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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E15

Story 3 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E15

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15

Amanda smiled her megawatt smile, the one that turns guys to mush, and said "I'm really happy to meet you at last. Sachiko talks about you all the time and she was right, your handsome."

Peter actually blushed a bit and lead us over to the table and we got to meet everyone. Amanda sat on one side of me and Peter on the other. We were having a great time laughing and enjoying ourselves. I got the impression Sherri was not to happy to see us. She was clearly a bit of an attention hog and didn't like two younger, hotter, smarter, and more tasteful women becoming the focus of attention. Yeah, that was catty, but was really not liking her at all. I didn't let it show though.

Peter leaned over at one point and whispered to me "You are doing a real good job. I looked at him and said "What do you mean?" He replied "Of not letting on what a bitch you must be thinking she is. Is Amanda okay?"

I glanced over. Oh shit. She had that look in her eyes like she was about to let loose and say what she was thinking. That was usually Initiated by directing a drink on her target first.

I reached over with my hand and gently stroked her thigh. Amanda looked at me and said "Bathroom" quietly.

We excused ourselves and made our way to the ladies room. When we went in we noted the female attendant. Amanda, her usually bold self said "Is anyone else in here to her." The girl, about our age said "No ma'am"

Amanda then swore like a truck driver about Sherri and I understood. She had been directing subtle insults at us for the last hour. When either of us said anything she would say "well that's what young people think", "When you have some life experience you will understand". "that's so cute." and my personal favourite that was aimed at me "Sometimes you have to be Canadian to get it." I was born here bitch, so were my parents, what fucking trash did you crawl out of? She kept mentioning that education meant nothing compared to experience. We concluded she had none and probably had not finished High School. When I said her heart was as black as her roots we burst open laughing. Amanda vented pretty good and so did I. The poor attendant tried to ignore us but some of our remarks were pretty funny and she started laughing. We looked at her and joined her laughter.

Feeling better after ten minutes of bashing Sherri The Witch we

headed back to the table.

When w sat down Peter said "All okay now."

"I replied yes. We can handle whatever she dishes out, but if she crosses the line Amanda will call her on it." said "By the way shouldn't Sherri be tired?"

Peter looked confused and said "I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Well isn't it a long walk down the stairs from the roof for a person her age?"

Peter started to laugh and said "Why would she be on the roof?"

I replied "Isn't that where she parks her broom?"

Peter burst open laughing and the whole table looked at him. Sherri said "What so funny Peter?"

He hugged me and said "Sorry, inside joke. I really am sorry."

Sherri actually said "How cute, they have inside jokes." and I just smiled at her with a clear "yeah it was about you" in my eyes. She did not look to happy. I did notice some smiles on the others. How do they put up with her? Because she is Bruce's wife, and he is a nice guy.

Amanda sat there, she knew what I had told Peter and was smiling brightly over her drink and said "Yeah, people in love with a sense of humour are like that."

Sherri went back to talking to other people. I was really happy we were at the far end of the table.

I looked over and saw what had been waiting for without realizing it

Barbara was walking toward us and oh my god she looked hot. She had an elegant dark blue business suit on. It was tailored to her perfectly and she looked powerful. She had a white silk blouse under the jacket that showed a portion of her spectacular breasts, the tailored skirt hugged her legs beautifully. She had on white heels and her walk, pure confidence. The suit was perfect for her deep blue eyes and her long blonde hair captured the lighting in here perfectly. I remember thinking how hot it would be to undress her.

I started to get up and looked at Amanda. Her eyes were locked on Barbara. It made sense. They were both Amazon Goddesses and oh my god you could see the sparks in Amanda's eyes.

I went straight to Barbara before she reached the table. She saw me and got a beaming smile on her face and hugged me. She gave me a light kiss on the lips, that was new, and leaned back and said "You look amazing Sachiko. Peter is a very lucky man." smiled at her just as brightly and I knew that she realized found her attractive, and not just in a looking only way. Her eyes changed slightly and she said quietly "You naughty girl." and gave me a hug. I thought to myself "I am so busted."

I turned and gestured Amanda over. This was the first time Barbara had seen her and I wanted to check the reaction. Amanda stood and walked over. It was amazing. Every guy in the room watched her with appreciation. Every woman with either appreciation of envy.

Barbara was looking at her with appreciation and heat. Amanda was exchanging that look fully. When Amanda got to us and they hugged each other in greeting I wondered how many fantasies they just inspired.

Barbara and Amanda took to each other immediately. I was busy watching the reaction until they both turned and looked at me. I was caught flat footed because I had no idea what was said before they did that.

They exchanged a glance and a smile with each other and looked back at me.

I was standing between two women, both over six feet tall with their heels on. Both these women were the perfect physical specimen and I admit It made me wet. I could feel my nipples getting hard and knew it showed in my eyes.

Amanda laughed and said "Well I've seen that look before. You okay Sachiko?" she said playfully.

Barbara said "Oh my, this little Kitten has started her engine. Now I wonder what caused that?"

Amanda said "We did. My sweet little friend here let her mind run to a few very naughty places."

They were smiling at me like a pair of cats that had just cornered the canary. I definitely felt small, vulnerable and oh so hot looking at them.

Peter arrived right at that second. He took a look at the three of us. He read all our expressions in an instant and he is not a stupid person. He laughed and gave Barbara a hug. He said "Are they ever glad you showed up, although maybe not for the reason I thought" he said playfully. I looked up at him and put my arm around his waist. Maybe he could save me from the Big Cats, although I don't think I wanted to be saved.

Barbara looked at him and said "What do you mean?"

Amanda and Peter filled her In. For some reason, like complete arousal, I could not speak and just let them talk.

Barbara looked over and said "Oh that bitch." She looked down at me with caring eyes and said "Do you want me to handle her?"

I admit. It was touching to see that all three were looking at me with concern. They all wanted to help and felt I had been wronged terribly. I replied "Not if it is going to make life hard for Bruce. She probably won't let him hang around the group anymore"

Barbara said "With the group? Let me tell you something, she has no friends of her own. The only social outlet she has is Bruce's friends and their wives and girlfriends. You can probably figure out why. No matter how much you fire back she will be here next time to drag us all down. Trust me, we tried."

I had to ask "Why is Bruce with her? He is so smart and he is a kind person and everyone actually likes him."

Peter said "He is with her to keep his parents off his ass. They think he is gay. He is not, trust me, Bruce was a fucking animal in Vegas last time we went. Believe it or not he wears the pants in the relationship. She came from nothing and sunk her claws in. Once he realized it he changed the dynamic. Believe it or not he is her Master."

I said "Huh?"

Barbara laughed and said "He dominates her, sexually. She gets off on it and so does he."

I looked shocked and said "Bruce dominates her? Really? I never would have pegged that."

"Trust me Sachiko, Bruce is a world class perv. He is into all kinds of stuff. You don't know the half of it." Peter said.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E14

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E16

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