Fate - S01 E35

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Fate - S01 E35

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 35

?Jasmine’s POV?

“home sweet home at last,” as i walked in with dad, mom and Sean behind me. Our vacation was much fun but we have to come this earlier because dad has lots to handle in office and of course i also have lots to handle too, first my business and then my enemies, i need to find information about that girl Ethan is dating, i can’t believe she dare to fight me.. me Jasmine Santagio. I smirk then called Rogers to meet me at the nearby restaurant so he could give me more information about her.

“nanny,” i said happily then hug her, i really miss her so much.

“so how are you my dear? she asked smiling.

“perfectly fine nanny, am so happy to be back home,” i said smiling,

“Jasmine, Sean you guys need to rest for now,” dad said while i smile then turn to Sean who seems sleepy already.

“hey come with me,”

i said to him while he followed me to my room.

“am going out now, so you shouldn’t tell dad,” i said while he arched his eyebrow at me.
“for what reason? aren’t you tired or are you still gonna disturb Ethan with your i love you…

i love you..stuff,” he said while i glare at him.

“look Sean, Kid bro normally gat their big sister’s back but you, you’re just different and i don’t like hou for that,” i yelled while he smile then stood up.
“whatever… Jasmine.. just don’t do anything bad okay,” he saiod then left, i sighed then look at my large beautiful room. Am going to see Ethan, to reconcile with him..

i will try to be friends with him again. I smirk at the thought i have in mind. I exactly know how to get him. I took my bath then dressed so s-exy, i wore an off shoulder short gown and my silver heels matching to it, my packed my hair just the way he usually want me to, then called my driver to drive me to their house.

..I arrived their and first meet Declan.

“i miss you Declan,” i said happily while he hu-gged me.
“you guys are back? she asked while i nodded.

“so how is everyone? he asked.
“perfectly fine Declan,” i said looking at him. Declan is handsome but to me not as handsome as Ethan. Maybe i will get to fall for him but he later left to Germany to study and i was left alone with Ethan, i guess that’s the reason why i love Ethan so much because we were so close then, so so close, he was my best friend and everything, i can’t believe i ruined everything.

“are you okay Jasmine,” Declan asked while i nodded, he looked so concern and i really appreciate the fact that he’s still concern about me despite all i did to his brother. I know Ethan was so much broken when i left, i never knew he loved me this much.. but why will he ki-ssed that girl, i thought he was cheating on me.

“Jasmine,” i heard Ethan called me and i felt happy seeing him.
“Ethan…am really sorry for what i did at the club, sorry for fighting with that bi-tch of a girl, i just want us to be friends,” i cried on his shoulders and lucky for me i felt his hands patting my back which make me smile inwardly.

“you’re still my childhood friend Jasmine and i still like you but i don’t know why you’re acting this way,” he said while i hu-gged him tighter.

“am sorry,” i mutter then withdrew from the hug.
“Ethan.. Jasmine is really sorry, i guess it better you start afresh with her,” Declan said while i smile.

“i will leave you two to talk,” he said then left.

“Ethan.. did you hate me this much? i asked while he smile a bit.. he look so handsome while smiling especially revealing his dimple.. i love guys with dimple and that’s one of the reason i keep on loving Ethan.

“i don’t hate you Jasmine and am sure you’re ready to forget what happen in the past, i want us to start afresh,” he said while i smile..i can’t bvelieve Ethan is talking about us starting from afresh.

“but this time should be just freinds because i love someone.. am already in love with someone else,” he said while my eyes widen in shocked.

“in love with someone… who could that be? i asked in a shaky voice.

“it a secret and no one knows about this so i can’t tell you for now but you should be happy for me that am able to fall in love again not after what you did to me..

am ready to love again and am ready to take another risk of getting hurt or heart broken,” he said while i slapped him ha-rd on the cheeks. Whoever he loves i will find out and eliminate that person at once.
“i hate you,” i yelled at him in tears then huried back to my car, he kept calling my name but i ignore him.. am gonna find out who he loves.

?Rogers gave me some information about that bi-tch i fought with at the club, her name is Erica Meltzer, i can’t believe Mrs. Camille is her mother.. does that means she’s my sister.. but dad said my sister name was Chloe… so why the change the of name. I open the envelope he gave me and it their family picture. OMG..

I saw two young girls, the other girl is Erica as he said and the other resemble the girl i saw at Ethan’s place who work as their maid. I remember Declan introduce her to me as Chloe… Chloe my half sister… Am damn confused now, i quickly drove back home and meet mom and dad at the sitting room.

“dad.. can you believe that your ex wife has another child… i guess you were right she’s a slut, a good for nothing prostitute,” i said then dropped the envelope on a table close to them. Dad quickly read the information and kept his gaze at their family picture.

“this your ex wife, this Erica and this chloe,” i said pointing at them on the pictures while dad seems surprise.

“Camille has another daughter.. and she didn’t tell me,” dad asked to no one in particular.

“how did you expect her to tell you while even the girl you raise for five years isn’t your child. Camille is a slut, who knows maybe when you divorce her she kept on doing her prostitution,” mom said while i nodded in agreement.

“This woman is such a bi-tch , it a good thing you divorce her quick and get married to mom Karen,” i said while she smile.

I didn’t tell dad that i saw Chloe working as a house help in Nicholas house. I and Sean are the only children of my dad, not that bastard of a girl Chloe. I need to make sure that’s she’s the Chloe am thinking of.. it a good thing she’s not my father’s daughter.

Well time to get my job well done, i smirk. I need to visit Ethan. I quickly drove to his place and i could tell he was surprise to see me.

“Ethan am sorry for the other day, i was so angry but now i have decided to let go.. i accept you as my friend, as far you’ll always be close to me,” i said while he smiled.

“it a good thing then,” he said while i smile.

“let go have some snacks,” he said while i nodded and followed him to the garden.

“am glad having you back as my friend again, thank you for accepting me,” i said while he smile.

“okay then let me see your phone, we need to snap some pictures,” i said then collect his phone and we took selfie. After the pictures i pretended to have a bad cough so Ethan was nice enough to go and get me some water.

I quickly scroll down throu-ghhis contact and saw Erica’s number, i quickly texted her a message which reads: Babe please let meet at club tonight by 7pm”. I smiled then quickly delete the message before Ethan came.

“have some water,” he said then hand it over to me.

“thank you Ethan, you’re still the caring guy i know. Whoever you’re now in love with must be lucky, so who is the lucky girl? i asked while he smile sadly.

“it a secret for now Jasmine, but i will soon tell you,” he said while i smile. I need to gain his trust and deal with that person.

Erica’s POV

I felt so sad when mom said we’re leaving to Quebec, i will miss Ethan, i have been calling him for the pas-sone week and he isn’t picking up my calls and it really killing. We got our things ready and was about to board a bus to Quebec when my phone beeped and i check the message, it from Ethan which reads: Babe please let meet at the club tonight by 7pm,” I felt so happy, he called me babe. I guess he now realise how much he love me.
“mom, Chloe.. Ethan just sent me a message, i need to see him by 7pm,” i said happily.

“by 7pm.. isn’t that late… Erica we are about to leave now,” Mom complain while i frown, maybe she never liked my relationship with Ethan.

“please mom, allow me see him just this once then we can travel tomorrow, please mom for my sake. I love Ethan i need to talk to him just this once,” i said while mom just nodded and aunt Cecily wasn’t happy about it at all.

“Erica, do you expect us to go back home with our loads just because you want to meet your boyfriend tonight? Aunt Cecily asked.

“okay then you guys can go.. i can follow you tomorrow,” i said while Chloe looked at me.
“No Erica, we can’t live you behind. We will wiat for you, right mom? She asked.

“if this will make you happy then we have no choice, your happiness come first my dear,” she said while i hu-gged her.

“thank you so much mom,” i smiled. We packed our things and went back home, i can’t believe they cancel today’s trip just for me to talk to Ethan, their more than a family to me and i love them so much. I was so happy.. i couldn’t wait for 7pm, i guess Ethan want to confess how much he loves me, am gonna be the happiest girl ever.

By 7pm i dressed so nicely just for Ethan, i love him so much so i need to put on something nice for him, i apply some make up and was ready to leave.

“take care Erica.. please don’t stay late,” Chloe said while i smile.

It already dark and i walked down the street to stop a cab that will take me to the club,

i was so excited about seeing Ethan. Soon i heard foot steps behind me i quickly turn but i saw no one, i kept walking hoping to get a taxi soon, i felt a pain on my head then fall to the ground.. i saw two hefty men with a wood. One of them slap me so ha-rd while the other one hit me with the wood, they kept on beating me and i was so weak to fight them.

They hit me once more with the wood, my mouth was bleeding and i was finding it ha-rd to breathe. One of the guys removed his gun pointing at me.

“please don’t kill me,” i cried.
“hey,” i heard another voice, i guess it those security men. The guy shoot he gun in the air then quickly left, i thought they shoot me and i was glad the security men save me on time, if not i would have been death by now.

“are you okay’ they asked but i lose consciousness and close my eyes.


Chloe’s POV?

I, mom and Aunt Cecily couldn’t help but to cry, we are now at the hospital with Erica. They security men were able to trace us her family with her phone, they said she was badly beaten. Who on earth might have done this to my sister. I need to save her and get enough money for her treatment.

She was badly beaten and her face has swollen. The beating was terrible but am still glad she’s alive. Mom sat down at a corner crying, same with Aunt Cecily too.

“mom.. Erica is still alive,” i said while mom hu-gged me.

“Chloe.. if anything bad should happen to Erica i won’t be able to forgive myself, Catherine might as well not forgive me.

I don’t want anything bad to happen to Erica, her parents have pa-ssed throu-gha lot for me and i vow never to let anything bad happent to their child, i love Erica as my own child Chloe.. what if she was killed last night,” mom said in tears while i hu-gged her.
“mom stop thinking that way, atleast she’s alive,” i said in tears. All these wouldn’t have happen if Erica just listen to us, we would have been in Quebec safe and not in the hospital again. We’re now stuck here without enough money for Erica’s treatment.

I quickly went to Ethan place, i hope i see him or Declan, i badly need their help, i need some money for Erica’s treatment am sure Ethan will help out since he loves her.
I arrived their only to meet his mother who was angry seeing me.

“so you left without coming, leaving the two brothers to fight themselves all because of you,” she said while i kept mute..

but what did she meant by that.

“Declan blame Ethan for trying to take you away from him..,” she said while i gasped.. why will he even think of that, Ethan was just my friend am and trying ha-rd to get over that stupid feelings i have for him.
“i want you to leave and never return, i want you out of my son’s life for good, and never come back to this house again,” she yelled while i creid the more.

“please Ma’am sorry for not coming to work, but am here to continue with my work so i can get some money to complete my sister hospital bill,” i said in tears as i knelt down in front of her, she looked at me then removed some money from her purse and threw it to my face.

“i don’t need you in this house anymore and it’s for your own good. Stay away for my son,” she said while i nooded then picked up the money.

“thank you ma’am,” i said in more tears before leaving. I guess she’s right.. a lowlife like me has nothing to do with Ethan and Declan, i shouldn’t have meet anyone of them in the first place.

I quickly went to the hospital to settle Erica’s bill, i was still worried because she’s still not awake.. mom kept on crying and it making me to cry the more too.

… Later in the evening i got some food for mom and Aunt to eat while i called Ethan fortunately for me he picked up my call.

“Ethan, let meet at your favorite place, the queen’s garden now,” i said then hanged up without waiting for what he will say. I quickly left mom and aunt, i hope Erica get well soon so we can leave here sooner, i guess mom was right when she said they’re enemies within. I arrived at the garden still waiting for Ethan, i just hope he showed up.

“Chloe..” i heard his voice, i really miss him so much.

“you’ve made it, i thought you’ll not gonna come,” i said wiping away the tears in my eyes.
“Chloe, why would you have to leave, i was sick worried about you? he asked as he took a step forward to me.

“This the only way i have to create peace between you and your brother Declan, am sorry Ethan your mom was the one that gave money, for me to leave and never return and that’s what exactly am gonna do, i have to do this for the sake of Erica and also for everyone,” she said.

“to hell with that Chloe, to hell with Declan, don’t tell me you were deceive by the money she gave you.. please don’t leave,” he pleaded.

“and that’s exactly what i want to do, i was never part of the picture in the first place Ethan, i can’t keep forcing myself on people who doesn’t want or appreciates what i do,” i said in a low tone with much sadness in her heart.

“what now? are you gonna leave, you weren’t even picking up my calls nor replying to messages,” Ethan asked so pissed off.

“atleast you still have Jasmine. I will miss you so such,” i said as i touched his cheeks then smile throu-ghmy tears and quickly turn to leave.

“Chloe.. please don’t go, i promise to get you a new job somewhere in a good company, please don’t just leave,” Ethan pleaded in a cracking voice but i didn’t say anything, i hurriedly left in tears, i even forgot to tell him about Erica, i stopped a taxi back to the hospital tears kept flowing down my eyes, i was seated closed to the window in the bus, the cool breeze caress my hair which covered my face,

it makes me remember those little memories i shared with Ethan but i have to let go for either Erica or Jasmine… afterall that what big sis should always do,

to make sacrifice. Everything happen so fast, the bus lose control of itself then clash with a coming trailer. The accident was fatal which someone could hardly survive.. And the only one i could think of was my mom.. what will be her fate… if am gone.. and also Erica who’s still not awake…


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