All for Mr. Redman - S01 E14

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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E14

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14

I said "Yes, he does." just as excitedly.

"That is so amazing. I'm really happy for you!" She was. I could see it in her eyes.

"Are you the best friend I have ever had or just acting like it?" I asked smiling.

She hugged me tightly and said "You have never been in love with anyone before. I am so happy because you deserve love. I can't wait to meet him. I know we had our problem, but I'm a big girl and I know I was totally at fauit."

She leaned back taking my face in her hands and looking at me as she said "I will always be here for you. You are my best friend and I got confused and almost messed everything up. I am your biggest fan and I promise no more dumb ass shit. I know you said it was forgotten but you have no idea how bad I feel about it. You have found someone and you love each other. Real honest to God love. I love you, but as a friend and know that. That's how you feel about me and I love that. I'm so sorry betrayed that trust before."

I gave her a big hug and I admit we both had a cry session together and all that residual negative stuff vanished. It was Sachiko and Amanda again.

I laid down with her on her bed and we fell asleep. In the morning we slept in, which of course lead to a whirlwind of motion as we both got dressed in record time and ran to the Science Building. We both barely made it to class.

At the end of the day, and I made sure I did my homework before I went back to residence, I wandered into the room and Amanda was in a total fluster. "I have nothing to wear" she sounded panicked.

I burst open laughing and said "YOU have nothing to wear. You have more clothes than the Bay."

"But nothing that is quite right. These are real adults, people with careers. I don't want to look like a University student."

"You know what this means don't you?" I asked calmly.

"No" she said dropping another denied blouse on the floor and looking miserable.

"Shopping" I said holding up my VISA.

"Oh my God you never use that!"

"So I think it's about time. Girl, this is an emergency!" I said. Thank you Daddy!

With a lot of laughter we raced out and went shopping. We were on a mission. It was decided we were going to make a statement and the usual would not do. Extra effort was needed. We decided that tonight was an important night and had to be shown due respect. Hey, any rationalization to buy stuff you never would because of the price right?

We settled on cocktail dresses since we were going to a really nice place. It was upscale and was a place chosen by one of Peter's friends who had a major dental practice. We had never been there before and didn't know anyone who had. Amanda had been asking around. What she did find out was from the internet and she said we had to do this right.

Shopping turned into shopping for dresses, shoes, manicure and pedicure, hair styling, and of course a visit to Victoria's Secret. I admit that was my idea. I knew I was getting naked tonight!

I can safely say that the hard work, can I call it that?, was worth it.

Amanda was as hot as I had ever seen her. She looked simply amazing. She is 5'9" tall, has long dark brown hair, green eyes, and a body sculpted by hours spent in the gym. She is feminine, but toned and has beautiful skin that is so silky. She had her hair done styled so that it had long flowing curls in it. She had the sides pulled back and done up in a way that revealed her beautiful neck. Her makeup was done in such a natural way and made her brilliant green eyes shine. With her skin, the off the shoulder dress looked simply sexy. Her dress was black and hung loosely over her incredible breasts, but hugged her waist and showed off her toned body to perfection. It ended at mid thigh and she had her long legs sensually covered with sheen tan nylons that had a faint sparkle to them. Her black heels made her even taller, at least 6'1". She looked like a goddess and I was left breathless when I saw her.

Judging by the look on her face I looked good. I had chosen to have my hair done up in an intricate up style with sparkles and that left my neck exposed. Being a little more daring than normal went with an off shoulder red dress that had a bustier style top which exposed the tops of my breasts and made them look really good. The bustier had intricate patterns on it and went into short black skirt portion that ended at my mid thigh. It was loose and had a layered effect. I had never worn anything that was style like this

before and really wanted to try it out. I knew Peter would love it before and really wanted to try it out. I knew Peter would love it and that was all I cared about. My nylons were a black and they were sheer. On my feet were black 5" heels with straps. They were patent leather and had gold buckles that worked with the dress nicely. The dress also came with wrap that was amazing.

We were looking at each other and said "Wow." at the same time. We started laughing and I said "I have no idea if this is right but who cares."

Amanda started laughing and said "If they don't like it they can suffer with it."

We were both laughing and I called a taxi cab to pick us up.

When we arrived I could not tell who was more nervous, me or Amanda. She stopped me as we were going in "Do you think he will like me?"

I smiled and said "He will like you, don't worry. They are going to love you. Your strong, smart, hot, and funny as hell."

When we walked in I had two things hit me. Yes we were a little over dressed, but not by much, and two this place was gorgeous.

As we stood there saw Bruce, Peter's dentist friend, coming over to us. He smiled broadly and said "Sachiko, we are so happy you decided to come. My wife really wants to meet you." He has a wife? I didn't know that. Bruce is not an intimidating guy at all. To tell the truth, I thought he was gay. He is about 5'8" tall, really slender and quite frankly effeminate.

"And who is this gorgeous Lady?" He asked. I introduced him to Amanda and he kissed her hand, put his arms through ours and lead us to the group. They had a section all to itself, and it was done in a very modern trendy style. I saw Amanda looking over at me as we walked and she mouthed "Is he gay?" I almost laughed.

As soon as she saw us Bruce's wife came rushing over. Sherri looked good, but looked older than him. She was tall, about 5'8" and had dyed blonde hair. I don't know why but I sensed I was not going to like her. She seemed to radiate a sort of arrogance. She reached us and he let us go. She gave me a hug and a kiss on each cheek without actually making contact.

"Sachiko, it is such a pleasure to meet the girl who Peter has had so much to say about. I almost feel like I know you already." she

said, "Its really nice to meet you Sherri." I turned and said "This is my best friend Amanda."

She greeted Amanda the same way and I remember thinking I bet you are a real bitch and you married Bruce for money. That was the most likely thing I thought.

She told Amanda "It is so nice to meet you. Your absolutely gorgeous."

Amanda smiled and said "Nice to meet you. I like your dress."

I remember thinking really? thought leopard print belonged on a leopard. Nice heels though.

Sherri smiled and said "Thank you" and tumed leading us over to everyone. Amanda glanced at me and I could see "Oh my God" in her eyes. It made me almost laugh.

Then my day got so much better. Peter jumped up from his chair and rushed right over to me. He stopped short and took my hands and held them out looking me up and down. "Wow. I cant even think of the right words. You look absolutely stunning."

I looked him in the eyes and saw the admiration and love there. He was smiling so brightly and with wonder as well. I looked at my handsome Peter in his gorgeous outfit and thought wow myself. He was wearing a light blue collared and pressed dress shirt. It had to be custom because it was tailored perfectly to him showing off the physique I loved so much. He had gotten a hair cut and was wearing a really nice tie. The cuff links and were beautiful. His tailored dress pants looked amazing on him and I had to think the shoes were new. He looked so god and smelled amazing.

"Back at you honey" I said "You look so handsome smiling at him. He gave me a light kiss.

"Peter, I want you to meet someone who is my best friend and really important to me. This is Amanda, my roommate."

Peter turned and smiled at her and said "Well, birds of a feather do flock together. It's a pleasure to meet you and you look amazing. Wow, I could just look at you both all day." He said smiling. I watched his eyes closely and he was serious. He looked like he did find her attractive and valued her being there with us. I was not Jealous at all, I just wanted to make sure he knew she mattered to me.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E13

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E15

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