Fate - S01 E33

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Fate - S01 E33

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 33

Ethan’s POV?

After work i came to the club with my friends Greg, Bernard and i also get to meet Francis, it quite a long time with him. We attended same high school back then and he has always loved Jasmine but then i was too protective because i love her too, at last i was able to won her heart and Francis was heart broken he left. Well it now an opportunity to have her for himself because i no longer love Jasmine. Erica called me again and i picked up.

“where are you, we need to talk? she said.

“okay then meet me at the club,” i said before hanging up, i just want to be alone but she kept pestering my life.

“So Francis, what’s up with you and Jasmine,” i said while he looked at me sadly.

“she still so stubborn and vow to get you for herself,” he said while i smiled.

“Jasmine will never back down, well let see how is goes,” i said then gulped my drink and girls came over, they thought i will still get interested in them like before, but i shun them.

“hey dude, won’t you get one for tonight,” Greg said while i glare at him.

“i don’t need anyone for now,” i said.

“Ethan,” i heard a sweet voice then looked up it was Erica, she looked so hot and beautiful, but all the same am not interedted in her nor anyone, i want to be alone.

“Ethan we need to talk and it private,” she said while i looked at my friends who were staring at her.

“okay then,” i said then stood up then dragged her to the other table. I can’t believe Erica dressed like this, she look so hot, did she dressed like this to attra-ct me, i smile at the thought.

“Ethan, i don’t know why the hell you’re avoiding,

i thought you love me, please stop avoiding me,’ She said while i held her hand.

“am not avoiding you, i just want to be alone. I don’t love you Erica, we’re just friends, just good friends, am sure you gonna have someone who will like you so much,” i said while i saw the hurt in her eyes.

‘i thought you love me Ethan, are you still inlove with Jasmine? i thought you said she was your past,” she said while i nodded.

“yes and i don’t love anyone for now,” i said but was surprise to see her ki-ssing me, trailing her fingers on my ch-est down to my stomach.

“Erica.. what the heck is wrong with you,” I yelled then pushed her away.

“i respect you so much Erica, what the heck is all this,” i said feeling so disgusted with her.
“if this what will make me love you then am willing to give you all of me, i love you so much Ethan, am all yours you can have me throu-ghout this whole night if this is what will make you fall for me,”

She said trying to ki-ss me while i looked at her in surprise, did she love me this much but why will she have to appear so cheap like this. This time she was ki-ssing me so ha-rd and her grip on me was tight. Is she gonna ra-pe me or what? I pushed her away from me but i was surprise to see Jasmine who slapped her so ha-rd on her cheeks while Erica got angry and dragged her hair. How the heck did Jasmine came here all of a sudden!
“you bitc-h, he’s my boyfriend stop forcing yourself on him,” Jasmine yelled at her while Erica yelled back.

“he’s done with you too, because he’s your ex and he don’t love you,” Erica yelled while Jasmine raise her hand to slapped her but Erica held it back and pushed Jasmine, i thought she was gonna fall to the ground but Francis held her.

“hey you two bitc-h, you both disgust me, i don’t like anyone of you,” i yelled at them while Jasmine shoot me a glare. I walked pa-ssed them then picked up my car keys on the table and drove back home.


Erica’s POV?

I arrived back home so angry with myself, Chloe kept asking questions which got me more annoyed.

“are you fine Erica.. did anyone hurt you? hope nothing bad happen..bla..bla..bla…

“shut up Chloe, just let me be,” i yelled at her for the first time, i was just angry with myself. I never knew her ssiter Jasmine was a bitc-h, she’s so stupid and a trouble maker, am gonna show her the other side of me because i truly love Ethan and am willing to give him my everything i won’t let her have him to herself.

“good night,” Chloe said in a low and i felt bad shouting at her, she was just trying to know if am fine but her stupid sister Jasmine just ruined my night, i would have sed-uce Ethan and have him to myself tonight.

?Chloe’s POV?

The next morning, i was ready to leave when Erica stopped me, she look so sad and i kept wondering why she came home so angry.

“am sorry Chloe, i was just angry and you kept on asking silly questions, it got me more angry that’s why i yelled at you,” she said, i smiled then pulled her closer for a hug.
“am not angry at you Erica i was just worried about you,” i said while she smiled.

“thank you then,” she said while i smile a bit before leaving.

⏩ ..I arrived at Ethan’s place and was glad seeing both him and Declan but Declan wasn’t looking so happy. I made breakfast and as usual they ask me to eat with them but i refuse especially with the way Ethan’s mom usually glare at me and their father Nicholas, i don’t like him even one bit, even thou he’s trying to act nice.

I sat down by the pool staring at the large swimming pool when Declan came and sat next to me making my heart skip a bit.

“do you wanna swim? he asked.

“of course not, i don’t even know how to swim,” i said while he smiled then held my hand.
“then i will teach you,” he said while i looked at him.

“oh.. it too early for this… i don’t want to get myself drench,” i said while he smiled.

“don’t worry we gat lots of dresses in this house,” he said.
“okay then, i don’t want to swim,” i said while just stare at me for while.

“i love you Chloe and you got to believe and know am serious,” he said in a serious tone.

“Declan please don’t feel sad about this.. i want you to know everything happens for a reason. Its not your fault that you’ve fallen for me and it also not my fault… cos my heart doesn’t feel the same way for you… we can still be friends,” i said while i saw the hurt in his eyes.

“Chloe..” he muttered in a low tone then stood up, he eyes were already filled with tears. He left without saying anything, i know he must be so angry he can’t blame me for that, my heart isn’t pointing at him.

Few minutes later, Declan came out from his room well dressed with his dad, i guess they are going for work, i quickly avoid his gaze until they left. I can’t believe i hurt him…but he should try to understand me… Why can’t i love him back.. i slap myself.
Few hours on… ⏩Ethan walked in happily and i wonder why he seems so happy.

“Chloe, aren’t you feeling so bored, let go to the vineyard,” he said while i stood up, afterall i was also feeling bored and need someone to talk to..or somewhere to go to.. should i tell Ethan about Declan.. but.. or maybe Declan told him everything already.

Ethan took me to a large plantation, the sight look so beautiful and i couldn’t believe it when he said this belongs to Mr. Anton. I never knew my father was this rich. Why am i even calling him my dad.. well Anton.

“so what are we doing here? i asked him.

“you see those fruit.. they fermentation process are complete and its now time to extract the liqiud from the fruits especially gra-pes,” he said while i smiled, i turn around and saw many workers, everything was arranged cos there were lights on poles in a circle around the trou-ghs, they were all filled with gra-pes and also their’s enough water to our wash feet with.
“it nice,” i smiled while he smile too.

“the Santagio winery is rated as the best and has the best wine in the country, Sir Anton is good in business with the help of his wife Karen, that woman is also a genius, she’s good in business” he said while i smile sadly, so what if my mom is still with him will his business be still like this.

“Chloe, let get started, let wash our feet,” he said while i followed him to wash my feet, they were lots of workers and i guess this will gonna be so much fun.

Everyone stepped into the gra-pes trou-ghs and the music was played, i turn around and saw the workers dancing happily as the stepped on the gra-pes which make noises.

“where’s Jasmine, won’t she get mad when she sees me with you,” i asked while he smiled then held my hands, his touch was different, it sent shivers down my spine and i sometimes wonder if he feel the same too.

“Jasmine is busy with her family and Sir Anton make me incharge of this cos tomorrow he’s going on a vacation with his family,” he said while i nodded, he held my hands more tight as we stepped on the gra-pes making me smile for no reason.

“so much fun right? he asked while i laughed.

“it tickles,” i said laughing again, while he also laughed. The music seems so nice and i really enjoyed the moment, Ethan and i end up staring at each other for a long time, making me forget about everything.

“It so much fun,” i said to avoid his stare which is sending lots of bu-tterflies in my tommy, his stare is also having effect on me, i don’t know what to call this feeling. OMG i yelled, i wanted to fall because those gra-pes tickles but i was caught immedaitely by Ethan and our face almost touched.
“don’t be clumsy.. Chloe. I remember back those days when i was a kid, Sir Anton will bring us here, it was me, Jasmine, Declan and Chloe..” he said sadly.

“who’s Chloe again? i asked while he looked so sad.

“Jasmine sister, well we use to do this together with our little feets and we end up sli-pping down on the gra-pes, we just mess things around, i really miss those days,” he said while i smile a bit.

“so Jasmine has a sister, where is she? i asked.

“i once told you this… she bar-es the same name with you, i sometimes wonder if you’re the one,” he said while i hit his shoulder playfully..

“i can’t be a sister to that rude girl you know i sometimes wonder why you once fall for her at the first place,” i said while he frown then looked at me.

“that was all in the past, i don’t want to talk about it” he said,” he said while i stare at him, this time i just want to keep on looking at his handsome face it makes me so happy.


Erica’s POV?

I arrived to Ethan’s house with the hope of seeing Ethan and also Chloe but i meet no one except his brother who just came back from work or somewhere, he told me that Ethan must be at the plantation so he took me their, i need to see Ethan, i love him so much and not gonna let anyone take him away from me, i need to tell him how much i love him and am willing to give him what he need. We arrived their and i must say the plantation was huge, everyone was busy stepping on the gra-pes and my eyes were searching for my Ethan. what! I saw him with Chloe… my sister, what the heck is she doing with him, i turn to look at Declan, i remember when Chloe told me about Declan confessing his love for her, he look so hurt seeing them like that.

Ethan was holding Chloe’s hands and they were staring de-ep at each other, it as if they just confess their love for each other, they look as if they’re madly in love and they way Ethan was staring at her was killing me. First it Jasmine and it Chloe her Sister, i thought she said she doesn’t want to have a boyfriend, so what they hell is she doing with him, is this what she usually do.. was this the reason she don’t want to quit working at their house… I was so angry and i quickly left leaving angry Declan still standing looking at them like a fool. I ran back home in tears. Why am i so

unlucky…first i end up being an orphan just because of her mother and now the one i love couldn’t love me just they way i do because of her, i was so much hurt, i love Ethan so much. I cried until i got tired and slept off. Later in the eveing Chloe arrived home smiling, i could tell she was happy, did Ethan loves her? or were they just friends? and why is she smiling..or did she now realise that she’s in love but inlove with who..? Declan or ETHAN.

“Erica,” she called my name happily but i replied with a fake smile.

“i went to see how you’re doing at Ethan’s place but saw you at the plantation with him,” i said while her smile faded away.

“huh.. yes but why didn’t you call me on phone? she asked.

“Chloe please tell me the truth,” i said ignoring her question.

“i saw you with Ethan earlier, you guys were staring at each other.. did you love him.. are you sure it him you love and not Declan? i asked while she looked at me.

“i don’t know” she said plainly making me more annoyed.

“tell me Chloe… did you love Ethan, just tell me who your heart beat for? i yelled while she almost flinch and look at me in surprise.

“what? why they hell are you angry all of a sudden? she asked.

“did you love Ethan… or did Ethan love you..? i asked again.
“do you really want to know? she asked while i nodded.

“yes.. Erica, i thought i was never gonna fall in love but my silly heart couldn’t stop thinking of Ethan, it couldn’t stop beating for him each time i see him,

i love him so much right from the fist day he saved me from my boss, i tried so ha-rd to get rid of it but i keep on loving him the more, i have to get rid of that feelings because i can’t betray Declan, cos he’ll be so much hurt, Jasmine also love Ethan… maybe what i have for Ethan is not even love but infatuation…maybe i love him because he’s handsome but …

my heart keeps pointing at him..my heart chose him.. what now! why were you asking? she asked with tears filled up in her eyes. Now i understand why she enjoyed working their, to get close to my Ethan.

“then you better get rid of that stupid infatuation you called love.. because Ethan is the one i have being telling you as my boyfriend.. he’s my boyfriend and i also love him so much,” i yelled while i saw the look on her face, she was speechless and seems shocked.

“yes i love Ethan and am not gonna share him with anybody not even your sister Jasmine,” i ranted while her eyes widen the more. I quickly rushed outside to get some fresh air, i can’t believe Chloe will fall in love with Ethan don’t she know how much i love him so much. I sat under a tree and let my tears flow down freely. Am not gonna share Ethan with those two sisters! I deserved to be happy…alone!?

what a twist…?

what did you think…??

next episode after??

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