MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 38

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 38


After a very long sleep on his bed she rolled
to the left were he la!d
hoping to hit him but there was nothing in
her way, she looked around and he wasnt
anywhere in the room. She wondered how
she slept that much it was getting dark
already, just then the door flew open.

Me: looks like someone had a wonderful
sleep i said dropping the book i took from
the library on my locker its gonna be a long
night of reading, thats my way of getting
along over the years when i become so
troubled about something or miss someone
(mum) so bad i just stuff my head up with a
lot of books, and like now thats exactly
what i
planned, i knew i couldnt just wipe dera off
my memory but thinking about her was
gonna make me want to keep trying to
apologize, in the end thats gonna make feel
guilty over nothing i did and i wouldnt want
to be that pathetic.

Isabel: yea your bed feels so nice i guess
thats why, it feels
different too she said smiling.

Me: really i could lend you that bed for
another night, thats if you
want i said smiling.

Isabel: really!! She said smiling
Me: yup i said sitting close to my reading
table, my mind werent
helping at all, i kept getting playbacks of
my conversation with dera, i knew i wasnt
willing to accept the fact that i was hurt,
somehow my heart ached and it kinda made
feel bad. Exhaling, yea i know am scared of
being idle or going to sleep becaus i was
afraid am gonna miss her
company i finally admitted to myself as i
just stared at the table
lost in thought.

Isabel: are you alright?? She asked

Me: uhmm yeah just going over a few things
stop being noisy i said as drifted all my
concentration into the book leaving no room
for thought about dera, it was begining to
look like she
occupied more of my mind
than i knew.


Mirabel: well like i said my memory was a
bit messy otherwise i’d have recalled the
scan result. So tell me all i need
to know.

Matron: she knew what happened but how
on earth was she gonna say anything to her
its gonna be a huge trouble and she wanted
no part of it. I really know nothing about
that ma’am am sure you remembered i was
not the delivery nurse.

Mirabel: smiling abit, perhaps am way too
polite. Lets get some things martha, i really
hoped you werent gonna take my niceness
for granted, if i were you i’d rather start
talking she said with straight face.

Martha: looking so shocked at the fact she
remembered her name, she was really
getting confused on what to say to her,
perhaps she
remembered a few thing so she couldnt risk
lying to her she thought but the nurse in
question is her friend.

Mirabel: get talking already she said with
raised eye brows.

Martha: i really have nothing to do with it,
but i know the nurse who
went into the delivery room with you.

Mirabel: you were there too she she said
looking at her in the eye.

Fine i’d rather talk to that nurse she said.

Martha: her name is Garet she moved to
serra rico town last year, am sure shes got
all the details you’d want to hear she said
shaking a bit.

Mirabel: looking at her am gonna send
someone over to get every
details we are gonna need to find her from
you, until then thank you
she said smiling a bit.

Martha: can i go now she asked

Mirabel: ofcourse but you have to know, i
really have zero tolerance
for pranks, you were a nice person in the
past, i wouldnt want you to
get on my bad side, it might ruin the little
nice relationship we had,
but for my daughter i really dont care.

Martha: i’d keep that in mind she said as
she left

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 37

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 39

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