MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 36

Episode 6 years ago

MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 36


smiling as he dropped his phone on the
locker close to his bed.

Ricky: lets get into the mood he said as he
jumped out of bed slidding in the bathroom to
take he shower. Whooo-hooo he yelled as he
washed up.

Ricky: were am going to?? he paused for a
while to think about it, its just fun, fun, fun!!!
He yelled popping the foams from the soap.

As he turned on the shower in excitement.
After a while he was dressed, looking into the
mirror, nodding his head like an invisible
music was being play, as he arranged his hair
and then he was off to damian’s room. He
knocked and obviously the dude was still

Ricky: dude!!! Open up i dont have all day he
yelled when the creaked open.

Damian: dude you are so noisy!!

Ricky: shaking his head, well mum called me
after she couldnt get to you, she said your
are gonna model alongside lucas and your
supercute bro at the show down he said

Damian: oooh thats really not my thing he
said not looking happy at all.

Ricky: i get it, the only thing those head of
your is good for is spinning ladies and fight
for love right?.

Damian: well your lucky am in quite a good
mood otherwise you’d be dead, he walked
back in and shut the door.

Ricky: lazy a-s he said as he chuckled

Damian: i heard that!!!

Ricky: huuh i wasnt talking to you!! He said
as he quickly ran away.

He walked to the cafeteria smiling when he
ran into sophia.

Ricky: hello pretty he said with a smirk.

Sophia: haahaha hi handsome.

Ricky: coool now she thinks am cool too, he
said grining, i’ll buy you breakfast.

Sophia: am gonna look forward to that.

Ricky: they both walked to the cafeteria, got
breakfast and sat on an empty table. You are
really beautiful he said looking at her.

Sophia: hahaha ricky dont push your luck am
way out of your league ricky.

Ricky: come on! no lady is out of my league
he said winking.

Sophia: fine keep trying.

Ricky: huuuh!! He yelled a little bit fustrated,
you keep doing this to me ever since grade 7!

Sophia: because you are the same ricky.

Ricky: and what about lucas he said smiling

Sophia: its complicated

Ricky: yea i understand the, is complicated
kind of relationship why dont you try
something simple he said smiling a bit.

Sophia: and whats that

Ricky: give me a head and i will tell you he

Sophia: no!!

Ricky: a wet kiss!

Sophia: no!!

Ricky: fine a peck! He said abit fustrated.

Sophia: gave him a quick peck on his cheek,
now tell me.

Ricky: smiling as he touched his cheek, well i
was gonna ask you to date me because am
simple he said smiling.

Sophia: crazy ricky she said tossing the hand
towel to his face and left.

Ricky: hahahha come on i still feel good
about the kiss he said grinning.

Sophia: your crazy!!! She yelled.

Ricky: i know!!!! He yelled back smiling.


she was still on the quest of avenging her
father’s death last night was indeed a long
one she had plans of sneaking into the ware
house when she found some men talking
infront of the warehouse, with a few dark
cars parked covering them. She sneaked
behind the car leaving a recorder undernearth
the car and was back to her hide out. It was
quite a long discussion, finally they were
done, they all got into there car as they drove
out. She picked up the recorder, got into her
car and was back to her dorm. She decided to
have a short nap before listening to the piece
of information she’s gotten, but then her
body needed sleep more than she planned.

She was fast asleep till morning.

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 35

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MR. PERFECT - Season 2 - Episode 37

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