All for Mr. Redman - S01 E16

Story 4 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E16

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 16

I looked at Amanda and she was staring at Barbara thinking.

I looked back at Peter and Barbara and sald "How do you guys know all this?"

They said in unison "Bruce told us." and Barbara added "She confirmed it and said he is hung like a horse."

"Wow talk about things that make you say hmmmmmmm" I replied smiling.

I looked at Amanda and said "Earth to Amanda."

She glanced at me quickly and said "Sorry."

"Did you catch all that?" I asked

She looked sheepish and said "No."

Barbara turned to her and smiled the kind of smile that drops panties and makes cocks rock hard. "Were you distracted sweetie?"

Amanda blushed and Barbara said "Oh I like that. You blush, and you look gorgeous doing it."

The heat factor went up by a scale of ten and I was watching. Barbara looked back at me and said "You are not off the hook either." Her look made me feel like she was going to do me right that

Peter piped up and said "Well, this should be a fun night!"

We joined the others and armed with our new information and permission to fire back at Sherri we had a much better time. The group got larger or smaller depending on how many people came over during the course of the evening.

Peter was a pleasure to watch and be around. His sense of humour and charm made it so much fun. We would part for a time and come back together happily.

Armanda and Barbara were another story. They were practically side by side all night. Guys were trying to pick them up buying them drinks and hitting on them. That was another fun game to watch.

At one point I walked over to the bar and was standing there waiting to order a drink. It was really busy and the wait staff were At one point I walked over to the bar and was standing there waiting to order a drink. It was really busy and the wait staff were swamped.

I felt a hand slide up my back and looked to my right and Bruce was standing there. He smiled at me and said "Crazy here tonight." I nodded and said "But it's a great place. Thanks so much for choosing it."

He leaned in and whispered "I like seeing the ladies dress up to come out here. You look really good in jeans but your incredibly hot in that dress."

I smiled and said "I wanted to look good for Peter and not embarrass you guys by looking like a student."

Bruce had slid his hand around and was holding onto my waist on the far side. He had moved right up, side to side "You a very beautiful woman."

I looked at him and smiled remembering everything Peter and Barbara had told me.

"Are you usually this friendly with the girlfriends" I asked.

"No, usually the wives" he said.

I stared at him with surprise.

He said "Your a sexual creature. I can tell. Your beautiful and vibrant and I bet you look amazing when you cum."

I blushed and said "I don't think Peter would appreciate you saying that."

He smiled and said "I envy him that. He gets to see it. Why did you get so flushed when Barbara and Amanda were speaking to you?"

I said "None of your business, that was a private conversation." I was starting to get pissed off.

"Fair enough. I noticed you only pointed out Peter would not like it and didn't mention my wife. Why is that?" he asked not letting up.

I replied "I didn't mention her because I know it does not matter."

He said "Really?"

At one point I walked over to the bar and was standing there waiting to order a drink. It was really busy and the wait staff were swamped.

I felt a hand slide up my back and looked to my right and Bruce was standing there. He smiled at me and said "Crazy here tonight." I nodded and said "But it's a great place. Thanks so much for choosing it."

He leaned in and whispered "I like seeing the ladies dress up to come out here. You look really good in jeans but your incredibly hot in that dress."

I smiled and said "I wanted to look good for Peter and not embarrass you guys by looking like a student."

Bruce had slid his hand around and was holding onto my waist on the far side. He had moved right up, side to side "You a very beautiful woman."

I looked at him and smiled remembering everything Peter and Barbara had told me.

"Are you usually this friendly with the girlfriends" I asked.

"No, usually the wives" he said.

I stared at him with surprise.

He said "Your a sexual creature. I can tell. Your beautiful and vibrant and I bet you look amazing when you cum."

I blushed and said "I don't think Peter would appreciate you saying that."

He smiled and said "I envy him that. He gets to see it. Why did you get so flushed when Barbara and Amanda were speaking to you?"

I said "None of your business, that was a private conversation." I was starting to get pissed off.

"Fair enough. I noticed you only pointed out Peter would not like it and didn't mention my wife. Why is that?" he asked not letting up.

I replied "I didn't mention her because I know it does not matter."

He said "Really?"

I replied "Yes. I also have to say I want you to get your hand off me. I don't appreciate it or what your saying."

He removed his hand promptly and leaned on the bar next to me. "I admit that beautiful women are a complete weakness of mine. We all have them, a vice. Mine is beauty. I'm sorry if I upset you, truly. I was just being playful."

I looked in his eyes and could see he meant the apology. "Bruce your a nice guy, but I very taken and I'm not looking for any outside play. But I also know you were trying to get me into bed by seducing me. That's not going to happen."

He didn't reply right away and placed both our orders.

"You're a treasure Sachiko. You have incredible beauty, sexuality, and a sharp mind and a clever wit. You the type who can do anything she puts her mind to. I admit I was trying to seduce you, like I said beauty is my vice. But you are a very different kind of woman. I'm trying to figure it out but whatever it is I'm happy for you and Peter. By the way, I would appreciate it if you actually told him I did this. If he is going to be upset I would like to get it out of the way sooner than later."

I stared at him surprised.

He said "What? Do you honestly think I would ever ask you to hide something from him. I'm an open book. People can, depending on setting and who they are, ask me anything."

"Okay" I said "Is it true you dominate your wife?"

He laughed and said "Yes, she submits to me and I have helped her discover so much about herself. I am trying to work on improving her self esteem and I am almost there. It is a long process, she has had a difficult life and I want her to be happier with herself."

I said "By sexually dominating her? That helps her self esteem?"

He nodded and said "Yes, she has been made to feel terrible about her desires and wants. I am trying to instill her with freedom from that. She is not a bad person. She just needs to be more comfortable and realize that the things she wants, both sexually and out of life, are not a source of guilt. Submission to me frees her from guilt because I am helping her to realize her desires are okay, it is the guilt that is misplaced and wrong. If two consenting

adults, or more, want to have sex together doing any number of things that society says are bad or wrong they do not deserve to be poorly regarded for it. It is between those consenting adults. Not then and society as a whole."

I admit I was curious and asked "So what is it that she wants that she feels guilty about?"

He looked at me frankly and said "Alright. But this is a bit more than I would usually say, but your not the type to have loose lips are you?"

I said "No. I am genuinely curious and this is an A to B conversation. Everyone else can C their way out."

He laughed and said "I like that. Sherri is bi-sexual and craves women. But not just that. She wants to be dominated by them... and I mean tied up, spanked, used like a toy. She feels guilty for it. She also likes multiple partners, both male and female. She is not hurting anyone but was raised to believe that sex is dirty... that ladies should not enjoy it and that wanting it is horrible."

I said "Oh my God that sucks. If that is what she wants that's her business.

"Exactly" he said "It's not everyone's cup of tea, but everyone should be allowed to have their tea the way they like it."

Wow he makes sense thought. Our drinks arrived and we started making our way back to the group.

He stopped me and said "You know the same applies for you."

I smiled and said "I'm very comfortable with my sexuality thank you. I get what I want and I'm open minded."

He smiled and said "Lucky Peter."

We got back and I joined Peter again and hugged him.

He smiled down at me and said "What were you two talking about? He got kinda grabby for a bit there."

I said "You saw that?"

He replied "Yes, but you seemed to have handled it. I was going to rush over, but the signals were confusing. Besides you could kick his ass yourself, I know it."

I smiled at him and proceeded to tell him everything except the part about Sherri.

He nodded looking over at Bruce. I said "Are you mad?"

Peter shook his head "No. Your not offended, I admit I'm a little ticked he even tried, but I'm not angry. Anything I did now would simply be to make myself feel better."

I tilted my head and he smiled and said "There's no point. He is what he is. That's Bruce. But do me a favour please? Stop him right off the hop if he does anything like that again. I'm not saying you handled it wrong, far from it. I just don't like it. I trust you but I don't like what he did."

I said "I promise. It's my fault, I underestimated him."

Peter laughed and said "Every woman does."

We still had a good time after that. I saw Bruce go to Peter and they talked for a bit. Peter gave me a thumbs up after they chatted so knew all was good.

As things were winding down Peter and I were with Amanda and Barbara. The feeling between all of us was pretty electric. It seemed like every thing we said had a sexual innuendo attached to It. We were flirting pretty bad. Peter was watching all of this and seemed really aroused. I enjoyed the flirting but was afraid to do anything. Finally I said to Peter "Let's get a drink."

We got up and as soon as we were away from them I turned to him and said "What are you thinking about?"

He looked at me and sighed. "Probably things I really should not. Sorry, I know I was getting pretty flirty there. I didn't mean to upset you."

I smiled and said "You were fine. That's not it at all." kissed him lightly and said "I don't... look I'm bi-sexual Peter"

He looked stunned and said "You are?"

I said "Yes I am. I love having sex with women. I've been with Amanda before and I admit that I would love to take a turn at Barbara. That being said... I will never ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable. The heat at that table is real and believe me when I say all three women are thinking the same thing."

He said "You... and Amanda."

I said "Yes, she is a Lesbian. So is Barbara."

He nodded his head slowly "You mean the world to me Peter and I'm not going to leave you for any reason. I can tell you that honestly. I want to be honest with you."

He smiled and said "Wow. My hot Japanese girlfriend is bi-sexual."

I smiled and hit him in the arm lightly. "Yes I am. But you mean more."

"Wow, so you really think you could.." he said.

"Get them both tonight, all three women, yes." I said. "What I need to know is if you are okay with the idea of me doing that and if maybe you would want to watch and take part with me."

He looked shocked and said "You honestly think you can do this?"

I said "Very sure I can. But I'm not doing anything without you permission."

He said "Holy shit yes, I can't believe this is happening."

I smiled and gave him a really hot kiss.

We made our way back to the table and Barbara and Amanda were whispering to each other.

We sat down and it stayed hot. I finally decided one of us has to put it out there. We were in a position to speak frankly and I was horny as hell.

"Okay you two" said "You have been teasing the shit out of me and each other all night. I'm horny as hell and poor Peter has a hardon that could cut glass. They both started smiling and leaned in.

"What do you say we all get the hell out of here, go back to Peter's, lose the clothes... and fuck each others brains out." I said in a quiet and lustful voice.

Amanda bit her lip and looked at Peter and said "Yes"

Barbara said "Are you okay with this Peter?"

Peter said "I would be blown away. Of course I'm in favour."

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E15

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E17

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