Fate - S01 E34

Story 1 month ago

Fate - S01 E34

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 34

Chloe’s POV

I can’t believe i have to argue about this with Erica, i don’t know the boyfriend she was referring to was Ethan. I can’t believe this! I wipe away my tears then peep throu-ghthe window and saw her seated under a tree, i really don’t know what push me to tell her about me loving Ethan, i have to let go of all this..

“Chloe,” i heard mom voice as she walked in, i quickly wipe away my tears then fake a smile.

“mom,” i said with a sad smile.
“Chloe… i heard your voices earlier with Erica… did you two had a fight? she asked while i nodded.

“no mom, just a little misunderstanding,” i said sadly and i felt tears already in my eyes.

“where’s Erica? mom asked.
“mom..am really sorry.. i have wrong Erica and she’s mad at me,” i said in tears then hu-gged her while she hu-gged me back.

“.. you two had a fight? mom asked while i nodded.

“kinda of… Erica is in love with Ethan and… i.. i..

“you love him too…? mom questioned as if she knows it already.

“yes mom,” i nodded while she held my hand.

“so are you two gonna let a guy ruin your relationship with your sister, the sister you’ve been together ever since you were kids? mom asked.
“of course not, i won’t allow it mom… i don’t even love Ethan again, Erica can have him to herself just to keep our relationship as sister. Mom i have lost Jasmine and i don’t want to lose Erica as my sister too, she deserves to be loved afterall this what love is all about… all about hurt..” i said in tears.

“calm down Chloe… i can’t believe you love Ethan… the Ethan i knew… what about Declan? and beside i don’t want you to have anything to do with those two kids,” mom said while i looked at her.
“but mom, i thought you like them? i asked while she nodded.

“of course i do and i have always thought of seeing them but i have a bad feeling about this.. but i won’t stop you from loving the one you love.. just that am so confuse to know that Erica also love him,” mom said sadly.

“not only Erica.. but also Jasmine,” i said while mom was surprise.

“what a twist,”
“yes mom, that’s why am ready to let go. Whenever we love we only end up getting hurt afterall Ethan doesn’t even love me,” i said.

“it okay… Chloe.. i will just talk to Erica,” mom said then walked out. I heaved a sighed of relief, i don’t know why i even love Ethan, that was so stupid of me. But to be honest i love Ethan at first sight, the first day he turn out to my hero by saving me from my boss at the restaurant. I was in tears when i raise up my head and saw the handsome dude that save me, so ever since then i don’t know what feeling was that. I don’t want to fall in love and now that i have’nt even go anywhere with the so called love am already hurt.

Erica walked in with mom and i wonder what mom told her, she rushed to me then hu-gged me.

“it okay Chloe.. you’re still my sister we can’t let this to seperate us, right? she asked while i smiled.

“thank you Erica and to be honest with you.. i think i don’t love Ethan again, am sorry for breaking your heart… afterall Ethan doesn’t even love me but you,” i said while she smile sadly.

“whatever… just know that we are sisters and i won’t let this seperate us, thank you mom,” she said to mom then hug her.
“okay, i will leave you two to rest, please no more quarell,” mom said while i nodded then she left.

“are we now okay? i asked while she nodded then sat down on the bed beside me.
“am sorry Chloe… am sure you know how i react when am angry, am very sorry i just couldn’t hold it because i love Ethan so much… please Chloe you should promise to make him mine… i just need your support,” she said while i nodded then picked up my pillow and turn to the left side to sleep but i couldn’t sleep. What about Jasmine? i thought she love Ethan too, well i just hope this won’t lead to anything.

?Jasmine’s POV?

I, dad, mom and Sean are already at France for our vacation, it was so much fun but to me it not fun because i miss Ethan and i can’t believe he was cheating… It a good thing Francis immedaitely called me when he saw that stupid bi-tch with Ethan. Am gonna teach her a lesson of her life. I quickly picked up my phone and video call Francis.. only him can help me for now.
“Hey babe,” he said while i frown.

“Jasmine.. you look so fresh… i hope you guys are coming soon? he asked while i rolled my eyes.

“Francis.. i know you love me but if you want me to love you back then you need to help me eliminate that stupid girl forcing herself on Ethan, i want you to kill her,” i said angrily.
“huh… kill? Jasmine.. did i look like one of those thugs… am not that type and you can’t used me to do your evil you know,” he said while i frown.

“okay.. get me information about her, i want to teach her a lesson,” i said with a smirk.
“that’s not right..

“if you won’t help me then forget about me, you silly thing,” i yelled at him the hanged up. I was so angry.. Francis is so stupid.. i quickly dailled Rogers number, thank goodness i have lots of connection.

“Rogers i need your help,” i said with a smirk.

No one dares to come my way and go scot free. I sipped my drink then picked up my towel and went back to the house, i meet dad and Sean playing a game, i walked pa-ssed them to mom’s room.

“mom.. don’t you think it high time, we get to know about Camille… you know my nanny haven’t heard from her ever since she left working at the orphanage,” i said while mom smiled.

“i still don’t believe Camille is still alive after everything she pa-ssed throu-gh… don’t ever believe whatever she said to you Jasmine. Well it a good thing she has not come into our lives yet,” mom Karen said while i nodded.. she better don’t come to our lives.

“dad has vow to make her regret it if she dare tries any nonsense, afterall am not a kid and i will never follow her,” i said with a smirk.
Ethan’s POV?

I don’t know why the heck Declan acted all sad and refuse to talk to me throu-ghout the whole day, moreover i didn’t see Chloe and i wonder what wrong with her.

“Declan, why the heck are you avoiding me, you’re not talking to me as we used too,” i said behind him while he stopped then looked at me with an angry eyes and before i kenw it, he punch me so ha-rd on her face, making my li-ps to bleed.
“what was that for? i yelled touching my li-ps.

“for trying to make Chloe.. love you. I saw everything yesterday Ethan.. why did you took her to their and why were you staring at her that way,” he yelled at me.

“she’s just a friend.. don’t be so carzy about this,” i yelled at him in anger.

“who knows maybe it because of you she refused to accept my proposal… did you love her? he yelled.

“Declan.. just know that i was the first one to bring her in here so stop acting like it my fault she rejected you, that non of my business,” i yelled when dad walked in.

“are you two fighting over that maid? he asked as if he has already heard us.

“it your son, your favorite son who’s in love with her,” i yelled pointing at Declan while dad looked more furious.

“i can’t believe you two will stoop this low to fight over her, afterall she’s a lowlife and a bastard,” dad yelled.

“no dad, maybe it your favorite son who’s a bastard,” i yelled still pointing at Declan before i realise dad slapped me ha-rd on my cheeks.

“Ethan, i have heard enough of your stubborness and you Declan, if you have anything to do with that girl you better stop,” he yelled looking at me then to Declan.

“i won’t allow any one of you be in relationship with that girl and that’s final,” he ranted, i hurriedly left and open the door but bumped into mom am sure she’s shocked to see the blood and cut on my li-ps but i just looked at her then walked pa-ssed her. I can’t believe Declan will easily believe am taking Chloe away from him, don’t he see it that am trying ha-rd to forget about her and that stupid feelings i have for her.

Declan’s POV?

“What happen to my son, who did that to my son? Ethan’s stupid mother came in asking , i kept quiet and dad also kept quiet.

“Lynn it better you go ask your stupid son,” dad while she glare at us before going out. I can’t believe Ethan will betray me, i thought he’ll support me, i thought he’ll help me get Chloe but he’s trying to make her fall for him in my absence, who knows if he’s even in love with her. I love Chloe so much and am gonna have her.

“Declan… did Ethan said the right thing? are you in love with Chloe? dad asked while i kept mute.

“Declan.. i will never allow that, you’re my first son you can chose any other girl but not Chloe… it for your own good,” he said.

“which good?…i guess it high time i chose for myself. I love Chloe and that’s final,” i said then walked out of him, am damn angry right now, i feel so heart broken. I can’t believe Chloe turn down my proposal… she said she doesn’t even feel anything for me.

Ethan’s POV

I arrived at my favorite garden, this where i always come whenever am sad, or feel so down. Here makes me feel so relief, i stare at the beautiful trees, flowers and views. They waterfront parks are amazing from the floral sculptures. I don’t know why dad hate me ever since i was a kid, maybe because my mom wasn’t his wife… and Declan i can’t believe he got me injured just because of his so call jealousy… is he jealous because he saw me with Chloe… we are just friends and i didn’t intend to take her away from him, why he so pissed all of a sudden. I gently touched my li-ps and it really hurts plus the slap dad gave me. I picked up my phone and called Chloe to ask why she hasn’t been at work but she wasn’t picking up my calls, i wonder if she’s okay or not. I saw mom calls but i refuse to picked it up, i just want to be alone and if their’s anyone i would like to talk to right now is Chloe… i love her so much.. right from the first day i meet her and that’s the reason i said the only way i would help her aunt was for her to work as a house help, maybe i will get to know her better and see her everyday. I know my intentions for her at the first place was kinda bad but knowing her this much i realise how much i love her but i guess i was too late because Declan is also in love with her… and i have to let go to make peace between us.

I arrived home later in the evening when i was feeling okay and also ready to talk to Declan i just hope he’s still not mad at me.

“Ethan! mom called then quickly rushed to me and touched my li-ps.

“are you okay… who hurt you dear? she asked so concerned.
“you were not picking up my calls,” mom said.

“mom am fine, where’s Declan? i asked.

“did you two had a fight? she asked while i walked pa-ssed her, am already getting fade up with her questions. I saw Declan at the balcony and walked up to him.

“are you still mad.. at me or mad because Chloe turn you down? i asked while i saw the hurt in his eyes.

“am willing to help Declan, just trust me,” i said while he looked at me before leaving without saying anything. I blame myself for everything.. i shouldn’t have even employ Chloe to work here.. all thse wouldn’t have happen. My phone rang and i quickly picked it up from my trouser pocket, i was just hoping is Chloe and i was disappointed when i saw Erica as the caller. I didn’t pick up the call when i remember what happen at the club.. Jasmine and Erica fought! i don’t want anyone to get hurt so it better i leave them both. I walked up to my room to freshen up.

Declan’s POV⏩

I shouldn’t have hurt Ethan maybe he’s trying to act the nice brother. I was just angry, so angry, Chloe turn down my proposal and the next thing was to see her with my brother enjoying themselves behind my back… did she love him? did she have a some feelings for him? is she confused on who to chose? Millions of questions kept runing throu-ghmy mind.. all i know is that i love Chloe.. and now here is dad talking nonsense about her. Well it high time i chose for myself, all my life it was dad who always make decision for me but not anymore. I love Chloe and nothing will gonna change that, i wonder why she haven’t come today, i just hope everything is fine, i miss her already. I kept calling her but she wasn’t picking up my call.
One week later…⏩

Chloe’s POV⏩

I, Erica, mom and Aunt Cecily got our things ready. Mom said we’re going to back to Quebec and i was happy about that but at the same time i feel so sad. Declan has been calling me throu-ghout this one week even Ethan has being calling but i refuse to pick up their calls. I don’t like those two guys again, i have nothing to do with them, i don’t want to end up getting hurt. I quit working and it a good thing non of them know my address, so non of them will get to find me here and for Erica she didn’t say anything when mom said we’re going back to Quebec, am sure we gonna get a better job their and maybe start another fresh life… but what about our plan to get Jasmine… and prove Mr. Anton wrong. Mom said we should just forget about thim and moved on with our lives and i feel maybe it for the best, maybe that’s our fate.?

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