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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E13

Story 3 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

"Peter" his mother began and stopped. We just looked at her with warmth and Peter hugged me tight.

"Don't worry Mrs Redman" said "I am really healthy and the baby will be too. We are starting parental classes next week and my Mother said she would stay with us for two months after the baby is born."

Her face didn't look like she thought I was kidding anymore. She looked back and forth between us and said "You're not finished University yet, and Peter your not going to marry her? Her parents know already? It's Sunday why the hell didn't you call? Do you kids know what your doing?"

Peter and I looked at each other as she was clearly flabbergasted. She looked down at the table and Mr. Redman was looking right at me like he was going to yell "Shannanigans" in his best Irish accent. I winked at him and he had to compose quickly. He knew.

Peter walked over to his Mom and hugged her and said "It's all going to work out Mom."

His mother said "how, oh my God. What were you both thinking? Your not married yet and a baby is a huge responsibility you two."

Peter said "No Mom. Its all okay... your just very gullible and sometimes we have to take advantage of that."

She looked at me and said "Oh my God your evil!" and burst open laughing. She was clearly relieved.

His father was laughing and he said "Oh she is going to fit in with the family."

We all had a laugh and I apologized for playing with her like that. Mrs. Redman does not hold a grudge at all and we had a great breakfast. As sat there watching them talk and joke around I realized how perfect this was. The warmth in the room came from all of us. I was smiling watching Peter talk with them and realized that I had fallen deeply in love. At that moment if he had asked me to marry him I would have accepted gladly. I knew deep down my parents were the challenging part. I hoped they would not be too difficult. Peter was not Japanese. Its racist and wrong to judge him by that, but no one in my family was in a mixed race relationship. No one had ever been that I knew of, even dating. I also knew that my parents, who are amazing, would initially react with concern but that their decision would be based on him, not his skin. My

grandparents were a lost cause, but they would be polite and have

to live with it. Watching Mr. And Mrs. Redman I knew I liked them to live with it. Watching Mr. And Mrs. Redman knew liked them very much. I was happy.

They said their goodbyes with a lot of affection and told Peter to make sure I came to a dinner at their home. His mother hugged me very warmly and even told me "I can tell am going to like me even more each time we meet." His father, being a bit of a comedian told me "I am so happy he met you. Having you to dinner will be a lot better than the time he came home with that circus midget. We didn't have a booster chair and it created a whole issue." Peter just laughed and they departed.

We hugged each other after they left and Peter said "Oh my God that went really well."

I nodded and said. "Your parents are so nice. I really like them."

He hugged me and picked me up and was carrying me to the bedroom when his phone rang. I gave him my best pout and said "Don't answer it."

He kissed me and set me down saying "I have to."

I was trying to figure that out as he answered. It was a guy on the phone. They were talking about playing football, something he apparently did on Sundays regularly. I realized he was talking to Martin, a friend of his I had met at the pub last night. I also picked up that the group was waiting for him.

Peter looked at me a bit shame faced. I smiled at him a nodded and said quietly "Go, its okay."

He looked hesitant but since I kept nodding he said he would see them in a half hour.

He hung up the phone and walked over and hugged me and started explaining.

I said "Hush" and put my fingertips on his mouth. "Peter I want you to keep being you. I'm not trying to stop that. We have spent all kinds of time together this weekend and I should be doing homework. I'm not upset and no this is not a game. If don't like something I will tell you, I won't say one thing and then be upset with you until you somehow magically figure it out. I want you to go.

He stared at me and said "You are fucking amazing.

"Just do the same for me okay. Let's just clear it up right now. We "Just do the same for me okay. Let's just clear it up right now. We are not mind readers and need to actually say what we are thinking."

He smiled and said "You are so fucking amazing"

I smiled at him and said "You said that twice, maybe your broke. I better hit the reset button"

Having said that slid to my knees and pulled his track pants and boxers down. When his cock sprang free I immediately licked it and started taking it into my mouth. Seriously, he would be late if I didn't hurry up and what kind of girlfriend would I be if I did that!

His hands came to my hair and I went right to work. I love his cock. I love how hard it gets and how hot. I love the silky feel of the skin and the hot hard feeling underneath. Sucking his cock is not a chore, I love to do it. It's almost a selfish act because I love the way his cum feels in my mouth and his taste. Having that hard hard 8" of cock in my mouth is like heaven. It's so gorgeous.

I fucked him with my mouth. His grip on my hair was getting really tight. I could here him moaning out "Oh fuck Sachiko, oh my God. You are so fucking good at sucking my cock."

I didn't let up and all and could feel saliva leaking and dripping down my chin. His cock was going in and out of my throat and I wanted that cum. I needed it badly and was going to get it.

He collapsed onto the arm of the couch and I didn't stop. I moved up on my knees and buried it in my throat as he was starting to shake. I brought up my hand and used my nails to lightly tease his balls. My other hand went to his firm stomach, scratching him lightly.

He grabbed my hair and started helping me, fucking my face onto his cock. Suddenly with a load roar he shot ropes of hot delicious cum into my throat and I swallowed every precious drop. As He sat there shaking I slowly lifted my mouth off his cock and licked it clean.

He reached down and pulled me up and gave me such a hot loving kiss I got weak in the knees.

He looked at me and said "Oh Sachiko. You are so fucking amazing with a smile.

"And you, my big cocked lover are going to be late."

He looked like he was about to object and I said "Peter, that was a gift to you. I wanted to do that for you. Go and have fun. It's not like you won't get a chance to return the favour." I said smiling.

I stepped back as he stood up and turned to get my stuff from the bedroom. Peter took my arm and turned me to face him looking into my eyes.

"I think I love you." he said

I smiled and said "I think love you too."

He hugged me tightly to him and kissed the top of my head. We stood there just holding each other and said quietly "You didn't have to say that."

He leaned me back and looked into my eyes and said "No. I don't think I love you. I know I do. I have never been so happy or comfortable with someone in my entire life. I know its only been a couple of days but I had to say it. I wanted to say it."

I kissed him and hugged him tightly and said "I love you Peter Redman and nothing is going to change that."

We ended the embrace and he said "Do you have to go?"

I smiled sadly and said "Yes. I have a paper due and readings I have to finish. You know what it's like."

He smiled and said "I am going to miss you every second."

We got ready and as we were leaving, having kissed out goodbyes I called over "Don't forget to put beer in the cooler. I hear guys like that after football."

He laughed and said "You are fucking amazing!"

I laughed at him and said "Reset button."

He smiled and got into his car. Since I lived so close to the subway I just walked down and took it back to my dorm. I was so happy the whole way home. There was a guy sitting across from me who kept looking at me. I knew I was glowing and happy.

When I reached the dorm I said hi to people as I passed them and got to my room.

When I walked in Amanda was in the process of swearing at her laptop. I stopped and said "What's wrong with it."

She looked really frustrated and said "I just lost my work."

I smiled and said "Let me sit and have a look. It's not lost, it's in there someplace." I spent a few minutes looking around and found what she was looking for. I said "Ta da!!!! I'm appearing all week."

She smiled with relief as I stood up from her computer chair. She went to hug me and froze in place. I knew what was wrong. The last tie we had seen each other she had basically turned what started out as normal sex between us into a very uncomfortable situation for us both. She had told me she loved me and we had talked it out, but it still had that lingering feeling of things being strained between us.

I smiled at her and stepped in and hugged her "You have always been there for me. Its all forgotten."

Amanda hugged me to her and said "I thought we were going to be okay after I saw your little crime scene" I laughed remembering what I had done with her stuffed animals,

We stepped back and I said "I have reading to do. What are you up to?"

She said "Finishing my psych paper."

We both looked at the sun shining outside and looked at each other and started laughing. We grabbed our stuff, got some refreshments and went outside to do our work. We worked away and she said suddenly "Done." and put her laptop away.

She laid back on the grass and I tumed and laid back with my head resting on her thigh reading. I knew she fell asleep because she was so quiet. She had probably worked on her paper all night again. She can't stop once she starts working. She just gets in the zone and does it. I finished reading and sat up. I looked at her and she was sleeping with the sun shining on her. She looked as gorgeous as ever.

I thought about all that happened between us and the friendship I felt for her. Granted, it had become a friendship with benefits that had gotten a bit complicated. That being said she was still one of the best people I know.

When she woke up we went and got something to eat and basically I turned into a study hound. She fell asleep and I managed to get my own paper finished and felt pretty damn good about it. I put everything away and my cell rang.

Peter was heading to bed and wanted to make sure we chatted. We talked at length and he finally was yawning so much I said "Go to bed or your students will ruin you." He laughed and we said goodnight.

Peter and I figured out that with my academic demands and his teaching demands that we were not going to see each other much during the week.

Amanda and got along normally and actually seemed to have more fun together. It was like a weight she had been carrying was gone and she was happier as a result.

When I talked to Peter on Thursday he said that his friends were getting together Friday night and going out and wanted to know if I wanted to come. Of course I said yes. I liked his friends and wanted to see him very badly. He asked if I wanted to bring anyone and I looked over at Amanda who was reading. I told her what was happening and she smiled and said it sounded like fun.

We agreed on Friday night and I got off the phone.

Amanda was looking at me and said "So, I get to really meet him

and find out what he is like."

I said "Yes, are you okay with that?" didn't want her uncomfortable seeing me with him.

She smiled at me and said "He is really important to you. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't okay with it."

I got off my bed and gave her a hug. I really wanted these two people who were important to me to get along with each other.

She got all serious and looked at me and said "You realize if he breaks your heart I'm going to take a field hockey stick to his knee caps"

I laughed and we hugged again. We held it for a moment longer and I felt her face turn and her lips touch my neck.

I quickly leaned back and said "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't want to lead you on or anything. I'm in love with him Amanda and nothing and no one is going to get in the way."

She smiled brightly and said "You love him!? Does he love you?" she was very excited.

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E12

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E14

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