Fate - S01 E37

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Fate - S01 E37

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 37


Ethan’s POV

I slowly open my eyes and felt my head aching… i had terrible day yesterday, i open my eyes fully and notice i slept off at the sitting room with my head on the table and bottles of champagne, i was so drunk last night.

“mom… i called then stood up and went straight to my room, i remember the dream i had last night… who are they? and why will they kill me… I went downstairs to look for mom.. i was scared about the dream i had.. that was terrible.

“Ethan,” mom called and walked up to me.

“you were drunk last night and slept off here, what happen? mom asked.

“i confronted Jasmine because of her stupidity and i came back home angry about the whole thing… i also had a nightmare,” i said.

“i was murdered in the dream and you couldn’t stop crying… you said you have lots of things to tell me,” i said while arched an eye brow at me.

“that was only a dream son, you need freshen up and have some rest,” mom said but i cut her off.

“mom are you hiding anything from me? just tell me and am ready to help,” i said while she looked guilty all of a sudden.
“am sorry son but am not hiding anything,” she said hugging me, i feel she’s hiding something.

“mom.. can you just stop acting this… and why will you have to chase Chloe away by giving her money? i aksed again.

“because she badly need it… i was only trying to help,”
“help! did you just said help.. mom what the heck is all this? i asked pissed off.

“look Ethan i want you to know everything i did was for you, was for you to have a good life and comfortable life… i have told you my story right… i didn’t grew up from a rich family… i was as poor and the good for nothing husband i married couldn’t even take care of me… and that’s how we ended up losing our son,” mom said wiping away her tears.

“it okay mom… i understand so was that the reason you married the man who doesn’t even love you? i asked while she looked at me.

“no Ethan, i guess you won’t understand any of this for now.. just go and freshen up i’ll make you breakfast,” she said while i smile a bit then walked to my room.

?Declan’s POV?

Today was such a busy day and we were done with the presentation at work, i can’t wait to go back home, to see Chloe and of course Ethan.
“have some coffee dad,” i said while he nodded.

“dad..am still confuse about what you told me,” i said.
“i know you’ll never understand me…,” dad said angrily.

“of course i do… i was just wondering why you were spying on Chloe at the first place… does that mean you don’t trust her? i asked while he smiled.

“Declan.. ever since you were kids and ever since your mom was alive we never had any maid, nanny or any house help for you… i don’t like that and your mother also don’t like the idea… we sometimes eat at the nearby restaurant or order something till now… so i kept wondering why Ethan will employ that girl.. i was sensitive and have to find out who the girl really is,” dad said while i nodded.

“but.. to be honest i can’t do what you ask me to do,” i said while he looked at me with so much anger then stood up.
“impossible Declan… i won’t allow you to be with that girl, neither will i allow her with Ethan.. it for your own sake but if you insist then so be it,” he said while i sighed.

“are you having anything against her.. or are hiding something from me? i asked.

“no.. but if you insist then so be it,” he said while i nodded. So Chloe lied to us about who truly she is.. maybe she even forgot she once had friend when we were kids… well i don’t expect her to remember cos it being some years now. My phone rang and the caller is Ethan.
“hi Ethan,” i said into the phone.
“Declan… longtime… you’ve not being picking up my calls my lately,” he said while i chuckle.
“did you miss me already.. it just two weeks now and we are planing to come back by next week,” i said.

“how’s dad?

“dad and i are doing well.. so have you heard from Chloe or are you trying to snatch her away from me,” i said sternly.
“De..clan.. we need to talk about but not on phone… i need to tell you something,” he said while i was curious.. what will he tell me.

“just tell me now… cos no one can predict the future, who knows maybe by tomorrow you won’t be alive or i won’t be alive.. so just tell me,” i said with a smirk.


nothing bad will gonna happen.. i can’t tell you this phone.. i need to see you before i will be able to say it,” he said.

“okay then, i hope is a good news,” i said then hanged up. What will he tell me? is he now gonna tell me about his mother who killed my mom, or about Chloe or what else…. Well i will soon be back to hear whatever he have to say.

?Chloe’s POV?

Erica helped me sat down on the chair while aunt Cecily ma-ssage my ankle which was untie with the bandage.

“it so painful aunt.. ” i said wincing in pain.

“just a little more… you’ll soon get better,” Erica cooed.
“don’t you want us to go back to Quebec again, we all are waiting for you to recover fully and be able to walk without using those crutches,” aunt Cecily said while i smile. But i think i don’t like the idea of going back to Quebec again.. i need to see Ethan.. he hasn’t showed up.. maybe he doesn’t truly love me as he said.

“i never thought i will survive this… i thought i was going to die because the accident was fatal and some people lose their lives,” i said amidst of tears.

“Chloe.. i have always believe you’re strong girl just like your mother, thank goodness nothing bad happen to you,” aunt Cecily said while i smile then looked up at Erica who was wasn’t smiling, she seems to be lost in her thought.

“Erica are you okay? i asked while she nodded.

“sure, am just worried about our family… i wonder who are those people against us,” she said sadly.

“this isn’t over yet Erica.. cos we still need to find out who killed both my grandparents and hurt my mom and also who are those people that murdered your parents,” i said.

“but… how can we know all this.. i mean we don’t even have any clue about who is behind this.. we’re not even rich. We are still in dark because we don’t know who our enemies are,” she said while i nodded, she’s right we don’t even know where to start all this from cos we have no clue of anything..even mom doesn’t know anything about those unknown people.

“am home,” i heard mom voice as she walked in happily and i wonder why she seems happy.

“welcome mom,” i and Erica said almost same time.

“guess who we have here? mom asked

“who? is it Jasmine? i asked
“no..” mom said sadly while i sighed, then raise my head and saw Sebastain walked in… it quiet some time now.. i thought he’ll never come back to us, i guess he’s a good person just as mom said.

“he’s back.. and has decided to help us,” mom said.

“you’re welcome to our family then,” Erica said dramatically then hu-gged him and he seems surprise.

“are you sure am welcome? he asked looking at me while i smile.

“don’t worry Sir, i think i also like you,” i said while he smile.

“am really sorry about everything, about what happen to you, how are you feeling now? he asked while i smile.. i guess this the first time in a life i have ever get to feel the love of a father… he seems so concern about me and i feel happy about that… i wish i have a father.

“am doing better,” i replied with a smile.

“Chloe… once you’ve recovered fully i will like you to work in one of my company you and your sister Erica,” he said while i was surprise, i looked at home who just smile at me and Erica was so happy too.

“are you serious… this what i have been looking for a year now… i needed to get a good job to help my family, thank you so much sir,” i said with tears, i wanted to stand up and hug him but i can’t because of my leg.

“i guess you’re a God sent Mr. Sebastain,” Erica said happily.

“thank you very much Sebastain, let have dinner together,” Aunt Cecily suggested. I guess our troubles are over now.

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