MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 37

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 37

I was out of the girls dorm, then i decided
to visit the library and perhaps read a few
books, its been a while i did any form
reading i thought as i head for the lib. Got
seated at the back with a few books i
picked up on the desk, as i read through.


Sitting in her office and she turned her seat
from left to right.

Mirabel: just a while longer milano, just
soon your gonna get what you deserve she
said out loud, when a voice popped up in
her head, what about charles? She thought,
well he hasnt really done much to hurt her
she really had nothing to do with him she
thought. Just then she remembered ashley,
she was really confused about the whole
fact what to do and how she was gonna find
her daughter, she thought for a while and
then she found an idea, the nurse who
supervised her delivery she thought, she’d
definitely have something to say to me. She
smiled at the idea, standing up
immediately, got into her limo.

Mirabel: take me home she ordered the
driver as he drove away immediately. They
drove for a while and finally they arrived at
her house she got in and collecting the
documents one of her personal security got
from the general hospital, walked back to
the car instructing the driver to take her to
the general hospital, he stepped on the
accelerator and they were on there way to
the hospital.

She made a conscious effort to look
through the file over and over to see if
she’s gonna find anything useful, perhaps
something her she never saw when she
looked through it. And before she realized
they were in front of the hospital she was
quite impressed.

Mirabel: now go inside and get me a nurse
that has worked here for atleast 10yrs she
instructed. The driver nodded as he got out
of the car and walked into the hospital.
The hospital seemed quite busy but then he
looked around for a little bit aged nurse
when he found a matron, sitted comfortable
on her seat looking into some file, from her
posture and mannerism anyone could tell
thay she has been doing this for quite a
long time.

Smith: hello ma’am

Matron: how may help you sir she said

Smith: he smiled abit, my boss wants to
talk to you for a while, it seem quite urgent
she’s outside.

Matron: am sorry she has to come in as you
can see am a little busy.

Smith: shaking his head, ma’am plsss dont
make this more difficult than it already is,
when you get to the car your gonna find out
my boss isnt the kind of person to take
others from anyone, so plsss kindly come
with me.

Matron: looking at him for a while, ok fine
lets go then, he escorted her outside to the
limo opening the back door for her to sit,
she looked at him for a while like she was
having a double thought about this.

Smith: plsss have seat he said politely. And
then she finally got in.

Mirabel: hello she said taking off her

Matron: abit shocked but quickly hid it, the
ceo of fadden’s corp she thought. Goodday
ma’am how may i help you she asked

Mirabel: handing over the file to her.

Matron: looking at it, these are paper works
that should be in the hospitals file, just
then she saw her full name, ooh it yours she

Mirabel: how long have you worked here?

Matron: over 13yrs now

Mirabel: from those document i gave birth
to a set of twins, a girl and a boy, then i
had a kind of a messed up memory and
somehow she was taken away. Thats her
name ashley, i want details about the nurse
who supervised the delivery.

Matron: shocked ma’am uhmm she

Mirabel: cutting in, wait a minute i think i
remember you she said, i saw you a few
time when i came for ante-natal’s.

Matron: smiling a bit uneasy yes you are

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 36

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 38

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