Fate - S01 E31

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Fate - S01 E31

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 31

Ethan’s POV?

“cool down bro.. why the heck are you angry at this conversation, i just need your support, i want to let Chloe knows how i feel about her. Am really sure about my feelings for her. Ethan you know me too well that i have never in my whole life being in any serious relationship, you know when am serious or not,” Declan said while i sighed.

“am sorry, i don’t know what came over me, i have a bad day at work, Jasmine kept pestering my life she was all over me,” i muttered feeling so stupid for getting angry.

“i understand you Declan, and i withdrew back all i said to Chloe. I was so foolish to said i only wanted her in my bed, i came to realise that she’s not that kind of girl,” i said then turn to leave.

“thank you Ethan, atleast you’ve realise your mistakes. I just hope Chloe also feel the same for me,” he said while i nodded then went upstairs to check on mom, i meet her crying. I heard voices earlier when i and Declan was talking.

“mom, did you and dad quarell? i asked while she shook her head then hug-ged me.

“i love you so much Ethan please don’t leave me, everything i did was for your sake because i love you so much and i want a brighter future for you,” she cried and that make me confused.

“mom.. what all these about, what happen? what did dad say to you? i asked then disengaged from the hug.

“nothing, please Ethan promise never to leave me,” she said wiping away her tears.

“look mom, you’re my mother and i love you so much, i don’t just understand why you keep on saying you do everything for me, for my sake, what the heck did you do? i asked while she moved closer then held my hands.

“no..thing…, i just want you to know i love you,” she said while i smile sadly then ki-ssed her on her forehead.

“i love you too, i need to go,” i said then went to my room. What the heck is mom saying.. that’s weird!

I took my bath then put on something casual. I saw a call from Sarah, the girl we meet at the club and ever since then she has been disturbing me with her calls. Am done and dusted with all those fuc-king girls, i hate them all. My phone rang and i picked the call

it was Erica calling. Why the heck is she so disturbing also. For the past two days i haven’t been picking up her calls. I thought i felt something for her, but hell no, not after what Jasmine did to me. Erica should be thankful i haven’t even touch her, so this damn friendship is over, i was serious when i say i need to be alone. What Declan said also weaken my spirit, he loves Chloe! I don’t why i kept on thinking about Chloe, she can’t seems to get off my mind, her beautiful face, full pink li-ps, her shape, smile, her dimple, her long black hair and beautiful eyes. Anyway i hope Declan find true love in her, because i know he’s serious, seems he love her so much.

Erica’s call came again, i recieved the call this time.
“what the heck was that call for,” i yelled.

“E..than.. is this you? she asked kinda surprise i guess.

“sure. Erica i want to be alone, just let me be,” i said.

“huh! it your Erica,” She said while i hanged up then switched off my phone, those bitc-hes will never stop calling. I guess my phone will be off for sometime.

Chloe’s POV

Erica wipe away her tears then stared at her phone, i was done setting the dining table when i notice the tears in her eyes.
“Erica, are you crying? i asked while she quickly fake a smile.

“am fine,” she replied.
“just feel free to tell me everything… did anything bad happen to you? i asked.

“Its my boyfriend or maybe i should say my friend, i don’t know the sudden change, anyway am fine,” she said trying to for-ce a smile.

“and you love him right? i asked while she nodded.

“you see that what i hate about love. You will only end up getting hurt. Nothing good comes out of love,” i said sadly.

“but Chloe, mom always told us, love is sweet when you’re with the right person and i believe that, i so much love this guy and am gonna do everything i can to have him,”
she said.

“just becareful dear. Don’t for-ce yourself on people, but just try to follow what your heartbeat says,” i said while she nodded. Just then i heard giggles and mom and someone walked in, they love so happy and is as if they knew each other for years. I can’t believe it the man who try to hurt her.

“welcome mom,” i said almost same time with Erica.

“meet Sebastain my friend,” mom introduce.

“nice meeting you sir,” Erica said while i rolled my eyes, mom glare at me while i just smile back at him. When have the become friends.

“dinner is ready Sebastain, you need to eat before leaving,” mom said while he smile, looking at me then to Erica.

“you have beautiful daughters, Anton was so foolish to have let go of Chloe,” he said while i looked at mom. She already told him everything what if he’s evil? what if he’s our enemy? I went to call aunt Cecily in her room to come for dinner.

“who cook this meal? Sebastain asked.

“i did, is delicious right? Erica she said smiling.

“you must be so lucky,” Sebastain said. After dinner he stayed for some time before leaving, it was lively for us and Erica was grining throu-ghout his whole jokes, i also found myself laughing. It as if we are family and imagine him as my dad. I just have to accept the true fact that i can never have a complete family. But i think i like Sebastain all because of his jokes, he’s not like those rich men who are always proud of themselves.

“i need to leave, to get my things ready i’ll be travelling to Mexico,” he said then stood up.
“thank you Sebastain,” mom said while he smiled.

“am still coming back, i just need to handle something, for like two weeks,” he said a-ssuring her.

“ok then,” mom said then turn to me and Erica.

“let me see him off,” she said then went out with him.

“he looks so rich, thank goodness mom has a rich boyfriend,” Erica said smiling.
“huh.. he’s not her boyfriend, they’re just freinds,” i qucikly said.

“stop being too paranoid Chloe. This man can change our whole lives, you’ll stop working as a maid and get a good job for yourself,” she said while i rolled my eyes. Mom walked in then sat down on the couch.

“today was such a long day… Sebastain seems so nice,” mom said with a smile.

“so…is everyone thinking what am thinking? Aunt Cecily asked smiling.

“he’s just a friend, and he promise to help me out, he promise to help us get Jasmine and also let Anton knows that your his real daughter, i just want Jasmine to know am not the bad mother she thinks i am” mom said while i looked at her sadly.

“I don’t want Anton to be my biological father, mom am afraid am not gonna accept him, remember you said he called me BASTARD,” I said while mom shook her head.
“that’s because he don’t know anything,” she said trying to like defend him.

“mom, let not talk about this, i need some rest,” i said then walked to my room. I laid down on our small bed with Erica and covered myself with our light blanket because it so cold. I kept on thiking about my life. If Anton knows am his biological daughter what will be his reaction? will he cry? will be begg mother and come back to us? our family will be complete but what about his wife and son? So many questions keep coming, just then i remember Ethan then smile. But why the heck is acting so grumpy to me, it seems he don’t like me… and Declan! he seems to like me these days, i can’t believe he sometimes skip work just to stay at home with me.


⏩⏩The next morning after my chores, i make sure i wasn’t late, to avoid Ethan getting angry with me, to be honest i just want to be friends with him, maybe to get him love my sister again so i can be close to her.

I press the door bell and it was Ethan who open the door the for me. He look so handsome, but he’s shirtless putting only his shorts.

“hi.. good morning,” i greeted while he didn’t say anything, he just walked away.

“Chloe,” Declan said with a smiling face while i smile back.

“How are you?

“am fine,” i replied then walked in and dropped my handbag.
“Ethan seems so sad,” i said to him while he shrugged.

“by now you should know Ethan so well,” he said while i just nodded and get on with the cleaning.

An hour later, i was done with cleaning and cooking but Ethan just left without eating, i kinda feel he’s sad.. or maybe he don’t want me to work here again, or is it about Jasmine!

?Jasmine’s POV?

I was still at the club and keep ordering for more drink. Am so frustrated right now, not after what i said to dad and mom last time. I know Dad was so hurt with what i said but what else will i do, i love Ethan i really do. I was so foolish to have think he was cheating back then. I just have to drink to get over everything. Ethan has now turn to a playboy which i don’t know what freaking wrong with his head, girls flock around him and he flirts with them,

but i need to know that particular girl he was with, at the restaurant. Am ready to do anything to have Ethan back to me. Ethan was first mine and i won’t let any slut take him any from me. I stood up and was about leaving, i removed my heels to enable be walk well, because i think am getting out of my sense right now.

“hey s-exy,”

“you look sweet tonight,” two male voice interrupted while i glare at them, one of them held me.

?Francis POV?

I was at the club when i sighted two guys with Jasmine and she look so drunk. I hurriedly went to them.

“let her be,” i said to them while they laughed.

“can’t you see she’s with us,” one of the man said trying to hit me with a bottle while i dodge. I punch the other one, then quickly dragged Jasmine from them.

“if you dare come closer to us, i’ll inform the security men,” i said to them while they laughed then walked away. I dragged Jasmine out to my car and zoomed off to my house with her. I carried her in arms then took her to my bedroom.

“i knew you’ll come to my rescue, i love you so much,” she said while i smile. It better she get over Ethan because i love her so much, ever since we were in high school, but i wonder why she keep on choosing Ethan, maybe they were more closed, or maybe it was just a mere infatuation.

“i love you so much,” she then pulled me back and began to ki-ss to me. I guess she’s just drunk.

“i need to go freshen up,” i said while she pulled me back again and ki-ssed me, this time i ki-ssed her back and we keep on romancing each other, i never knew Jasmine was good at all this, is she doing this because she truly love me, or because she drunk.

“this totally wrong Jas,” i said trying to free myself from her grip. I don’t want to take advantage of her because she’s drunk.

“please stay with me Ethan, i love you so much Ethan, am sorry for leaving,” she muttered while i felt so disappointed.
“am not Ethan you bitc-h,” i yelled at her, then qucikly stood up and left. I so much hurt to hear her say that. Why can’t she love me and me alone, why would she keep on forcing herself on him. I went to my bathroom and freshen up and before i got back to my bedroom she was already asleep.

I sat down next to her and watch her sleep. Ever since in high school Jasmine has always been the proud and arrogant type, can’t she just be humble for once and realise what the world is all about. I ki-ssed her lightly on her li-ps then sleep next to her. I hope she get over Ethan soon and am glad he’s not interested in her, atleast i might have a chance to win her over again and maybe change her… but i can even change Jasmine…. Her phone rang bringing me out of my thought. The caller was her father. He kept calling and calling but i didn’t picked up the called. I just want to enjoy the moment, atleast seeing her beside me is enough for me.

?The next morning i woke up with a slap on my cheeks.
“you silly boy.. what the heck did you did to me,” she yelled at me while i sat down.

“you should be thankful i saved you from those guys who wanted to take advantage of you last night,” i yelled while she looked at me suspicously.
“then why are we on the same bed? she yelled.

“am sorry Jasmine,” i said while she rolled her eyes then stood up.

“you should have take me home instead of this place, now dad and mom will be worried about me,” she ranted picking up her bag and packing her messy hair.

“did anything happen yesterday.. why did i feel like you…

“yes.. Jasmine, you keep on ki-ssing me thinking it was Ethan, i don’t know why you can’t forget Ethan this easily,”

“that’s because he has been part of my life ever since i was a kid,” she yelled then moved closer to me.

“their can never be us Francis, you’re just a friend, not even a friend but an old freind. I don’t like you and i don’t love you either. I can never love you,” she yelled while i sighed sadly, she turn to leave but i held her by her wrist.

“one day you’ll gonna fall in love with someone and that someone might be me but it might be too late when you come back looking for me, i might moved on just the same way Ethan did,” i said while she glare at me then stormed out of my room without even saying a thank you. Jasmine is just something else.

Chloe’s POV?

I and Declan took a stroll at the garden and i could say it so sweet being in a beautiful garden like this.

“so have you ever been to queen’s garden? he asked.
“no.. i really wish to be their…oh yes i remember i have been their only once, Ethan took me their the first time we meet and the garden is so magical,” i said smiling while he keep staring at me.

“De..clan,” i called while he smile then held my hands.
“i want to take you out their whenever you’re ready, that was our best place with Ethan,” he said while i smile. I checked my time it was already six, i was done with everything and about leaving when Declan said he wanted to show me something in their garden.
“i like those pink flowers,” i said pointing it out to him while i pluck one then put it on my hair.

“seems pink is your favorite color? he asked while i nodded.

“Chloe, i need to tell you something. To be honest i don’t want to hold it for a long time because it will keep on distrubing me and am sorry if it’s too early,” he said while i nodded.

“we’re friends now, just feel free to tell me anything,” i said while i smile then held my hands.

“Chloe.. i know it sudden.. but i need to let you know i love.. you.. i really you and am serious about it,” he said while i felt my heart beating fast-er. I don’t believe in this word and beside i don’t want to get hurt like my mom, not only that i don’t love Declan, he’s just a friend, that what i see him.

“i don’t know about your past.. i don’t know if you’ve been hurt before but to be honest i promise never i my whole life to hurt you because i love you so much,” he said still holding my hands while i slide my hands out of his.

“am… sorry Declan,” i said in a low tone then picked up my bag and hurriedly left him their. I know he’ll so much hurt.. but am not ready for any of this…

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