mom, well the dream was about me being attacked, i was killed including my baby,” i said almost in tears while Erica looked at me.

“what! too bad.. it just a dream,” Erica quickly said.
“nothing of such will gonna happen Chloe, you’re safe in this house,” aunt Cecily said.

“it not just a dream Erica, i know for sure they’re enemies within. Don’t worry Chloe nothing bad will gonna happen. You just have to keep praying,” mom a-ssured me while i nodded.

“Chloe just know that i’ll always support you. Just be strong, nothing bad will gonna happen,” Erica said holding my hand while i smile sadly, am so scared about this..


⏩ “You mean Jasmine do that to you? Ethan asked. We were both seated at the edge of a swimming pool, with our legs dipped into cold water, it so refreshening.

“Please Chloe you have to be much careful most especially with our baby. you have to stay away from Jasmine she might end up hurting you,” he said while i sighed.

“but she’s still my sister,” i said sadly.

“i know that Chloe.. but you have to that for the sake of your baby. I’ll talk to Jasmine she have to stop all these,” he said.

“no Ethan, just let her be. Mom and i decide to let her be for now maybe until she realize her mistakes. She’s still in pain just let be please,” i said while he held my hand.

“Chloe i love you so much and if anything should happen to you nor my baby then i might never forgive Jasmine,”

“nothing will gonna happen but i still feel so scared, why do i have this bad feeling,” i said.

“don’t say that… once am with you nothing bad will happen,” he cooed while i smile then rested my head on his shoulder where i feel so comfortable.

Karen’s POV

That stupid girl keep surviving. Yes Chloe has always survived ever since she was young. It was my plan with Nicholas… we sent one of our guy to kill Chloe but he ended up killing Camille’s mother and then we still sent our men to cause commotions in their street which Chloe was shoot but then she still survived. Still Catherine was smart enough to have some evidence about us but it a good thing Jake told us before he died and we immediately sent our men to kill her and her husband. I need to get rid of Chloe before things get out of hand.

She might be the one to bring her family together but i won’t allow that and as for Jasmine she’s easily manipulated, i know her weak point and am gonna use her. But first we have to be smart especially now that she’s pregnant. We have to watch out before doing any other thing.


…. ..⏩It three months now and it a good thing Jasmine was already discharged from the hospital and back to her normal self, she has recuperate so fast and i can still use her for my own reason.

“mom,” she said when i walked to her room.

“are you still mad at me? i asked while she nodded.

“am just still angry with the fact that that Chloe is still carrying Ethan’s child, i talked to Ethan but he wouldn’t listen to me,”

i frown.

“Jasmine dear, i always want the best for you but it really hurting me to see you this way. The Ethan you’ve grew up with him, you loved him with all you could and only to wake up oneday and find out he’s now in love with your sister. Jasmine you have to act so fast,” i said while she rolled her eyes.

“i don’t know what else to do… am just fed up, fed up with everyone, even you am damn fed up with you, i just need to be alone,” she yelled while i sighed then stood up.

“i know how you feel Jasmine but i just want to help, i said.
“okay then, but if i find out your evil am gonna kill you myself,” se yelled while i rolled my eyes then walked out. Jasmine is now getting on my nerves, she’s still doubting me. I have to eliminate her soon.

?Chloe’s POV?

I smiled as i chew my food happily, am four months pregnant now and i couldn’t help but to feel happy, Ethan treat me so special and he has always been by my side throu-ghout those months of my pregnancy, mom and aunt Cecily have been helpful while Erica seems to act nice. We were all glad for Jasmine fast recovery atleast she’s now back to her feet. We all sat down round the large long table having our dinner, i felt so happy because everyone i loved is here by my side, mom, Erica, Aunt Cecily, Ethan, Declan and Mr. Sebastain. It just like a get together elite. I was so also glad my 23rd birthday is coming up next month on 5th of september.

“Chloe, your birthday will gonna be a special one and i’ll like you to allow me throw a grand birthday party for you same thing with Erica’s birthday when the time comes,” he said while i smiled.
“awww.. that so sweet of you Sebastain thank you for all you’ve done to us,” mom said while he smiled back. Mom seems to be happy whenever she’s with him, i would want them to date.

“but sir, that’s isn’t necessary, am pregnant already, a small celebration will do, having my family and loved around like this is more better, i don’t want you to stress yourself and i also want to stress myself and my baby,” i smiled.

“you deserve to be happy Chloe, i want to see your mom happy,” he said while i smiled.

“I have just one request,” he said.

“anything for you Sebastain,”mom said.

“Chloe, Erica are you okay to call me dad, i want you to feel free with me and i want you to know ever since i came into your lives i feel so happy and i’ll be glad if you call me dad,” he said while i looked at Erica who was smiling.

“you’re the father i never had, am so glad you helped aunt Camille and her daughters out. Chloe you should be happy you have a new father now who is more responsible,” Ethan said while i smiled then entangled our hands together.
“thank you so much daddy,” Erica said with a smile.

“i guess Ethan is right, i now have a new dad who is more responsible,” i said with a smile.
“thank you so much Sebastain, thank you for always being here,” mom said.

We had dinner together and i couldn’t be much happier.

?After dinner i and Ethan stood at the balcony staring at the stars, i rested my head on his shoulders and the cool breeze caress my hair which was in ponytail.

“i always like it when your hair is loose,” Ethan said then loose my hair making in fall down to my shoulders.

“you have a long, nice hair,” he said while i smile.

“and you also have a nice hair too,” i said then ruffled his hair. The breeze caress our hair making mine to close my face.
“you see, this the reason why i like packing my hair,” i said then moved my hair back and pack it to one side of my shoulder.

“so how is my baby doing? he asked while i smiled. He placed his hand on my tommy, his touch always sent shivers down my spine.

“our baby is perfectly fine,” i said while he smiled.

“i hope it a boy, am gonna name him Freddie,” he said.
“well what if it turns out to be a girl? i asked while he smiled.

“then we gonna name her Emmie,” he said while i smiled.
“i don’t know were you get that names from, but i like it,” i smile.

“baby, make sure you don’t give mommy a ha-rd time, stay quiet and don’t kick her okay,” he whisper looking at my tommy while i laughed.

“that so crazy Ethan,” i said while we burst out laughing…


⏩The next day in the evening. I and Erica took a stroll down the street gisting about lots of things and we stopped at a nearby coffee shop to drink coffee, it was a perfect evening spending much time with my sister, i wish Jasmine is here with us.

“Chloe, am happy am gonna have a baby bother or sister soon, you’ll gonna be a mother isn’t that amazing,” she said while i smiled.

“it so amazing Erica, am so happy for your support, i can’t just wait to give birth to my baby,” i said with a smile.

“i just want a simple life with Ethan and our child, i don’t want to end up being a single mother like mom,” i said sadly.

“you’re right Chloe but i guess it better being a single mother than being an orphan like me,” she said while i held her hand.
“no dear, you’re not an orphan, we are your family, mom loves you so much and i also do,” i said while she nodded.

“thank you Chloe, please drink your coffee before it get cold,”

she said while i smile then sip my coffee.

After like ten minutes i was done with my coffee and i wasn’t feeling so well, i just want to go back home, i told Erica right away and she agreed to that. We paid for the coffee then walked out. I felt a pain in my stomach but try to act strong.

?Jasmine’s POV?

I was in my car as i watch Erica and Chloe from a distance, they just came out from a coffee shop. She’s truly pregnant because it clearly showing from her dress, my eyes were clouded up with tears when i remember Ethan is the father and he warn me not to accuse Chloe of anything again. I and Ethan have gone to far because we were both in love before Chloe came into our lives and snatch him away from me.

I guess Mom Karen is right, i never let dad to know Chloe is his real daughter and i make sure she’s death before the truth comes out. i quickly started the engine.

“good bye Chloe,” i said in tears cos am gonna run over her with my car, the glas-sare tinted and once she hurt i will run away with much speed and no one will suspect me, afterall the street is a quiet type and the security men are not here. I ran fast with the car and i saw Chloe yelled when the car was coming so fast to her, i quickly hold the brake immedaitely thank goodness the car didn’t touch her but she already fell down right in front of my car, i guess she was scared the car might run over her. I quickly step out of the car, i shouldn’t have done this, she’s still my sister no matter.

“Chloe,” i called while Erica walked up to med.

“how dare you do this to her,” she yelled at me while Chloe was in pains, she was already bleeding. We quickly carried her to the car then rushed to the hospital.

“it all your fault and if anything should happen to Chloe and her baby you’ll pay for it,” Erica yelled at me.

“but i haven’t hit her with car, i was able to hold my brake,” i said almost in tears.

“of course not, i knew you never loved Chloe and her baby,” Erica yelled, she quickly called her mom and Ethan. Am so scared now i shouldn’t have think of doing that, Ethan might hate me forever.

…Few minutes later, Camille and Ethan arrived they look so worried.

“where’s Chloe… and how is my baby.. are the safe? Ethan asked so worried.

“Erica what happen, what happen to Chloe? Camille asked in tears.

“your silly girl hit her, Jasmine intentionally hit her, i guess she wanted to run over her with her car, she did that because she never like Chloe and her baby,” Erica yelled pointing at me.

“is that true? Ethan asked looking at me with so much hatred.

“yes Ethan i never liked her but it wasn’t intentional,” i said while Ethan grabbed me so hard.

“if anything bad should happen to Chloe and my baby and not gonna forgive you,” he yelled then pushed me to the ground. I have never seen him this angry before.

“why did you do that Jasmine, i knew you never loved her but why her baby.. why the innocent child?” Camille asked in tears while i was in tears too.

⏩The doctor came out looking sad…

“doctor, how is Chloe and my baby? Ethan asked.

“please doctor, you need to save both mother and child,” Camille cried.

“am sorry, it all too late cos she lost the baby,” the doctor said while i gasped and i saw Erica smirk.

” what.. doctor..

but how is she? Ethan asked in a cracking voice.

“she’s fine for now but so weak,” he said while Ethan turn to me in anger.

“are you happy.. are you now satisfied,” Ethan yelled at me. Camille walked closer to me, i was surprise when she landed a heavy slap on my cheeks.

“this is between me, Chloe and you and not her baby. I can’t believe you’re this heartless Jasmine to do that to your own sister, am so disappointed and i guess and happy with Erica and Chloe, i don’t need a beast like you again,” she yelled at me in anger while i walked out in tears…

The next morning..⏩

Chloe’s POV?

I kept crying when the doctor told me i lost my baby, i was in so much pains. Jasmine will gonna pay for this i don’t care if she’s my sister or not, all i feel for her now is hatred and nothing else. More tears slide down my eyes as Ethan walked in to see me. He hug-ged me so tight and we cried in each other arms.

“am sorry Chloe.. am sorry i couldn’t protect you and our baby,” he cried while i hug-ged him tight then smoothed his hair.

“it not your fault, what clearly happen wasn’t an accident, Jasmine did that intentional although her car didn’t hit me but i felt so scared i fall down so ha-rd to the ground, i was thought i was going to died. I never knew she hate me this much,” i cried.

“we can still make more babies Chloe, am really sorry we ended up losing our first child but this isn’t the end i’ll make sure Jasmine is put behind bars,” he said while i kept crying?…

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