MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 39

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 39

I was so engrossed in what i was reading,
reading as fast as i could given no room for
foreign thoughts, the night was already far
spent, i was begining to feel dizzy, and then
i remembered isabel was still in the room. I
turned to see what she was upto but she
was fast asleep again. So deep in sleep she
didnt look like she was gonna wake soon.
Looking at her triggered some kind of
thought’s in my head.

Me: i knew why she preffered sleeping in
my room but then i really dont feel that way
about her. I couldnt help to think how its
gonna feel like being in her shoes, atleast i
had a few moment with the one person i
needed for a while, but then what if the only
thing i could do was fantasize about her,
hoping something significant happens
between us but the only moment with her
was only in my imaginations its quite ironic.
Why am i having thoughts like this anyway i
whispered resting my head on the table as i
journeyed into sleepworld.


He woke quite early this morning, all he
thought about was a wonderful threat to
give to the lady his heart wanted. There
were lost of amazing things he thought so
he decided to just take how out to launch at
the cafeteria later today. He la!d back on
his bed smiling when his phone ringed, and
the caller was pamela.

Damian: hello sis how’re you doing?

Pamela: yeah act like you care, am sure
you’d have called a long time ago but……

Damian: ok ok ok am sorry you know have
been busy with books he said cutting her

Pamela: hahaha if you ever think for a
minute i believe that lie then you’d better

Damian: ok i get it, hope you’re getting
fatter and i hope you still remember the no
dating rule he said teasingly.

Pamela: leave me alone!! She said ending
the call.

Damian got into shower cleaned up and was
out to hang out with a few buddies.


It was morning already she stretched, as
she smiled looking at the bright light
penetrating the room. She looked and lucas
wasnt on the bed. She saw him fast asleep
resting his head on the table.

Isabel: whoa!! Dont tell me you slept on
that table because of me she let out

Me: i heard her voice and i was back from
the sleep word, was actually taking a break
i replied yarwning.

Isabel: probably i should just go, perhaps
you aint comfortable with me around.

Me: uhmm truthfully i actually need space
but its fine atleast you aint noisey i
murmured with my eyes closed as i
stretched so hard.

Isabel: well thanks for that weird
compliment i better start going.

Me: alright byee then i said as she left
shutting the door, i jumped on my bed and
this time i felt like i was gonna sleep
forever. Just then my phone rang and it was

Me: hello cutie

Pamela: seriously luke! No calls, no text
message, you just left me on my own.

Me: aaawww my bad, i thought your gonna
be way into your fun activities.
Pamela: yeah i was but that doesnt stop my
brother from calling.

Me: kinda busy with books but you know
you taught me the no call, no texting kinda
life. That aside how’re you doing.

Pamela: been holding up abit, been kinda
lonely lately.

Me: aaaww you tried chilling out more
often, you’ve really got nothing to worry
about we are gonna be home this weekend,
lets see how your gonna welcome your cute

Pamela: hahah check!! She yelled.

Me: alright alright i really need to sleep. I
said ending the call.


He woke not quite long, showered got
dressed in his basket ball outfit when his
phone rang and it was his baby sis.

Ricky: hello little witch

Pamela: ricky!! I swear call me that again
and your gonna be dead for sure.

Ricky: hahahah ok ok lets get serious your
not the type to call, tell me what are you up

Pamela: nothing just missed you

Ricky: hahaha you?? Stop kidding, you’ve
gotten a boyfriend?

Pamela: no!!!

Ricky: a crush?

Pamela: ricky get out of my line she yelled
ending the call

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 38

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 40

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