Fate - S01 E36

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Fate - S01 E36

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 36

?Camille’s POV?

It seven o’clock and everywhere was getting dark, i wonder where Chloe went to, she didn’t even bother to tell us where she was going and it really getting me worried.

“doctor,” i said when i saw the doctor walking towards us.

“what about my daughter.. what about Erica, you said she will be awake by evening and yet nothing happens,” i said so worried.

“she’s out of danger for now, and i a-ssure you anytime soon your daughter will be awake,” the doctor said while i nodded then went to Erica’s ward with Cecily.

“Erica am sorry for not protecting you from those wicked guys that beat you up, i shouldn’t have let you go to see Ethan in the first place,” i said in tears then held her hands, she was badly beaten, i wonder if they plan to beat her to death.

“she’ll be fine Camille, you don’t have to worry. What about Chloe… where’s she? she asked while i looked at her and felt my heart beating fast-er.

“Chloe.. i don’t know but we need to find her. I have been trying her number but it wasn’t going throu-gh,” i said then tried calling her again and this time she picked up, i felt so relief but was surprise to hear another person voice.

“where’s Chloe? i asked almost in tears

“she’s at St. John hospital, their bus got into an accident and they victims were badly injured, some were dead,” the husky voice then while the phone sli-pped out from my hands, i found myself collapsing to the floor but Cecily held me back.

“what happen Camille, where Chloe? she asked so worried.

“Chloe.. was involved in an accident… and..some were injured while others are death, i need to go,” i saide in tears, i felt my whole world crushing down on me. Chloe and Erica were the only people i survived and was able to moved on, they give me strength to always be strong for them and if they’re gone i don’t know what am living for?

“i will follow you,” she said in tears.

“no, you should please stay with Erica, watch over her am going to bring Chloe back to us and i promise to bring her back safe. Chloe will survive no matter what,” i said in tears then hurried to the hopsital i was directed to. I ran in like a mad woman without direction and the doctors and nurses were all busy. I kept asking about Chloe when a man in uniform walk up to me.
“are you related in anyway with any of the victims? he asked while i nodded in tears.

“yes, i called and someone picked up her phone,”
“oh, you were the one that called earlier? he asked while i nodded, he showed me Chloe’s phone and i recognise it at once.

“that belong to her, where’s my daughter? i asked in tears then collect her phone.

“come with me,” he said then directed to a nurse.

“i need to see my daughter, i need to see Chloe Meltzer,” i said in tears while she checked some files she was holding.
“go and check ward 21,” she said while i quickly ran their, thank goodness she’s not death, i hope she’s not badly injured. I rushed in and saw my Chloe with a nurse attending to her.

“Chloe.. i quickly ran to her then held her hand,” she looked at then smile sadly.

“am fine mom,” she said while i cried, when will all this be over, when will i finally have peace and smile for real.

“nurse, how’s she? i asked.

“she’s perfectly fine, i guess she’s the only one who survive this because others were death and some were badly injured but as for her, it only a little bruises and she had a fracture on her leg, at her ankle and needed the use of crutches to walk for some time but aside from this she’s fine,” the nurse said while i smile sadly, atleast she’s alive.

“she just need some rest,” the nurse said then left while i sighed.

“Chloe dear you should have tell were you went to,” i scold.
“mom, am fine, am perfectly fine unfortunately for me my ankle got injured but am fine,” she said and force a smile.
“what about Erica? is she awake?… how is my sister?” she said then sat up.

“Erica is still not awake but the doctor said she’s out of danger,” she replied.

“i need to go and see her, what about aunt Cecily? she asked trying to stand up but i quickly stopped her.

“don’t you hear what the doctor said, you need some rest,” i said.

“Cecily insisted to come with me but i stopped her, i told her to watch over your sister,” i said.

“okay mom by tomorrow am going home, i’ll tell the doctor to discharge me,” she said while i nodded then held my hands.

“you almost gave me heart attach Chloe.. please next time always tell me were you’re going,” i said while she nodded.

? Jasmine’s POV?

I paced up and down in my room feeling so angry about everything, i called Rogers and rendered insults on him.

“do who know what it takes for me to be able to get to know Erica. You failed your jobs, you guys couldn’t even kill her at once. I asked you guys to kill her at once and not to beat her first, i just want to eliminate her for good,” i yelled at him.

“am sorry ma’am, my boys were useless, they almost got caught by the security men that’s why they ran away without shooting her with the gun, next time i will make sure they do a clean job, we can still kill her if you want,” he said while i hissed.

“for this reason am not gonna pay you as we plan… and next time i need a clean job,” i said then hanged up and threw the phone on my bed. I was damn angry.. i only ask them to kill her at once. Is it that difficult to pull the trigger at the empty bi-tch y skull. Those guys are bunch of idiot,” I yelled to myself. I still need to get a way to kill her once and for all. I smirk at the thought.

The next day…

Declan’s POV

I got my things ready cos i was travelling with dad for a business trip, it just came all urgent and i wasn’t interested to go, i ask my secretary to go in place of me but dad refuse, i don’t know why the heck he’s monitoring me these days. I went to Ethan room and ask if he had any information about Chloe or so, i was so stupid not to even know her home address.

“are you guys ready to leave? Ethan asked while i nodded.
“so what about Chloe.. have you heard from her? i asked while he kept mute.

“anything wrong? i asked again while he looked at me.

“yes… i was with her yesterday…she called me,” he said while i felt jealous all of a sudden. Why did he always get much attention from Chloe more than me.. don’t she like me? or did she love him? is he trying to betray me!

“she quit the job and with the look on her face she wasn’t happy at all, she also said she’s leaving with her family,” he said while i gasped.

“leaving to where? i asked.

“she never mention, she just left,” he said while i nodded then left, he always get the attention i suppose to get from Chloe. Maybe dad was right when he said i should stay away from, Chloe…. something is fishy here.. but i’ll find out ands as for Ethan i just hope he don’t have a single feeling for Chloe.. or else..

⏩ I and dad arrived and we were so busy the first week.. it wasn’t easy to handle such business, but it was really lovely because it just me and my dad, i wish mom is here also i miss her so much.

“you know this trip is not only to talk about business but also some personal issues,” he said while he sip his drink, were both seated by the pool side enjoying ourselves.

“what did you mean? i aksed while he smiled.

“did you love that girl Chloe? he asked again.

“dad can we talk about something else and not Chloe for now,” i said with a frown.

“cool down soon, i want to tell you a secret about her,” he said while i looked at him.

“i don’t want any one of you to get involve with Camille’s family,” he started while i was confused, the name Camille sound familiar but i forgot where i once heard it.

“she Chloe.. Camille’s daughter am surwe you know Camille Anton’s ex wife,” dad explain while i was shocked to hear that.

“she’s the Chloe i know… Aunt Camille’s daughter.. but she lied to us then..” i said with a frown.

“yes,” dad nodded.

“are they still alive!

“she think she’s smart to lie to Nicholas, well i have my men who spy on her and get me all the necessary information about her, i guess she’s after our family,” dad said while i looked at him confused.

“dad, Chloe is a nice girl.. are you really sure she’s Camille’s daughter and what did she want from us, why will she have to lie to us? i asked.

“you can ask her that when we get home, she’s up to something that’s why she lied to us about being Camille’s daughter…,” dad said while i was lost in my own thoughts.

“and no more thing,” dad said bringing me out of my thought while i looked at him.. why is he spying on Chloe…is he having anything against her???

“It Lynn who killed your mother,” he said while my heart beat more fast-er, i felt so angry all of a sudden.

“Ethan’s mother? i asked to be sure of what i heard, she looks more like a good woman.

“yes.. she plan that with her son. Ethan was also part of it.. they temper with the brake of the car your mom entered that day and that’s why she got involved in that ghastly accident and died,” he said while a drop of tears slide down my cheeks, i don’t want to believe this.

“but… Ethan was just a kid then.. how could he conspire with your mom to do that? i asked.

“wise up.. your older than Ethan but seems Ethan is more wiser than you.. he knows that already.. he knows his mom was the cause of your pain by killing your mom but did he tell you about it?.. he just covered up the evil his mother said,” dad said while i reason with him, he’s right so Ethan knows about everything and decide to play a good brother.

I love him and take care of him as a big brother would do.. but is this what he’ll gonna repay with.

“dad.. why didn’t you tell me this earlier.. they need to be interested for killing my own mother.. they make me motherless ever since i was a kid,” i yelled in tears.

“calm down Declan… you have to wise up. You don’t have to show to tell them you’ve knew everything.. you have to play along so we couldmake them pay,” dad said. I can’t believe Ethan and his mom will do this to me, why wouldn’t he tell me, why would he cover up for his mom.

“we have lots of things to talk about son… i hope you keep all this a secret,” dad said while i felt sudden hatred for Ethan and his mom.


Chloe’s POV

I was already at home but walk with the help of crutches, Erica was also recovering and the scars of the beating were disappearing slowly. We have to stayed back until i fully recover and will be able to walk on my feet.

I sat down at the sitting room while Erica was in our room when i was surprise but he person that walked in…. how did he know my address..

“Ethan,” i said so angry… am now so angry with him… it all because of him Erica was badly beaten… i have a feeling about that.

“Chloe,” he said with a smile then walked closer to me.

“what did you want from me… just leave,” i said in a harsh tone.

“Chloe… what happen to you.. what happen to your leg? he asked so concern and i found myself blus-hing already.

“Chloe..” i heard Erica called my name, she was surprise to see Ethan and he was also surprise as well.

“are you…?

“yes we are sisters,” Erica replied to his question.

“but you didn’t tell me you have a sister,” he said to Erica.
“and because you never care to ask, are you here for me or my sister? she asked while he looked at me.

“gosh! i never knew you two were sisters,” he said surprise.
“just leave Ethan and stop playing the nice guy… i don’t want to see my sister get hurt physically and still get hurt emotionally all because of you..she loves you so much.. it high time you let her know her stand… is it her or Jasmine,” i yelled at him.

“i have told her her stand already, we are just friends.. and it not Jasmine either,” he said while i saw the look on Erica’s face, she was disappointed.

“then who… who did you love and why will you keep on hurting my sister, just love her back so she could be happy,” i ranted.

“i can’t love her nor Jasmine back Chloe..am sorry but it you i love,” he blurnt out while i was surprise. Erica frown then quickly ran back to our room in anger?, i stare at Ethan while he kept staring at me…. what a mess

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