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All for Mr. Redman - S01 E12

Story 3 weeks ago

All for Mr. Redman - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12


Continuation of the series. You may want to read the others first. I meet the parents, send Peter to play football with a smile, and we have an interesting night out with Amanda and Barbara.

All for Mr. Redman Chapter 4

I stood staring at Peter and said "What do I do?"

I was standing in his kitchen, in just my panties and a tank top and his parents had just walked into the condo. He had forgotten they were coming over and I thought this is a great way to start a Sunday. Meeting his parents while I'm barely dressed and he is in just boxer shorts.

Peter smiled at me and said "I think we are screwed. Both of us were still laughing.

I said "At least go stop them so I can get in the bedroom and dress. I don't care what you have to do, but swear I will hide in a cupboard!"

Peter laughed and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. Fortunately his parents had not come in any further. I heard his mother say "Oh your no even dressed. Did you just forget we were coming?"

Peter replied "Honestly yes. I did." I could hear the laughter in his voice. "So, what a beautiful day outside."

His Mother said "Yes it is." she paused and said "Are you alright?"

I heard his father say "Do you?"

Peter said "Yes Dad so how about you both turn around and look at the door for about five seconds"

His mother said "Do you what? What are you talking about."

His father said "Honey, turn around and look at the door for a minute."

Peter's mother said "Your both acting strangely." with a bit of indignation creeping into her voice.

"Mom" Peter said "if you don't want to be embarrassed turn around and look at the door."

His mother was quiet and I heard some mumbling followed by "Oh my. Do you want us to leave?"

Peter laughed and said "No, just turned around."

His mother and father must of did what he asked because I heard a finger snap. I glanced around the comer quickly and moved fast down the hall into the bedroom. Despite being embarrassed this made me laugh. I was hiding from my boyfriend's parents and we were both adults and in his home.

When I got in the room I quickly dressed myself and was pulling my top back on when Peter came in and started dressing. I was done and he said "It's okay, you can go out there" he said laughing at me.

"Not on your life. Not alone" I said in a hushed voice.

Peter finished dressing and came over and gave me a kiss and hugged me. He leaned back looking down into my eyes and said "They are going to love you. Don't be nervous."

He hugged me again and we both took deep breaths and walked out and made our way into the living room.

His parents both stood up as soon as we walked in and smiled at us. His father had a playful smile on his face, clearly amused by the situation. His mother's smile was warming up as we approached and I could see a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. They both seemed to be very nice and I took an instant liking to them both.

"Mom and Dad, this is Sachiko. Sachiko these are my parents, Mr. And Mrs. Redman."

His mother caught me off guard completely by stepping righ up and hugging me and saying "It is so nice to meet you Sachiko. I would love to say that I had heard all about you but our son has kept us in the dark... as usual" she added looking at him.

Mr. Redman was smiling broadly and shook my hand and said "It's nice to meet you Sachiko. Do you work with Peter?"

"Oh no. am in University still. I'm going into medicine." I said.

He smiled at that and Mrs Redman seened equally pleased.

We all moved into the kitchen and had coffee and I admit I got grilled by the parents. They were very nice about it, but I felt like it was a job interview. Then they dropped a bomb on me. They had never met any of Peter's previous girlfriends, at least not since he left High School.

I looked at him and started laughing. Peter said "Okay, enough of that. No embarrassing childhood stories, no baby stories or you won't get to see her again because she will flee from me in shame and terror."

His mother and father both found this amusing and immediately told me all the embarrassing stories that parents love to tell. I found them cute but could tell they actually made him uncomfortable. I had not seen him like that before and did not like him feeling that way so I got up and went over and hugged him.

His parents went quiet and he looked down at me and I said "Oh my God. I'm still here. I guess even though my image of you as perfect has been shattered... I realize you are mortal just like me." He smiled and started to laugh.

His mother said "Well we tried. She's not going to leave our boy alone David. What do we do about this?"

His father laughed and said "Thank the stars above." laughing.

His mother said "I might get to be a grandmother!"

I looked at her while still holding Peter. Peter's father exploded in laughter. Peter, my poor Peter, all he could think to say was "Oh my God Mom!!!!

He was really embarrassed and all I said to her was "So it's okay if we have kids?"

She was laughing really hard, his father had started to laugh as well.

"We are so happy to hear you say that. Because you ARE going to be a grandmother. We just got the results on Friday. We are pregnant." I delivered this with the best warm smile I could and just gripped Peter tightly and turned my face to look up at him. He was looking down at me and starting to smile. When I winked at him I could tell he was fighting to hold in his laughter.

I looked back at his Mother and she had stopped laughing and was staring at us. She still had this look like we might be joking. His dad looked surprised.

Previous Episode

All For Mr. Redman - S01 E11

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All For Mr. Redman - S01 E13

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